
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Name That Mystery Game

This week's first game is a matching one!  I'm giving you clues to twelve famous mystery-oriented movies, and you have to match them to the title of the movie they come from.  The only catch?  I'm providing sixteen "suspect" movies, but clues for only twelve movies, so you'll have four movies left over that don't get used... just to keep things interesting!

I have tried not to spoil any of the mysteries with my clues by using things that reveal stuff about their endings or solutions.  So I've stuck to settings, famous incidents or character types, and props or objects that play an important or memorable role somehow.  I hope they're not too hard!


1. The Thin Man (1934)
2. The Maltese Falcon (1941)
3. Laura (1944)
4. The Blue Dahlia (1946)
5. The Big Heat (1953)
6. Rear Window (1954)
7. Charade (1963)
8. In the Heat of the Night (1967)
9. Bullitt (1968)
10. Clue (1985)
11. Witness (1985)
12. The Fugitive (1993)
13. Taken (2008)
14. Sherlock Holmes (2009)
15. Knives Out (2019)
16. Rebecca (2020)


A: Paris, prosthetic hand, wash-and-wear, gold.
B: House party, butler, candlestick, singing telegram.
C: New York City, portrait, silver shinbone, negligee.
Massachusetts, mystery writer, birthday party, immigrants. 
Apartment complex, binoculars, wheelchair, suitcase.
Chicago, vascular surgeon, wrongful conviction, train wreck.
Kenport, boiling coffee, car bomb, the mob.
Mississippi, racism, factory, chewing gum.
Manderley, housekeeper, sailboat, fire.
Amish country, barn raising, lemonade, ice cream.
San Francisco, Knights Templar, statue, dreams.
London, martial arts, sewers, disguises.

Put your answers in a comment on this post -- for example, "M = 17, N = 20, O = 18."  I've put all comments on moderation, so you don't have to worry about someone seeing your answers and cheating off them.  I'll reveal the solutions on Saturday, along with everyone's scores!


  1. This is SUCH a fun, clever game!

    a - 7
    b - 10
    c - 3
    d - 15
    e - 6
    f - 12
    g - 5
    h - 8
    i - 16
    j - 11
    k - 4 (this was the only one I had noooo idea about, but I went with The Blue Dahlia because I know it's an Alan movie and...I know you ;))
    l - 14

    1. Eva, that was a good guess on K, but it's actually The Maltese Falcon :-)

  2. A-7, B-10, C-3, D-15, E-6, F-12, G-5, H-8, I-16, J-11, K-2, L-14

    Had to do a little process of elimination ;)

  3. Ah, it was so good just thinking of all those fine films...
    My answers: A = 7, B = 10, C = 3, D = 15, E = 6, F = 12, G = 5, H = 8, I = 16, J = 11, K = 2, L = 14

  4. I only know a few, all the rest are guesses.

    A = 7
    B = 10
    C = 3
    D = 4
    E = 6
    F = 12
    G = 9
    H = 8
    I = 16
    J = 11
    K = 2
    L = 14

    This was fun but a bit frustating since I didn't see half of these movies.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Lissa, well, I think most of the people here hadn't seen *all* of them -- in fact, Katie says she'd only seen one! But that doesn't seem to have hampered your guessing much ;-)

  5. The only movie on this list I've seen is Charade. Wow, I guess I really don't watch a lot of detective films xD

    With that being said, here are my best guesses:
    A = 7
    B = 1
    C = 3
    D = 15
    E = 6
    F = 12
    G = ?
    H = 8
    I = 16
    J = 11
    K = 10
    L = 14

    1. Katie, well, since you like stories about characters you can trust, and a lot of mysteries involve characters you don't (and shouldn't) trust, I can see why you wouldn't watch many!

  6. A: 3?
    B: 10.
    C: 1? (I don’t think so actually, but “silver shinbone” is so familiar. Maybe?)
    D: 15. (I didn’t realize this was set in Massachusetts!)
    E: 6.
    F: 11?
    G: 9? (I didn’t know this was a mystery! Now I want to watch it even more! But maybe it’s just a red herring…)
    H: 8.
    I: 16.
    J: 12?
    K: 4? (This sounds like something that would appear in a dream…)
    L: 14. (Oh, but this is so vague…it could be other things, too…)

    1. Chloe, you made some good guesses! Bullit is a detective movie, yup.

      Dana Andrews's character in Laura is the detective with the silver shinbone, so if you've seen that, that would be why it's familiar!


Agree or disagree? That is the question...

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(Rudeness and vulgar language will not be tolerated.)