Monday, July 31, 2023

Lily and Lydia -- A New Website and Magazine

A couple of months ago, some lovely Christian women started a new email mini-magazine called Lily & Lydia.  This month, they launched the website to go with it.  Their focus is on uplifting and encouraging Christian women in all stages and areas of life, and I really love what they're doing.  In fact, I have contributed a few things to both the magazine and website!  

My first contribution to the website is in the form of advice and thoughts about homeschooling, as part of an article on prepping for the homeschool year.  You can read that right here.

The website also currently has articles up on traveling to Scotland and Ireland, supporting a grieving friend, shopping at Costco for a small family, home decorating, and foraging.  So you can see that this isn't a magazine aimed at women in one specific walk of life, but one that has something to offer to just about everybody.  If you'd like to sign up for the mini-magazine, here's a handy link, or you can sign up via the website too.

They're looking for contributors, so if you are interested in adding some of your own writing or ideas to the mix, here's a page listing what they are looking for!


  1. Thanks for sharing! Looks interesting

    1. Heidi, it's got a lot of promise, I think. I'm really enjoying their mini magazine :-)

  2. That sounds like a nice magazine!

    1. Lisa, it is! It's always quite short, just takes a few minutes to read, but is such a lovely thing to have appear in my inbox every week.

  3. This sounds like a fun new place to look into! Thanks so much for the shout-out and sharing about it, Rachel. :)

    1. Rissi, I'm glad you're interested! I hope you find lots of things there that interest and encourage you.


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