Monday, February 10, 2025

Giveaway for We Love Musicals Week

Behold the prizes for my We Love Musicals Week giveaway!

Prize One:  a used DVD copy of Guys and Dolls (1955) starring Frank Sinatra, Marlon Brando, and Jean Simmons 

Prize Two:  a used DVD copy of Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) starring Judy Garland (two-disc special edition)

Prize Three:  a used DVD copy of Holiday Inn (1942) starring Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire

Prize Four:  a used DVD copy of Oklahoma! (1999) starring Hugh Jackman (a British stage version filmed and shown on TV)

Prize Five:  a Newsies sticker sheet

Prize Six:  a My Fair Lady vinyl sticker

Please note that all four DVDs are used -- I tested them out in my DVD player to see if they load and play, but I can't guarantee they'll work for you.

I will award one each of these prizes to six different people. This giveaway is open WORLDWIDE.

Enter this giveaway using this widget:

Rules and Regulations:

This giveaway will end at 11:59pm EST on Friday, February 14, 2024. I'll draw six winners on Saturday, February 15, and announce them here on my blog that day, as well as alert them by the email the winners provided to the widget. Use an email address you check often!  If I don't receive a response from a winner by Saturday, February 22, that winner will be disqualified and I'll draw another. 

This giveaway is open worldwide to anyone living in any country where the USPS delivers. I am not responsible for the activities of any postal service -- I will send off your prize in the condition shown above, but its arrival condition is not something I can control. 

To enter, must be 18+ or have parent's permission to provide a mailing address. Void where prohibited. Not affiliated with Blogger, Google, or the USPS. I purchased all these prizes, they were not donated or solicited in any way. I will use your email and mailing addresses solely for the purpose of this giveaway. They will not be saved by me to use another way or provided to anyone else. 

You will note that some of the ways to enter involving participating in the blog party. More information on how to participate is in the kick-off post!


  1. Great giveaways! My prize preferences are: 2, 3, and 6

  2. My preferences are 1,2,4

    1. Anonymous, can you identify yourself with initials or something here so I know who you are? If your name is drawn as a winner, I can't match your prize preferences to you if I don't know who you are.

  3. Replies
    1. Totally counts! Might be the only game I host for this party, unless inspiration strikes me later today.

  4. A DVD treasure trove! My top preferences are 1, 5, 6, though I'd love any of them except 4. ^_^

  5. My prize order would be 2, 4, 6

  6. What a fun giveaway! I’d love the Holiday Inn dvd. I played the guess the film by song game, I didn’t do too well though, I only got 4 lol

    1. Hey, as long as you had fun, that's what matters, right?


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