Eva at
The Caffeinated Fangirl has created a new tag AND tagged me with it! Which is perfect timing, because I was just hunting through my post drafts to see if I had any unfinished tags to share, and I didn't... but now that doesn't matter, because I have this one to fill out and share :-)
The rules for this are simple:
- Compile a list of up to ten of your favorite fandoms. Books, movies, TV shows—you name it!
- Tell us about your favorite character in each of those fandoms, along with an explanation of why that character is your favorite. (Your reasoning can be however long or short you’d like it to be.)
- Tag however many (or few) friends you’d like to participate.
- Feel free to use the tag graphic I created (but you don’t have to).
- That’s it. Short and sweet!
This is just the perfect sort of open-ended tag, isn't it?
Okay, so... let's dive into my favorite fandoms, shall we? I've narrowed down my picks to eleven, though that was really hard because I am in and love a LOT of fandoms. But these are all things where I interact with other fans based on our mutual fan-ness, as opposed to being shows/movies/series/authors that I simply am a big fan of. It's the only way I could think of to whittle my list down. (I know the tag says to do ten, but I could not leave any of these off the list and still be happy with myself. Sorry, not sorry.)
I decided to talk about them in alphabetical order by fandom because putting them in order of how much I love them would be kind of emotionally hard, and I don't have the energy today. Now you know.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003) and Angel (1999-2004)
favorite character: Angel (David Boreanaz)
I love Angel because he has chosen to focus the rest of his existence on helping others. Yes, he feels he needs to atone for several lifetimes of hurting, maiming, and terrorizing as a soulless vampire, but that's not really what drives him. He has a genuine love for helping the hopeless. And, since the two things I absolutely require in a character to like them, much less love them, are helpfulness and kindness, well, it's not surprising I love Angel. (Doesn't hurt that David Boreanaz is the handsomest man I have ever seen, of course.)
Combat! (1962-67)
favorite character: Sergeant Saunders (Vic Morrow)
In fact, Sergeant Saunders is my absolute favorite character
of all time. In any storytelling medium. Ever. He's tops. Why? Because of his unswerving commitment to doing what's right instead of what's easy, his dedication to preserving life and humanity, and his willingness to put himself in the line of fire to protect others. I wrote
this whole post a couple years ago on why he's my favorite, so if you want to know more, check that out ;-)

Jane Austen
favorite character: Anne Elliot from Persuasion
Of all the characters in this post, Anne Elliot is the one I identify the most with. She's steady, calm, quiet, reserved, helpful, kind, stubborn in her own soft way, and tends to be shy and retiring around those she doesn't know or those she isn't fond of. I love that she gets a second chance at happiness, but on her own terms.
Leverage (2008-2012)
favorite character: Eliot Spencer (Christian Kane)
Eliot, Eliot, Eliot. He sings, he cooks, he rides horses, he quotes cowboy movies, he punches people really hard, and he will leap into absolutely any dangerous situation in order to protect or rescue a child. In fact, it's probably his protective attitude toward kids that draws me to him the most. Also, he has really good hair.
Fun Fact: Christian Kane also played a regular character on Angel for a few seasons, and he and David Boreanaz are good buddies in real life.
L. M. Montgomery
favorite character: Anne Shirley
I mean, my middle child's middle name is Anne, so that might give you some idea how much I love this girl. Anne Shirley grows up an orphan in a world where orphans are valued a little more than stray animals. Maybe. She is verbally, emotionally, and physically abused by family after family who only take her in so they can have free labor to work in their houses and care for their kids. And yet, Anne does not lose her capacity to love, to wonder, to enjoy the world around her, to learn, to grow. She should be stunted emotionally forever, but her inner resilience never wavers. And, when she finally finds her own family to love and be loved by, she blooms and transforms in the most beautifully ways -- and so do they.
The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien
favorite character: Boromir
Honorable, valiant, trustworthy, loyal, kind, courageous, helpful, protective... I can go on a long time coming up with adjectives to describe Boromir. He's got so much responsibility, carrying around the weight of rescuing his people. And yet, he's always looking out for smaller and weaker people -- in the book in particular, he's always making sure the hobbits are taken care of, watched out for, considered. Is he proud? Yes. Is he human? Yes. Does he make mistakes? Yes. But he doesn't hesitate to admit his mistakes, repent of them, ask for forgiveness, and make what atonement he can. My goodness, I love him. I wrote
a post on my book blog about him a few years ago if you want to know more about why I love him so much.
Lost (2004-2010)
favorite character: James "Sawyer" Ford
I think I started to love Sawyer because Sawyer did not love himself. In fact, Sawyer spent a big chunk of Lost insisting that he was unlovable, and trying to prove it to everyone around him. Which only made me grab him harder and hold him closer. His transformation from a sweet, traumatized Southern boy who became his own worst nightmare, then gradually discovered he could become a better man after all -- that's absolutely my favorite thing about Lost.
Sherlock Holmes canon by A. Conan Doyle
favorite character: Sherlock Holmes
Whenever the "book boyfriend" question comes up, I always say mine is Sherlock Holmes. He's just so darned awesome at everything! He solves crimes, he catches bad guys, he plays the violin, he infuriates everyone around him, he has the weirdest habits and hobbies, and he just... fascinates me endlessly. I do like several portrayals of him by actors, especially Jeremy Brett (who is practically perfect in the role) and Benedict Cumberbatch, but it's the Sherlock Holmes in my head that is my favorite, the one I see and hear when I read the Canon.
Star Trek: The Original Series (1966-69)
favorite character: Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner)
Captain Kirk is so many of the things I wanted to be when I was a teen: confident, bold, strong, good-tempered, charming, and did I mention confident? Oh, how I longed for his level of confidence. I still love him now, though not so much because of all the things he is that I'm not, but because I see behind his confidence now, to the guy inside who bears so much responsibility and cares so much for the people he leads. The episodes where he lets his inner worries and fears show a little often become my favorites.
This is the only character on here that I have kind of, sort of met. He's the only one I've been able to personally say "thank you" to someone involving his creation, which is very, very special to me. You can
read that story here.
Star Wars
favorite character: Han Solo (Harrison Ford and Alden Ehrenreich)
I've been a Han Solo fan longer than I've been a Harrison Ford fan, if that makes any sense. He's another guy who swaggers around insisting he's a scoundrel, but you know he's actually a super nice guy inside. I love his character arc in the original trilogy, from opportunistic loner to loyal leader. Doesn't hurt that he gets loads and loads of quotable lines, too. I wrote
a blog post about why I love Han Solo not long ago, where I expounded on his delightfulness more.
favorite character: Wolverine
Yes, I love Hugh Jackman in the role for the movies. But I loved Wolverine for quite a few years before they even started talking about making the first X-Men movie. He made guest appearances in several issues of the
Spider-Man Magazine, and I could not get enough of this cigar-chomping, ornery, mean, bossy, lonely sweetheart of a superhero. I do love him in the movies a LOT, but I also love to read the Essential Wolverine comic book compilations (I have the first 5 and need the last 2 yet). He's endlessly wonderful. Because, underneath that extremely unlikable exterior is the kindest and most helpful superhero I have ever found. I even
wrote a sonnet about him once.
Things we have learned from this list: Hamlette has a type, and that type is protective warriors. Also, every single person on this list is resilient. They go through sometimes unimaginable and awful things and come through stronger than ever. I'm not sure I ever noticed that second thing before, regarding favorite characters of mine. Interesting!