Tuesday, August 08, 2023

A Sunshine Blogger Award :-)

Katherine and Grace, aka The Maidens of Green Gables, have tagged me with a Sunshine Blogger Award!  Thank you, lovely ladies!  Of course, before I answer their questions, I must share the rules, as per blog tag etiquette. 

The Rules

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog. 
2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you. 
3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions. 
4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

And now, the questions:

#1 What’s something you’ve done recently that you were nervous/scared about, but has ended up being a really good thing/experience? 

Well, we went to an amusement park last weekend that we have never been to before, and it was my call to decide whether or not to wear swimsuits.  I said we shouldn't because the regular rides would probably take up all our time without trying to do waterpark stuff too, but then I was worried that I would be wrong and we would wish we had swimsuits.  But it turned out that we had plenty to ride on without going into the waterpark section, so that was a good call after all.

#2 If you were to open a shop, what kind of shop would it be? 

A used book shop with a coffee corner and lots of random, mismatched comfy seating scattered about.

#3 What’s the last book you read that you thought was the cats meow? 

I had my socks knocked off by the last chapter of Playback by Raymond Chandler in July.  Not ever going to be my favorite by Chandler, but I ended up loving it more than I expected to/remembered.

#4 You’ve gotten a callback from each of the following plays, which role will you take: Meg in Little Women, Winnie Foster in Tuck Everlasting or Sally in You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown

I would definitely pick Meg in Little Women.  I know that story really well, and I think that the older I get, the more I become like practical, loving, motherly Meg.

#5 Share 3 items on your wish list! 

Right now, I have a hankering for these three things:
  • Making The Best Years of Our Lives by Alison Macor
  • Imagining Anne: L. M. Montgomery's Island Scrapbooks by Elizabeth Epperly
  • Run, Cowboy, Run (a card game)

#6 What is something you’ve recently learned that blew your mind? 

It's basically the same distance between Chicago and Los Angeles as between London and Moscow.

#7 What’s a movie or tv show or book series or fandom you’ve gotten into recently? 

I've been very much enjoying the Sackett series by Louis L'Amour this year.  I hadn't read any of them before this, but I am reading about one a month and thoroughly liking them.  You can read my reviews of them so far here on my book blog.

#8 Your current favorite song? 

Not sure I have one.  I listen to different music every day right now, rather than vibing to one particular song.  Sorry!

#9 Describe your perfect day including food! 

Homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast followed by a leisurely morning reading a book and drinking coffee on the swing outside our backdoor.  Asparagus wraps for lunch, then a visit to the movie theater in the afternoon, and supper out somewhere like the local Mexican restaurant or Cracker Barrel.  An evening playing a board game with my family, and then watching a movie with my Cowboy after the kids are in bed while sharing some kind of tasty snack, preferably involving goat cheese.

#10 What is your favorite movie that’s set in another country? 

The Man from Snowy River (1982), which is set (and filmed) in Australia.  Which also happens to be my favorite movie of all time...

#11 You have to research one of the following historical events: The Chicago World Fair of 1893, the Lake Peigneur Disaster of 1980 or Operation Mincemeat?

Operation Mincemeat!  I really enjoyed The Man Who Never Was, both the book by Lt. Cmdr. Montagu and the 1956 movie, and would enjoy learning more about it.

Those were fun!  Okay, now it's my turn...

I hereby nominate these bloggers:

Here are my questions for the nominees!

1.  What's the last movie you watched?
2.  What's the next movie you plan to watch?
3.  What new movie release are you looking forward to?
4.  What TV show(s) have you seen every episode of at least once?
5.  Pirates or vampires?
6.  Do you own a camera?
7.  What's the last thing you did outside?
8.  How far do you live from where you were born?
9.  Have you ever ridden a horse?
10.  What ice cream flavor do you heartily dislike?
11.  What was the last thing you ate as a snack?

Play if you want to :-)


  1. Thanks for the tag! These questions look like a lot of fun :D

    I love that little phrase "the cats' meow." I remember when I first encountered it at age 3 or 4, and I thought it was HILARIOUS.

    1. You're welcome, Katie!

      Both "the cat's meow" and "the bee's knees" have delighted and amused me since I was a kid :-D

  2. Have you seen the 2021 British movie "Operation Mincemeat" with Colin Firth (it's on Netflix now). It's queued up on my "to watch" list but I haven't actually seen it yet. Heard good things about it though!

    1. Debra, ooooh, no, I haven't seen that one! I don't have Netflix, so I'll have to see if I can find it on DVD. That sounds quite cool!

  3. Thanks for the invite, I'm looking at it, might take a day or two to complete. But I like the #2 question you answered. Always thought if I won the lottery I'd have a specialty bookstore. Have to compete with Austin which has several. But I would have liked to open a bookstore that specialized in Sci-fi and fantasy. Even had a name already picked out. Circuitry Golem.

    1. Why won't this site let me log in? This is Quiggy, of course.

    2. Quiggy, I don't know what is going on with Blogger lately. I haven't had any trouble logging in, but a lot of people do. So vexing!

      A bookstore devoted to sci-fi and fantasy titles would be so nifty!!!

  4. oooh! Thank you for the award! I am so behind on blog reading so I'm glad you told me you gave it to me. I am not sure if I know 11 other bloggers to bestow the award to, but I will try!

    1. You're welcome, Lisa! I get really behind reading blogs too, and am always playing catch-up, so I figured others are in the same boat and a notification might be helpful. If you can't figure out 11 others, just tag a few!

  5. Great tag, Hamlette! Everyone so far has chosen to play Meg! :):) That movie about Operation Mincemeat looks really good - I also want to see it!

    1. Thanks, Katherine! That's so interesting that all tag nominees have chosen Meg. And that movie does look cool!

  6. Love your answers! Those items on your wish list look awful fun and I love The Man From Snowy River too!!! Have you seen the second movie?

    1. Thank you, Grace! Yes, I have seen Return to Snowy River twice, once in the theater when I was 8 and then again on video a couple years later. I'm afraid ti disappoints me. But the original never does!

  7. Thanks for the tag and for thinking of me... great questions too!

    1. You're welcome, Gill! I hope you have fun with it :-)

    2. Thanks for the award, here's my post... From Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews


  8. Hi there, here's my post and belated post... https://weegiemidget.wordpress.com/2023/08/17/news-for-sunshine-awards-and-a-blogging-recognition-award-read-on/

    1. Gill, don't worry about being "belated" -- it took me weeks to do this tag myself :-D

  9. Thanks so much for the nomination! Posted my answers today. :)

    Your description of a perfect day sounds sublime.

    1. You're welcome, Olivia! I'll check your post soonly :-)

      Doesn't it sound delightful? I get some of those elements regularly, but never all in the same day.

  10. Meg is such a lovely character. <3

    Asparagus wraps sound sooooo tasty.

    Thanks for the tag!!

    1. Chloe, if you ever want to try asparagus wraps, they're really easy! You can find the recipe here :-)


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