Monday, February 19, 2024

We Love Sibling Stories Week -- Kickoff Post + Tag

Hello! Welcome to We Love Sibling Stories Week, a five-day-long party where we can gather to celebrate, recommend, and discuss our favorite stories about siblings in books, movies, and shows.

Whenever you create a post for this event on your own site, please drop a link in this widget:

And don't forget to read posts by other people!  That's an essential part of a party, after all -- chatting with your fellow partygoers :-)  Also, please remember to use one of the official party buttons in your posts, and link back here so other people can join the fun too.  If you want more party buttons, you can find them in this post.

Of course, besides (or instead of) contributing a post of your own choosing to the party, you can also fill out the official party tag!  Just remember to come back here and link to your tag post in the widget above too.

The Tag:

1. Do you have any siblings?
2. Who are some of your favorite fictional sibling groups?
3. Are there any fictional families you wish you could belong to yourself?
4. Have you ever watched or read a book that reminded you of your own family?
5. What fictional sibling would you NOT want for your own sibling?
6. Are you more drawn to stories about brothers or sisters?
7. What makes a story involving siblings interesting to you?

I'll be posting a game or two and other fun things over the next few days, so check back now and then to see what's new.  And my party giveaway has already started!  You can find that right here.

Happy partying!


  1. Just posted mine! Sorry, there's a weird typo in the linkup thingy and it won't let me edit it XD But this party is going to be so much fun!

    1. Katie, no worries! I got it edited for you :-) Thanks for contributing!

  2. Just added my post and love you to pop over to join my new blogathon on Mismatched Couples x

    1. Thanks, Gill! I've been eyeing that event of yours. I've already got one blogathon post scheduled for March, and that tends to be about all I can handle, but if I happen to think up something irresistable for your Mismatched Couples blogathon, I will join :-)

  3. Oh dear...I messed it up so that it doesn't show WHAT I linked (it was a tag post). Such is life, I suppose. Thanks again for throwing the party!

    1. Lizzie, no worries! I edited it to say it's a tag. Thanks for joining the fun!

  4. This is so much fun! Just scheduled my answers to the tag. ;)

    1. Thanks, Kate! I'm glad you're enjoying it so far.

  5. I can't see the linky widget. At least, it doesn't appear when I open this post. Anyway, here's my 1st contribution:

    1. Fanda, how odd! I wonder why it's not loading. Hmm. Anyway, I added yours for you :-) Thanks for contributing!


    My entry on Shane is up.

  7. Yay! So excited this party is started!!

    1. Katherine, same :-) Just got my second game for the week posted!

  8. Not as organized as I'd hoped, but super fun to write! My post about how Lemony Snicket writes siblings is up!

    1. Chloe, if I have to choose between "perfectly organized" and "finished," I choose "finished" every time ;-)

  9. Well, it turned out to be MUCH longer than anticipated, but my Mansfield Park post is up!

    1. Lizzie, long posts and deep dives can be such fun! Looking forward to reading it when I get a chance :-)

  10. Well, I don’t have a blog (I am contemplating it though) and I’m sick so I just commented on the movie names post. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    1. Heather, that is fine! One of the reasons I do games is so people who don't have blogs can still participate :-) Did you enter the giveaway too? You can definitely do that whether you have a blog or not!

    2. Heather, somehow I missed this comment -- i'm glad you were at least able to play some of the games!

  11. Just added my post - now off to read as many others as I can squeeze into lunch break!

    1. Thanks, Sarah! I've only managed to read the first couple myself, but I'm hoping to do some catching up tomorrow :-)

  12. Just added my post. Thanks for hosting!

  13. This has been delightful, thank you! I just filled in the tag answers and added the post. Still hoping to get a post finished about The Hardy Boys, but we'll see. I might have to switch my topic to Evie and Jonathan from The Mummy. ;-)

    1. Carissa, I'm so glad you could join the party! And honestly, I love Evie and Jonathan and almost put a poster for that movie in my poster quiz, so I would be totally fine with you changing topics ;-)

  14. I've been sick this past week, so alas, my post was never written. :( Thank you for hosting such a lovely event! I hope I can be more involved next time.

    1. Ruth, I hope you're feeling better now! There's always next year, or even next party since I host a couple different ones every year :-)


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