Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sunset Time for LOWCW 2024 + Giveaway Winners!

All good things come to an end eventually, and what better day to end this year's Legends of Western Cinema Week celebration than on the National Day of the Cowboy?

If you haven't had a chance to submit your post for this year's party, you can still do that!  Here's that link-up widget one more time for your convenience.

Or, if you're like me and haven't finished reading everyone's posts yet, now you don't have to scroll all the way back down to my kick-off post to find them :-)

Finally, here are the winners for my giveaway!

First Prize (DVDs of High Noon, Gunfight at the OK Corral, and Shane) -- Kylie H.
Second Prize (sticker pack) -- Andrea B.
Third Prize (coloring book) -- Heidi P.

Congrats to you winners!  Check your inboxes because I'll be emailing you about shipping off your prizes.


  1. Farewell to this delightful shindig for another year! :D


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