
Monday, February 21, 2022

We Love Detectives Week -- Link-Up and Tag

We Love Detectives Week is here!  Are you excited?  I'm excited :-D

The Link-Up

Just like last year's pirate party, you can use this handy widget to share the link to every post you contribute to this event.  And then check out other people's posts!  These parties are all about getting to know each other, sharing love for a genre, and getting recommendations for new movies and books and shows to try. 

The Tag

As always, I've created a quick tag to help break the ice at this party.  Simply copy these questions to your own blog, answer them there, and then leave us a link to your post!  It's not a mysterious process at all, I promise ;-)

What's your favorite mystery with...

1. ...a historical setting?
2. ...a modern setting?
3. ...a lone detective?
4. ...a pair of sleuths?
5. ...a professional/police detective?
6. amateur detective?
7. ...a young sleuth?
8. aging detective?
9. ...a cozy feel?
10. ...a shocking reveal?

Don't forget to add one of these cheery buttons to your posts for this event!  

I've already started my giveaway, so be sure to enter that if you like free detective-oriented stuff.  

I'll be sharing a couple of games over the next few days, so stop back for those!  And check that link-up widget every day or so to see what people have been contributing :-)  But, most of all... have fun!


  1. *SHOWERS CONFETTI* Let's get this party started!!!

    I am ridiculously excited for this, I've been looking forward to it for months :D

    I posted the link for my Father Brown review, and I can't wait to fill out the tag answers, too!

    1. Katie, I've been anxiously awaiting this week too :-D I will read your post soon!

  2. Yay, it's started! Looking forward to all the festivities. <3

  3. Ack so excited! What lovely graphics. <3

    1. Thank you, Miss Megan! I have discovered Canva and kind of fallen in love, heh.

  4. Ooh, I want to take part in this blog party! I just really need to get caught up on things first and fear I might not make it :(

    1. VT, well, you can always play my games and enter the giveaway even if you don't have time to do a post yourself. First game is up now!

  5. I'm excited! Can't wait to read everybody's posts, and hopefully I can scramble mine together in time. :)

    1. Elisabeth, I know! People are coming up with some really fun stuff for this one :-)

  6. I just posted something for this lovely event. I've always found your blog parties fun and entertaining. Thanks for hosting this.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Thanks for joining, Lissa! I'm glad you enjoy my parties :-)

      I'm having such a charming day! I hope you are too.

  7. Can't wait to read the entries! Left a link to my Sleepy Hollow thoughts.

    1. Charity, neither can I! Thanks for participating :-D Sleepy Hollow, huh? Intriguing!

  8. My post on the Henry Gamage series by Elizabeth Daly is up now!

    1. Elisabeth, that sounds like a cool series! I am way behind on reading people's contributions, but I'll get there ;-)

  9. Just joined the fun, really couldn't resist the tag...

  10. Just filled out the tag! It was a lot of fun :D

    1. Katie, yay! I'm working on my own answers right now...

  11. Just posted about our favorite mysteries! Thanks so much for hosting Hamlette!!

  12. My second post is in! Better late than never. :) Thanks again ever so much for hosting, old thing.

    1. Excellent work, Miss Megan! Definitely not too late at all :-) Thanks for joining, old dear!

  13. Man, I meant to get to more, but the most insane (a mixture of good and ugly) stuff happened this week so I only got the tag in, but that was fantastic. I can't wait to read all of these! Thanks for hosting!

    1. Chloe, no worries! Life gets that way sometimes. At least you had time to do that tag :-) Thanks for joining!


Agree or disagree? That is the question...

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