Tuesday, February 11, 2025

What Musical is That Song From? Game

Ready to play a game?  Listed below are two songs each from twelve famous musicals.  All you have to do is tell me which musical goes with each pair! 

I will put comments on moderation this morning so people can't be tempted to cheat off each other.  I'll share the answers and scores at the end of We Love Musicals Week.

Have fun!

1.  "Defying Gravity" and "Popular"

2.  "Lonesome Polecat" and "Spring, Spring, Spring"

3.  "It Might as Well be Spring" and "It's a Grand Night for Singing"

4.  "Sisters" and "Count Your Blessings"

5.  "It Ain't Necessarily So" and "Summertime"

6.  "Do-Re-Mi" and "Edelweiss"

7.  "This is Me" and "Tightrope"

8.  "Good Mornin'" and "You Are My Lucky Star"

9.  "Sit Down, You're Rockin' the Boat" and "Luck Be a Lady"

10.  "On the Street Where You Live" and "The Rain in Spain"

11.  "All I Ask of You" and "Music of the Night"

12.  "King of New York" and "Santa Fe"


  1. 1. Wicked
    2. Wow, no idea. XD I feel like "Lonesome Polecat" is a clue...Annie Get Your Gun?
    3. These are big titles...and I don't recognize either of them. State Fair?
    4. White Christmas
    5. I know "Summertime" is a big one...but I don't remember because I've never seen it. Funny Girl?
    6. The Sound of Music
    7. The Greatest Showman
    8. Singin' in the Rain
    9. These have such an old-timey sound I can almost hear them...but not quite. I'm going to kick myself when you say what it is...
    10. My Fair Lady
    11. The Phantom of the Opera
    12. Newsies

    That was so hard! Very fun, Hamlette!

  2. These are the only ones I know (or think I know?) --
    5. Porgy and Bess
    6. The Sound of Music
    8. Meet Me in St Louis ?
    9. Guys and Dolls ?
    10. My Fair Lady
    11. Phantom of the Opera

  3. 1. "Defying Gravity" and "Popular" - Wicked

    2. "Lonesome Polecat" and "Spring, Spring, Spring" - Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

    3. "It Might as Well be Spring" and "It's a Grand Night for Singing"

    4. "Sisters" and "Count Your Blessings" - White Christmas

    5. "It Ain't Necessarily So" and "Summertime"

    6. "Do-Re-Mi" and "Edelweiss" - The Sound of Music

    7. "This is Me" and "Tightrope" - The Greatest Showman

    8. "Good Mornin'" and "You Are My Lucky Star" - Singin' In the Rain

    9. "Sit Down, You're Rockin' the Boat" and "Luck Be a Lady"

    10. "On the Street Where You Live" and "The Rain in Spain" - My Fair Lady

    11. "All I Ask of You" and "Music of the Night" - The Phantom of The Opera

    12. "King of New York" and "Santa Fe" - Newsies

  4. 1. Wicked
    2. The Music Man
    3. The Music Man
    4. White Christmas
    5. The Music Man
    6. The Sound of Music>/I>
    7. The Greatest Showman
    8. Singin' In the Rain
    9. Guys and Dolls
    10. My Fair Lady
    11. The Phantom of the Opera
    12. Newsies

  5. I only know 3 out of the 12, lol!
    1. Wicked. 6. The Sound of Music. 7. The Greatest Showman.

  6. What a great game!!
    1. Wicked
    2. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
    3. State Fair
    4. White Christmas
    5. Porgy and Bess
    6. The Sound of Music
    7. The Greatest Showman
    8. Singing in the Rain
    9. Guys and Dolls
    10. My Fair Lady
    11. Newsies

  7. Ooh, how fun!!

    1. Wicked
    2. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
    3. State Fair
    4. White Christmas
    5. Carousel
    6. Sound Of Music
    7. The Greatest Showman
    8. Singin' in the Rain
    9. ?
    10. My Fair Lady
    11. Phantom of the Opera
    12. Newsies

    Thanks for hosting such a fun party!!

  8. I know three, maybe four without googling, which I find cheating ;) I think those are the easy ones:
    2 Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
    6 The Sound of Music
    8 Singing in the Rain
    10 My Fair Lady

  9. Oh boy... I only know some of these!

    1. Wicked
    4. White Christmas
    6. Sound of Music
    7. The Greatest Showman
    8. Singing in the Rain
    9. Guys and Dolls
    10. My Fair Lady
    11. Phantom of the Opera

    That's all I can guess or know!

  10. 1, The Greatest Show, 2. Cats, 3. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, 4. Sister Act, 5 Porgy and Bess, 6. The Sound of Music, 7. The Greatest Showman, 8. Singin in the Rain, 9. Funny Lady , 10 My Fair Lady, 11, The Phantom of the Opera and 12. Guys and Dolls.

  11. 1: Wicked
    2: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
    4: White Christmas
    5: This one is bugging me, because I feel like I *should* know...
    6: The Sound of Music
    7: The Greatest Showman
    8: Singin' in the Rain
    10: My Fair Lady
    11: Phantom of the Opera

  12. Ok I don’t know many, but 4 is White Christmas, 6 is The Sound of Music, 8 is Singin in the Rain


Agree or disagree? That is the question...

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