It's always fun to see a new take on a favorite old story. I have read
Ophelia by Lisa Klein (
read my review here) twice, and I very much enjoy the way Klein reimagines
Hamlet from Ophelia's perspective while also putting a few spins on the story that draw from other Shakespeare plays.
When Ophelia (Daisy Ridley) is still fairly young, Queen Gertrude (Naoimi Watts) takes her in and helps her learn to be a lady-in-waiting. Ophelia's father Polonius (Dominic Mafham) is pleased by this because he hopes it will help advance his career, as he is a new advisor to King Hamlet (Nathaniel Parker).
Until he goes away to further his education in Paris, Ophelia's brother Laertes (Tom Felton) helps her learn to read and learn things from the books kept locked in the library, which girls aren't supposed to enter. The other ladies-in-waiting are not kind to Ophelia because she is a commoner, but the fact that she can read endears her to Queen Gertrude, who has Ophelia read aloud to her when she is bored.
Eventually, Prince Hamlet (George MacKay) returns from his own studies abroad with his friend Horatio (Devon Terrell). Ophelia and Hamlet flirt and hesitantly begin to fall in love, but Hamlet and Horatio must return to their studies in Wittenberg, and Ophelia must stay at Elsinore.
Queen Gertrude allows herself to become distracted by her husband's brother, Claudius (Clive Owen). Distracted from what? Loneliness, fear of aging, and worry that her husband is more interested in politics than in her, basically. When King Hamlet dies mysteriously and suddenly, Prince Hamlet and Horatio return for his funeral, but arrive only in time to witness the queen's remarriage. She weds Claudius, who is then declared King of Denmark, an elected role, but one that would probably have gone to the prince if his uncle had not stepped up to the throne before Hamlet could return.

Hamlet tries to figure out the truth behind his father's death and Ophelia tries to help Gertrude, who may be in danger from her new husband. Gertrude has sent Ophelia several times to visit a healer and potions maker (also Naomi Watts) who lives in the woods outside the castle. Ophelia tries to bolster the queen with her own courage and optimism, but Gertrude relies more and more on tinctures and potions from the woman in the woods.
SPOILER ALERT for the next paragraph because this story DEVIATES from Shakespeare's version, so the following things may be surprises.
Ophelia and Hamlet get married in secret. Ophelia tries to convince Hamlet to run off and start a new life with her, but he becomes increasingly determined to find out if his uncle killed his father. In the end, Ophelia chooses to leave without him, with Horatio's help, and she is able to escape the madness in Elsinore.
This is a very, very pretty movie. The costumes are lavish and lovely, especially the dresses worn by Gertrude and her ladies-in-waiting.
I like that the ladies tend to wear the same clothing over and over, with different accessories or slight alterations. That seems very realistic, much more so than everyone having a different outfit for every scene.
Elsinore is stately inside and out.
Some of the staging and cinematography is particularly striking. Here is King Hamlet, being prepared for burial. If you click on the image, you can see it larger, and you'll notice how many skulls are in this shot. It's a small detail, but really cool.
The opening shot of the film is particularly cool because it deliberately recreates
the famous painting Ophelia by Sir John Everett Millais.
Anyway, time to talk a bit about the characters and how they are portrayed!
Daisy Ridley's Ophelia refers to herself as being headstrong and willful, but I mostly get the sense that she simply cares very deeply about the people around her. She doesn't let other people make up her mind for her, but she does take their opinions into consideration. She's a sweet and loving daughter and sister, and tries to be a loyal servant to the queen, but she is mostly very lonely. The other ladies-in-waiting pick on her and tease her and shun her, and so of course she is warmed and charmed by Hamlet paying attention to her.
George MacKay's Hamlet is at times stubborn, at times clueless, and at times very tender and affectionate. Which is how I like my Hamlets. He's the kind of mess we all have been in our late teens and early twenties, only he's been plopped into a horrific situation and has no good guidance for how to react to it. I like how playful this Hamlet can be, and how much he does appear to care about Ophelia.
However, the romance between Hamlet and Ophelia leaves me feeling something is lacking. In the book, there is a lot of time spent developing their friendship, affection, and love. In the movie, they dance once and have a couple of conversations and arguments, and then they're pledging eternal love all of a sudden. I wish the filmmakers had spent another ten minutes on showing their relationship deepening, or even given us a five-minute montage of them enjoying hanging out together and getting to know each other. That's my one real quibble about this film -- the book is much better in that regard.
Tom Felton's Laertes is studious and earnest. I love that he teaches Ophelia to read and sneaks her into the library. He definitely has some hotheaded tendencies, which works well for the ending. He's not a favorite Laertes for me, but I like him.
Devon Terrell's Horatio deserves more screen time. He's much more important in the book, and becomes an ally for Ophelia. Here, he mostly hangs out on the sidelines. What time he gets is very nice, though -- he's a bit playful, has big dreams for the future, and is a good friend to Hamlet.
Naomi Watts's Gertrude is a mess, but she's meant to be -- she's like a cautionary tale of what can happen to a woman if she believes her value as a person is tied to her looks and how much other people like her.
Clive Owens's Claudius is scary. I usually find Owens quite handsome, but he's harsh and unpleasant for most of this film. He's definitely doing the hulking villain thing to the utmost.
Dominic Mafham's Polonius is the nicest Polonius I have ever seen. He has a kindly relationship with both Ophelia and Laertes, though he's a bit distant -- but they have a lovely family dynamic, obviously caring about one another even if they don't always know how to show it. Ophelia gives him a sweet little kiss on the cheek at one point, and he smiles so sweetly. Though he does think that Ophelia's being a lady-in-waiting and then attracting the prince's attention are both things that can advance his career, this Polonius does not use his daughter as a pawn the way some do.

One random tiny thing I love about this movie: Nathaniel Parker playing King Hamlet. He played Laertes in the 1990 movie starring Mel Gibson. He was my first Laertes, and a big part of why I love that character so much. That makes it extra 'specially awesome to see him here in a different role! He's an interesting Hamlet too -- warm one moment and distrustful the next. I'd love to have seen more of him, as I think they could have fleshed him out a bit more.
Also a random side note: Naomi Watts is married to Liev Schreiber in real life, and Liev Schreiber plays my favorite Laertes ever, in the version of Hamlet (2000) starring Ethan Hawke. This also makes me happy.
Is this movie family friendly? Um, it's not really appropriate for kids, as there is a short love scene (no nudity, and the couple is married), there's a witch character with some mildly creepy stuff in her home, and there's some poisoning and stabbing and so on. Fine for older teens, depending on the teen?
I have an ongoing series called
Hamlet Comparisons where I like to rate the various characters as portrayed in different adaptations and productions of
Hamlet. Here's how I'd rate these:
Hamlet: A
Horatio: A-
Laertes: A-
Ophelia: A
Claudius: A-
Gertrude: A-
Polonius: A-
Overall Production: A
This has been my contribution to the It's in the Name of the Title Blogathon hosted this week by Gill from
Realweegiemidget Reviews and Rebecca from
Taking Up Room.