Wednesday, July 03, 2024

A Profile of... Me?

You may have noticed that I am now a member of the CMBA, aka the Classic Movie Blog Association.  I had wanted to join for years, but thought that, because I post about a lot of things besides classic movies (such as modern movies, writing, crafting, gardening, life in general...), I wasn't eligible.  But after encouragement from a CMBA member, I went ahead and applied for membership, and they accepted me a couple months ago!  I'm so chuffed, because so many wonderful movie blogs I love to read are members of it too.

The CMBA has an official blog of its own, and they spotlight an association member every month.  This month, they are spotlighting ME!  So if you want to read my rambly answers to their questions about movies and blogging, plus a random fact about me (that relates to classic movies) that I haven't really shared often (at least, not for a long, long time), you can read that profile right here.

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading all about you! I may not always comment, but I thoroughly enjoy your blog and your thoughtful enthusiasm!


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