Monday, August 05, 2024

"Prairie Tales" on Tour + Launch Goodies!

If you buy a copy of Prairie Tales, Volume One as a paperback or an ebook anytime before the end of August, 2024, you are eligible to get a packet of book launch goodies!  Those include:
  • one bookmark featuring a closeup of the cover art depicting a woman reading
  • one sticker that looks like a camping mug with Once Upon a Western facts on it
  • one sticker depicting symbols from the five fairy tales retold as full books in the OUAW series

Want a set of those goodies?  Enter your info into this form by August 31, and you'll get them!  They are available worldwide.

Now, about that book tour!  The Prairie Tales book launch tour begins today, and here is a full schedule of events for the week, with links to the participating blogs and accounts, as applicable:

I have color-coded that a bit so you can see the different sorts of tour stops a bit more easily.  Please note that the times of the live events on the 6th, 7th, and 8th are all Eastern Time.

If you want to buy a signed copy of Prairie Tales (or any of my other books), you can always do that by filling out this form.  When you do, I'll email you to discuss your payment and shipping.

Advance reviews are coming in!  Check these out:


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