Wednesday, June 24, 2015

In Memory of James Horner

In memory of James Horner, who died on Monday, I wrote a post about one of my favorite scores, The Mask of Zorro (1998) for James the Movie Reviewer.  It's up here.


  1. Just last night, my mom told me she'd heard on the radio about James Horner's death. :-( He composed some of my favorite movie soundtracks, like Legends of the Fall and Glory and Titanic.

    1. He composed many of my favorites too, and I'm so sad that all that ends now.

  2. I was devastated about this news--his score for A Beautiful Mind has been a favorite of mine for over five years! :(

    1. I haven't listened to that one, Jamie, but I'll add it to my list of ones to seek out on YouTube or elsewhere.

  3. I was bummed. Love his music.

  4. Aww. That's terribly sad. I've just been getting into his music too - listening to my dad's Titanic soundtrack and the Braveheart one (which I found at a thrift store, thought I'd give it a try, and loved it).

    1. I listened to "Braveheart" a lot for a while. I have yet to hear a soundtrack of his that I didn't enjoy.

  5. His music will live on forever. RIP.

    1. Good point, Tom. At least we do have what he's already written.

  6. Speaking of Titanic, did you know there was a made-for-TV movie called "Britannic", focusing on the sinking of Titanic's sister ship in WW1, featuring a cart load of British B-listers (Amanda Ryan, John Rhys-Davies, Edward Atterton, etc.) and the worst CGI you've ever seen. The filmmakers reimagined the ship's sinking as a German-Irish terrorist operation, with lots of shootouts between Ryan as an independent MI6 agent (who also experienced trauma from, guess what, surviving the Titanic!) and Atterton as a conflicted and troubled German spy. Directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith of Leprechaun in Space! It is available on youtube. Just thought it can make an interesting review if you were interested.

    1. I've vaguely heard of Britannic before, probably because of John Rhys-Davies.


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