Monday, February 10, 2025

We Love Musicals Week -- Kick-off and Tag

Welcome to We Love Musicals Week!  Together, we can spend five whole days celebrating everything we love about musicals, whether they're on film or on the stage.

Remember to use one of the party buttons in your own posts, and to link back here so your blog readers can visit the party too.  Also, please remember to keep your posts family friendly and celebratory.  If you don't like musicals, that's okay -- you are free to ignore our partying.  Just, please, don't bring around a cloud to rain on our parade :-)

Whenever you create a post for this week's party, add a link to it using this widget:

Make sure you check out posts from other participants!  And don't forget to check out (and enter) my giveaway.

Also, here's the official party tag, which you can fill out on your own blog!  It's a handy way to participate even if you don't have time or ideas for a different sort of post.

The We Love Musicals Tag

1.  What are your favorite musicals?  (Tell us a top 3 to 5, that sort of thing.)
2.  What do you like about musicals?
3.  What's the first musical you can remember seeing?
4.  Have you ever seen a live musical onstage?
5.  Have you ever performed in a musical?
6.  Do you periodically dance about and burst into song in real life?
7.  What's the newest movie musical you've seen?
8.  What's the oldest movie musical you've seen?
9.  What's the last musical you watched?
10.  What musical do you hope to watch for the first time soon?


  1. Hi there, sorry I appear to have added mine twice - it didn't show the first time... also it's a post on "Marvel at These Actresses’ Musical Moments" but I got cut off... can you please alter my entries to just the one for this post. Thanks - and now off to check out the tag...

  2. Thanks again for the party - I'm really looking forward to this :D

  3. Just added my first post! I'm loving the party so far!

  4. Replies
    1. Very cool, Gill :-D I hope to spend some time this evening catching up on posts.

  5. Hi Rachel, this looks like fun! Would it be possible for me to add a post on Camelot (1967)?

    1. Muse, that sounds awesome! I love that movie and its soundtrack! Especially the song "Guinevere," which gives me such goosebumps.

  6. I added my post. I ended up writing about Carmen Miranda!

    1. Kayla, oh, that's really fun! I look forward to reading it :-)

  7. Hi, Rachel! Sorry my post isn't in yet. I'll have it by noon tomorrow, probably.

    1. That's okay -- I haven't finished tallying up scores and choosing giveaway winners yet, either.


Agree or disagree? That is the question...

Comments on old posts are always welcome! Posts older than 7 days are on moderation to dissuade spambots, so if your comment doesn't show up right away, don't worry -- it will once I approve it.

(Rudeness and vulgar language will not be tolerated.)