Saturday, February 15, 2025

We Love Musicals Week -- Giveaway Winners + Wrap Up

Well, here we are at the end of another blog party.  This was such a fun one!  I'm still catching up on reading posts, but the ones I've read so far have been lovely :-)

If you have any last-minute posts you want to contribute, you are not too late!  Here's the link-up widget once again:

And here are the winners of the giveaway:

Prize One:  used DVD copy of Guys and Dolls (1955) -- Chloe the Movie Critic

Prize Two:  a used DVD copy of Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) -- Ivy Miranda

Prize Three:  a used DVD copy of Holiday Inn (1942) -- Amanda O.

Prize Four:  a used DVD copy of Oklahoma! (1999) -- Crystan R.

Prize Five:  a Newsies sticker sheet -- Nicole B.

Prize Six:  a My Fair Lady vinyl sticker -- Gill J.

I will be alerting the winners by email this evening, so please keep an eye on your inboxes!

I hope you've all had lots of fun this week!  


  1. Thank you so much for the giveaway! I was totally celebrating when I got your email : )

    This party was awesome! Thanks for hosting!

    1. You're welcome, Ivy Miranda! Glad you had fun :-)

  2. Thank you for the party, Rachel, it was so much fun!

    1. Thanks for joining in, Hopeful Pen! I'm glad you enjoyed this :-)

  3. I have not participated in this blogathon... or have I? I have been watching a few more musicals this month, the last being Anchors Aweigh. I believe you have inspired this. Thanks Hamlette.

    1. VT, well, that's a pretty fun way to participate from the sidelines! It's been a coon's age since I watched Anchors Aweigh myself. But I remember it being good fun :-D Same for On the Town! Though I always liked It's Always Fair Weather best of the three.

  4. I'm sad I missed this party while I was traveling! I'm really looking forward to digging through all these awesome posts now :D

    1. Katie, that is a bummer, all right! I'm still reading through posts myself, so we can be party-afterglow buddies :-)


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