Behold! Before thy very eyes thou seest the prizes which, most verily, I do intend to give away to ten most lucky winners!
This giveaway is open WORLD-WIDE! Here are all the pertinent details about the various prizes, along with close-up photos and so on.
There are THREE bookmark prizes, one each to three winners. Two of those are single, sturdy bookmarks; one says "Though she be but little, she is fierce," and one has a collection of common sayings that we owe to Shakespeare. The third bookmark prize is a booklet of twelve Shakespeare bookmarks, each depicting a scene from a play with a famous line on the back.
There are THREE small sticker prizes, one each to three winners. One is a word cloud of lines from Shakespeare that involve love, one is a heart-shaped word cloud of words about Shakespeare, and one is a lot of pretty flowers with the line, "Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none" on it.
ONE tiny book called William Shakespeare: The Complete Plays in One Sitting. This is adorable, and a fun, fast overview of his plays.
TWO other books, one each to two winners.
Brush Up Your Shakespeare! by Michael Macrone is hardcover, but lacks a dust jacket. I bought it used, but it's in very nice shape. It's all about famous phrases from Shakespeare, common and uncommon words he coined, things we misattribute to him, and even titles of other books borrowed from his works. I have a copy of this book myself, and it's lots of fun. It's a charming reference work, but also enjoyable to simply read through.
A Brief Guide to William Shakespeare Without the Boring Bits by Peter Ackroyd is just what it sounds like -- a brief explanation and exploration of each of his plays, with character lists and history behind their writing and performances.
ONE copy of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet: A Coloring Classic, which has gorgeous pictures to color. Here are two examples of its interior:
This giveaway runs through the end of Saturday, February 16, 2019. I will choose the winners on Sunday, Feb. 17 and post them here, as well as notify the winners via the email addresses you provide to the giveaway widgets when you enter.
Please make sure you use an email address you check often. If I don't hear back from you by Sunday, February 24, I will disqualify you and pick a different winner for what was to have been your prize.
The widget will ask you to leave a comment with your choices of prizes. I do not guarantee that, if you win, you will receive one of the prizes you chose. I try to match people up with things they want the best I can, but sometimes I just can't do it. If there's anything you DO NOT WANT, PLEASE SAY SO in your comment as well.
Don't forget to fill out the blog tag and check out the master post for all the different posts people are contributing all week! I'll be providing a couple of games over the next few days, so check back now and then to see what's new!
Sunday, February 10, 2019
Agree or disagree? That is the question...
Comments on old posts are always welcome! Posts older than 7 days are on moderation to dissuade spambots, so if your comment doesn't show up right away, don't worry -- it will once I approve it.
(Rudeness and vulgar language will not be tolerated.)
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"Leave a comment on this post telling me which three prizes you like best." If I were lucky enough to win, I think my top three choices would be: (1). "William Shakespeare: The Complete Plays in One Sitting." (2). "A Brief Guide to William Shakespeare Without the Boring Bits." (3). Booklet of twelve Shakespeare bookmarks.
ReplyDeleteTo use extremely non-Shakespearian language, "Cool Beans!" I believe that my top three choices would be: any of the stickers, any of the bookmarks, or the "Shakespeare Without the Boring Bits" book. :)
ReplyDeleteSuch great prizes!
ReplyDelete1.) "William Shakespeare: The Complete Plays in One Sitting
2.) " A Brief Guide To William Shakespeare Without the Boring Bit"
3.) The Romeo and Juiet coloring book
Hey! Love how pretty much all your giveaways are at least partially international. ;)
ReplyDeleteTop three would be the Complete Plays in One Sitting, the bookmarks (any of them), and Brush Up Your Shakespeare!
Incidentally, I DON'T want the Romeo and Juliet coloring book bc my grandfather bought it for me a while ago. :D
I can't figure out how to leave a comment on the preferences section. Sign me up for either of the two text books, please. The coloring book and the rest you can give to someone else.
ReplyDeleteIf I were to get anything I would like any of the bookmarks, stickers, or books! The only thing I don't want is the coloring book, because I already have too many!