Monday, July 15, 2024

Announcing the Barbarians at the Gates Blogathon

Get ready to save the world!  Or, to blog about people who are trying to save the world, anyway.  You know, the folks who pick up a sword or a spear or a bow and plant their sandals or boots firmly on the ground, ready to stop whatever evil magical foe is threatening to take over or destroy or transform the world.

In other words, my friend Jim (aka Quiggy) over at The Midnite Drive-In and I are hosting a sword-and-sorcery blogathon this fall!  We call it the Barbarians at the Gates Blogathon, and you are hereby invited to join the fun!

In case you're not familiar with the term "sword-and-sorcery," here's how pulp fiction author Lin Carter explained it:
"We call a story sword and sorcery when it is an action tale derived from the traditions of the pulp magazine adventure story, set in the land, age, or world of the author's invention -- a milieu in which magic actually works and the gods are real -- a story, moreover, which pits a stalwart warrior in direct conflict with the forces of supernatural evil."

If you want a longer explanation of the genre and its nuances, you can check out this Wikipedia article

The sword-and-sorcery movie genre has direct roots in the pulp magazine stories of the 1930s-1950s, and we have decided that this event should celebrate both film and print!  That means you are not limited to reviewing a movie, but can absolutely review a book or story in the genre as well.

Here are the blogathon rules:

1. Anything that fits the idea of "sword-and-sorcery" will be allowed. Basically, it needs to involve swords and sorcery/magic.  Pretty simple.  Want to write about Imaro by Charles Saunders?  Do it.  Want to review any of the plethora of films or shows in the genre, whether they had a big-screen or small-screen release?   Go for it.  You can ask Jim or myself if a specific book or movie fits the parameters. 

2. Only one person/post per film or idea (but you can get around that a little bit).  For example, one person could review the book The Princess Bride by William Goldman, and another person could review the 1987 film, while yet another person could do a general overview of the great sword-and-sorcery films of the 1980s and include The Princess Bride on their list. 

3. We would like to limit the entries per person to 3 (if you are that ambitious). 

If you're not sure what kinds of movies are considered part of the genre, this list on Wikipedia is a great place to get started!  If you have a movie (or book) in mind, but aren't sure whether it really qualifies, again, just ask me or Jim, and we can discuss it.

Please use one of these blogathon buttons on your own blog to help others know about the event!  We'd also like it if you used one in whatever post you contribute to the event.

Leave a comment on this post or on The Midnite Drive-In and let us know what you want to contribute, and we'll add you to the official roster!  Please note that this summer is extremely busy for me, so it may take me a day or two to get you added.  I'll be as timely as possible. 

The Roster

The Midnite Drive-In -- Conan the Barbarian (1982) + Conan the Destroyer (1984), and a giveaway
+ Hamlette's Soliloquy -- Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023) and a giveaway
+ Realweegiemidget Reviews -- The Beastmaster (1982)
+ Speakeasy -- Hercules and the Haunted World (1961)
+ Whimsically Classic -- Sleeping Beauty (1959)
+ Taking Up Room -- The Scorpion King (2002)
+ 18 Cinema Lane -- Willow (1988)
+ YOU!


  1. Hi there, hope you are having a lovely summer. Can you add me with The Beastmaster from 1982 please ..

    1. Gill, you got it! Added you to the roster. Thanks for joining!

      Summer here has been much too hot and much too busy, but not much I can do about that, lol!

    2. Thanks Rachel! Great banners btw the Disney one is fantastic...

    3. You're welcome, Gill! And I'm glad you dig the banners -- I tried to make a nice variety. I love that Sleeping Beauty one too! Really encapsulates the whole Hero Vs. Magical Enemy thing.

  2. Hi and Please put me down for Hercules in the Haunted World (1961), great idea for a blogathon :) Thanks! Kristina @ Speakeasy

    1. Hi, Kristina! Glad to have you -- I will add you to the roster :-)

  3. Since it's pictured as one of the banners... Can I write about Sleeping Beauty? It's one of my favorite Disney movies and is it weird to say that I think Prince Phillip is the hottest Disney prince?

    1. I'm Whimsically Classic, btw

    2. Kayla, that is an awesome choice! I am partial to Aladdin myself, but maybe he doesn't count as a prince? Prince Phillip is definitely the NICEST Disney prince, anyway!

    3. Well Aladdin pretends to be Prince Ali; but he marries Jasmine at the end, so he becomes a prince! I think he counts.

    4. Kayla, that's what I always figure, too. He's not Prince Ali, but he becomes Prince Aladdin.

  4. Hi, Rachel! I'd like to do "The Scorpion King," if that's OK.

    1. Rebecca, I love that movie! I will add you now :-D

  5. Hello Hamlette! I will choose the 1988 movie, 'Willow', to review for the blogathon! The review itself will be part of my blog's series, Comparing with the Critics.

  6. Hi lovely, here's my post for tomorrow... thanks for such a fab topic,


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