Saturday, February 11, 2017

I Love Austen Week -- The Giveaways

Time for the giveaways!  Yes, there are two of them, with multiple prizes each.  One giveaway is open world-wide, and one is open to people with US addresses only.  (I don't really care if you live in the USA or not -- if you live elsewhere, but have a friend who lives here and is willing to have your prize shipped to them and then will send it to you, that totally would work -- but I can't afford to send these overseas.)

Both giveaways run through the end of Friday, February 17, 2017.  I will choose the winners on Feb. 18 and post them here, as well as notify the winners via the email addresses you provide to the giveaway widgets when you enter.  Please make sure you use an email address you check often.  If I don't hear back from you by Saturday, February 25, I will disqualify you and pick a different winner for what was to have been your prize.

Both giveaway widgets will ask you to leave a comment with your choices of prizes.  I do not guarantee that, if you win, you will receive one of the prizes you chose.  I try to match people up with things they want the best I can, but sometimes I just can't do it.  If there's anything you DO NOT WANT, such as a movie or book you already own, PLEASE SAY SO in your comment as well.

Let's start with the world-wide giveaway!  No matter where you live in the world, inside or outside the USA, you may enter this giveaway.  Here's a closer look at the prizes, and explanations thereof.

+ One set of 5 "Jane Austen Coloring Bookmarks" with artwork by Chrissy Lau.  The whole set will go to one lucky winner.

+ Four sets of Jane Austen stickers!  One set of stickers will go to each of 4 lucky winners.  Each winner of a sticker set will receive one sticker that says "Austenite" and one that bears a quotation.

#1 "The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel must be intolerably stupid."
#2 "Obstinate, headstrong girl."
#3 "I would rather have nothing but tea."
#4 "My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me."

+ Two sets of Jane Austen bookmarks!  I bought these from the Etsy shop Castle on the Hill, and I will send two lucky winners each a set of all three of these bookmarks.

Enter the world-wide giveaway via this widget:

Now for the US-only giveaway!  Like I said, I can only ship these to US addresses.  Please don't enter this giveaway if you would need me to ship them overseas, because I just can't do it.  Here's a closer look at these prizes, and some explanations.

+ Letters from Pemberley and More Letters from Pemberley by Jane Dawkins.  Both books will go to one lucky winner, as I don't want to split this set up.  I've read both of these, and reviewed the first one here.  Both are clean and enjoyable -- I would rate them both "G" if they were movies.  These are used copies -- I bought them used and read them each once, but they are in like-new condition.

+ Persuasion (1995) on DVD.  This is a used copy -- it works in my DVD player, but I make no guarantees about whether it will work for you.  It is a Region 1 disc, and as such, won't work in players outside the US and Canada.  This adaptation stars Amanda Root as Anne Elliot and Ciaran Hinds as Captain Wentworth.  I reviewed it here, if you want to know more about it.  It is rated PG and does have a couple instances of swearing, but nothing else objectionable.

+ Four other books!  These will go to four lucky winners, one to each.  They are as follows:

The Jane Austen Guide to Life by Lori Smith.  I reviewed this book here.  I would rate it PG-13 for non-explicit discussions about adult activities.  This is a used copy in excellent condition -- it looks new.

Jane Austen's Little Advice Book by Cathryn Michon and Pamela Norris.  It's entirely composed of quotations from Austen's writings and letters grouped under various subject headings.  I would rate it PG.  This is an ex-library copy, as you can see in the picture below.  It's not in the greatest condition, as the binding is broken at the very front, but it's still really fun to read.

Jane Austen:  Her Complete Novels in One Sitting by Jennifer Kasius.  As you can see from the photo, this is tiny and cute!  It has a synopsis for each of Austen's six novels, a short biography, and lots of pictures.  This book is brand-new.

The Pursuit of Mary Bennet by Pamela Mingle.  This is a follow-up to Pride and Prejudice, and I reviewed it here.  I would rate it PG-13 for discussions of childbirth, mild sexual situations, and a few curse words.  This is a used copy -- I bought it new and read it once, so it is in like-new condition.

Enter the US-only giveaway via this widget:


  1. I would love to win those Castle on the Hill bookmarks! It's one of my favorite Etsy shops :D

  2. I love the Jane Austen stickers, especially #3 and #1. :)

  3. I'd love the DVD of "Persuasion". One of my favorite adaptations. I also like the coloring bookmarks, and you've intrigued me with your review of "Jane Austen's Guide to Life". Honestly, all the prizes look fantastic!

  4. I like the looks of "The Pursuit of Mary Bennet", "The Jane Austen Guide to Life", and the "Letters from Pemberly" set!

  5. This is so much fun!! I really love the Jane Austen stickers--especially the one that says "I would rather have nothing but tea." :-)

  6. Books and a movie: I would hope to win "Jane Austen's Guide To Life." (As for the small Jennifer Kasius book, I bought it just last night, since I became interested in it when I saw it months ago at your other site.)

  7. Bookmarks and stickers: I would most like to win the Castle On the Hill bookmarks, but any prize would be great! Thank you for the contests!

  8. I'd prefer the coloring bookmarks (what a fun idea) first or the other bookmarks second. I seem to be a bookmark collector; I won JA quote bookmarks in another party, I always buy bookmarks at Half Price, I've received bookmarks as gifts . . . and yet I am still working on using them and not grabbing any slip or scrap of paper laying about!

  9. Oh, and for the other giveaway, the Persuasion. Pass my entry on if someone else picked that.

  10. Oh, what a deligthful giveaway! I can't believe I missed your I Love Austen just got too busy! {{smileS}}
    Thankfully, Elanor came to the rescue and tagged me in the Austen here I am enjoying a whole bunch of Jane Austen loveliness this rainy morning! Please count me in the worldwide giveaway, if I may? I love everything you are offering, Hamlette...anything Austen-ish is right up my alley! {{big smiles}}
    Thank you so much for are so generous!
    Aww...I just recently watched Persuasion with Amanda Root as Anne Elliot and loved it...I much prefer it to the more recent one with Sally Hawkins...I found it online! Yay!
    Happy Austen week!

    1. Kelly-Anne, you didn't miss it! You got here just in time! Yay :-D

      I prefer this version of Persuasion too, though I also enjoy much of the 2007 too.

      Happy Austen Week!

  11. I would love to win any of the books or Persuasion movie!

  12. Ooh, this looks fun! Can't wait to read all the great posts this week. I like the #4 sticker that says "My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me" and the "Jane Austen Guide to Life". :)

  13. Worldwide... 1) bookmarks, 2) stickers, 3) coloring bookmarks
    U.S. only... 1) Persuasion, 2) Letters from Pemberly and More Letters from Pemberly, 3) Jane Austen's Little Advice Book
    Thank you for doing this! Hopefully I can get up a post this week because as you know there is little I love more than Austen! :)

  14. These are such neat prizes! Here are my preferences. :)

    For the worldwide giveaway: the stickers--especially #3 or #4--then the bookmarks from Castle on the Hill.

    For the US-only giveaway: the Letters from Pemberley set, or "Jane Austen: Her Complete Novels in One Sitting."

  15. I'd love to win the Persuasion DVD because everyone says this one's the best and I haven't seen it yet! *collapses* XD Lovely blog part, btw! I hope to join in on the tag soon... :)

    1. Thanks, Deborah! I look forward to reading your tag :-)

  16. My favorite prizes are the little tiny book and anything from the world-wide contest.

  17. My favorite prize for the bookmarks & stickers are the 3 Jane Austen bookmarks from Castle on the Hill (love her illustrations!).

  18. I love the bookmarks with Austen's heroines drawn on them! So pretty. And also the tiny little Austen book. It's teeny and cute!

    Looks like this has been a busy and fun week for Austen lovers! Thanks for all the prep and awesomeness, Hamlette. :)

  19. Oh my, these prizes are delightful! I love them all! Now if I had to choose a favorite...I would say the Castle on the Hill bookmarks from the worldwide giveaway and the Letters from Pemberley set from the US giveaway. (The one prize I would NOT want is The Pursuit of Mary Bennet, just because of some of the content. ^_^)

    Sorry I haven't been around usual. *coughs* The I Love Austen Week looks like it was so much fun! It's too bad I had to be taking a blogging hiatus during it. :/

    1. Mary Horton, yes! What lousy timing on our part, huh? Having an Austen blog week and a hiatus coincide this way. Oops!

  20. What an exciting giveaway!

    My first choice would be the Letters From Pemberley set.


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