Friday, November 01, 2024

Soon, Soon to Faithful Warriors Comes Their Rest

Today, the Christian church traditionally celebrates All Saint's Day.  The hymn "For All the Saints, Who From Their Labors Rest" by William Walsham How is a pretty traditional choice to sing in church services on or around this day.

Three weeks ago yesterday, my dad joined the throng of saints who from their labors rest.

It was the phone call you don't want to get, the one from a neighbor of your loved one saying there's been an accident, we aren't sure what happened, the ambulance is on its way, and we'll update you when we know anything definite.

And then you wait, and you put your kids to bed after letting them know their grandpa has had an accident, and you wait some more.  The neighbor calls you back, you talk to your mom, and you learn that your dad is gone.  

Somehow, your heart keeps beating, your thoughts keep progressing, your lungs keep inflating and deflating.  You call your brother to let him know.  You put on your pajamas and go to bed and cry and sleep and cry and sleep.

And you pray.  Pray for courage, for comfort, for the ability to continue.  For the right words to say to your kids, your brother, your mom.  To your best friend since high school who thought of your parents as basically hers too.  To your church family that your dad pastored for 26 years.  To your dad's last surviving sibling.

And God in His mercy grants you all that you need, just like He always has and always will.  HIs grace is sufficient.


  1. My condolences, Rachel. It's so hard to lose a parent. May your memories bring you peace and comfort.

    1. Thanks, Debra. It was a huge shock, and the shockwaves are still coming.

  2. You and your family are in my prayers, Rachel. I love that song <3

    1. Thank you, Katie! I do too -- such a triumphant and reassuring hymn.

  3. I am so sorry, Rachel. Sending all my love to you and your family.

    Maddy from Classic Film And TV Corner

  4. My condolences, Rachel. I lost my dad, I know how much it hurts. The shockwaves keep coming, as you so aptly describe it. The hymns help so much. My dad's favorite was "So nimm denn meine Hände und führe mich" (Take Thou my hand, o Father).

    1. Thank you, Andrea. Yes, hymns do help -- in fact, I had hymns running through my head all day the day after he died, as we were packing to drive out for his funeral. So comforting. I'm sorry you've also lost your father :-(

  5. Even though we have never met and I only know you from stumbling across your blog (which I enjoy!), we are both part of Christa’s family & so I want to say I am also so sorry and am praying comfort for you & your family!

    1. Amy, thank you for your prayers and your kind words! It's been a pretty tough few weeks, but we are slowly adjusting.

  6. I'm so very sorry, Rachel. I lost my own dad suddenly last year and getting that initial notification is just heart-dropping. My sincere condolences to you, your family, and all who loved your dad. With warm thoughts, Laura

    1. Thank you, Laura. Yes, exactly -- your world changes in a moment with no warning, and it feels like your heart has dropped out of your body for a bit.

  7. You and your family have been in my prayers. My condolences are slow in coming, I'm sorry.

    1. Thanks, VT! That's totally okay -- it's not like I have stopped grieving or something.


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