Blogs I Dig

Here are a whole lot of blogs I love to read.  Most of them are movie-oriented or book-oriented.  Click on their buttons to visit!






(Paddy Lee)





(Sally Silverscreen)









(Grace and Katherine)












(Deborah Koren)

(Metzinger Sisters)





  1. That is so sweet of you to include me! Thank you!

  2. Rachel, I'm WAY late to the game, but I wanted to pop over and say THANK YOU so much for the shout out. I appreciate this so much, and always enjoy your thoughtful comments and visits to your lovely fangirl blog. :)

    1. Rissi, you're not that late! I just transferred this list to this page from my sidebar a couple months ago :-) You're welcome!

  3. Thanks for these recommendations!

    1. You're welcome, Astraya! I really need to go through here and clean up some of the blogs that aren't active anymore, and add some I've started following more recently. I happen to have ten minutes free right now, so your comment has inspired me to get started on that!

    2. Glad to be of assistance! (Also, THANK YOU for adding me! It really means a lot ;P)


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