
Monday, February 21, 2022

We Love Detective Week -- Giveaway

Of course there's a giveaway!  There's always a giveaway.  Get out your magnifying glass and give these prizes a look!

This giveaway is open internationally. If the USPS delivers to your country, you may enter. 

More about the prizes: 

Prize One: Silver Screen Icons collection of The Thin Man (1934), After the Thin Man (1936), Another Thin Man (1939), and Shadow of the Thin Man (1941) on two DVDs.  These are effervescent comedy-mysteries starring William Powell and Myrna Loy as Nick and Nora Charles, a retired detective and his wealthy wife.  Their dapper chemistry, witty banter, and generally jolly attitude toward everything make them the perfect pick-me-up for any cloudy day. This collection is USED -- the discs appear to work in my DVD player, but I can't guarantee they will in yours.  (Appropriate for most ages; contains a lot of alcohol use and some violence.)

Prize Two: Charade (1963) on DVD.  A witty and sophisticated suspense film starring Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant.  A young widow is pursued by three Bad Guys who insist she's hiding something her husband stole from them, and the only person she can trust is... complicated.  You can read my full review here.  This copy is NEW.  (Appropriate for teens and adults; contains violence, frightening and suspenseful moments, and lots of double-entendre-laden banter.)

Prize Three: Calcutta (1947) on DVD.  A twisty film noir mystery starring Alan Ladd and Gail Russell.  An American pilot living in India tries to figure out who killed his best friend, and why.  You can read my full review here.  This copy is NEW.  (Appropriate for ten and up; contains violence and some kissing.)

Prize Four: Classic Tales of Detection and Adventure by Edgar Allan Poe.  Contains the first true detective story, "Murders in the Rue Morgue," as well as two other adventures starring C. Auguste Dupin, plus two other mysterious Poe stories.  This copy is NEW.  (Appropriate for readers 12 and up.)

Prize Five: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  Contains twelve classic Sherlock Holmes stories, plus fifteen reproductions of Sidney Paget's original illustrations. You can read my full review here.  This copy is NEW, but it has a slight defect at the bottom edge, as shown below.  (Appropriate for readers 10 and up.)

Prize Six: The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler.  Possibly the most-famous hardboiled detective mystery ever, and certainly a fine one.  Philip Marlowe is hired to figure out who is blackmailing a spoiled little rich girl, and it all snowballs from there.  You can read my full review here.  This copy is USED.  (Appropriate for readers 15 and up.)

Prize Seven: The Lady in the Lake by Raymond Chandler.  My favorite mystery by my favorite author.  Philip Marlowe is hired to check on a rich man's wife at her lakeside retreat, just to be sure she's okay, and people keep winding up dead.  You can read my full review here.  This copy is USED.  (Appropriate for readers 15 and up.)

Prize Eight: Four bookmarks featuring quotations from Agatha Christie mysteries paired with illustrations.  I purchased these as a digital file from Eden Digital Arts and printed them on cardstock, then added velvety ribbons for a little extra elegance.

Prize Nine: Four pieces of Sherlock Holmes artwork featuring quotations and illustrations, each approximately 4"x6".  I purchased these as a digital file from Images By the Book and printed them myself.  They would be suitable for framing or sending as postcards, etc.

Rules and Regulations:

This giveaway will end at 11:59pm EST on Friday, February 25, 2022. I'll draw nine winners on Saturday, February 26, and announce them here on my blog that day, as well as alert them by the email provided to the widget. Use an email address you check often! If I don't receive a response from a winner by Saturday, March 5, that winner will be disqualified and I'll draw another. 

This giveaway is open worldwide to anyone living in any country where the USPS delivers. I am not responsible for the activities of any postal service -- I will send off your prize in the condition shown above, but it's arrival condition is not something I can control. To enter, must be 18+ or have parent's permission to provide a mailing address. Void where prohibited. Not affiliated with Blogger, Google, Etsy, or any of the shops listed here. I purchased all these prizes, they were not donated or solicited in any way. I will use your email and mailing addresses solely for the purpose of this giveaway. They will not be saved by me to use another way or provided to anyone else.

Once you've entered, go check out the rest of the party fun!


  1. These prizes look so cool!! Thank you for putting together this lovely giveaway <3

    I'm especially interested in Prizes Seven, Eight, and Nine. (You know you got me curious about Raymond Chandler ;))

    1. Katie, I'm glad you dig the prizes! If you don't win a Chandler book, definitely try to find one at the library or something. He's magnificent, in his own very specific way.

  2. Ooohh! This is a lovely reminder for me to get into more detective mystery on my (oh so scary) TBR xD! I have to say that Mr. Holmes and Lord Peter Wimsey are the only detectives that I've read of, but they're both fantastic, and I've been meaning to get into more Agatha Christie and now Raymond Chandler is on my list as well!

    Honestly all your prizes look amazing as usual. But Seven, Eight, and Nine are going to be my picks... (you got me with that comment about your favorite detective story ;D, and I've always had a weakness for paper artwork ^_^)

    1. CC, yeah, my TBR is scary too, lol. I have read all of the Sherlock Holmes canon, but only a couple of Lord Peter stories -- I need to get into more of those!

    2. Hey, CC, can you check the email address you put into the giveaway widget? I need to know where to send your prize...

  3. Great giveaway... preferences for prizes any of the books or the Agatha Christie bookmarks... and thanks for a great week and such an enticing tag. As you probably saw in my post you helped me share my love of Agatha Christie in s many ways xxx Looking forward to more parties this year.

    1. Gill, glad you've been enjoying the fun! I don't have any concrete plans for another party on this blog this year... but I suspect the Legends of Western Cinema Week will happen this summer, at some point. Kind of depends on how scheduling works out for myself and my usual co-hosts. I'm definitely planning to host my annual Tolkien party on my book blog in September, though!

  4. Great prizes!! I especially like 1,2,3 and 7.

  5. Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Your giveaways are always swell Hamlette!

    I'd love to win #1, #3, and #7.

    A couple of the others catch my eye too...#6 and #9 are runner-ups.

  6. This is a treasure trove! After some debating with myself, I have decided that I would love to get 3, 6, or 7. :-)

    1. Chloe, yeeeeeeeah... I have been collecting things for this for like half a year, heh heh :-)

  7. So many nice prizes! I am mostly interested in 7, but also 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 and 9. Basically.... the ones I don't already own. ;)

    1. AnnMarie, well, those are good choices to make, then! :-D

  8. Aha, one should tell one's preferences here – – phew, I guess I'm a bumpkin... I'd love the DVDs (Thin Man and Charade) but I guess with the US regional code I could not use them on my DVD player. So it's either the Holmes book, the "Big Sleep" Chandler (I've got and read "The Lady in the Lake") or your very cute Dame Agatha bookmarks or Holmes cards. Thanks for this Detectives Week, so great!! (Would so have liked to participate more actively, but 1) still haven't managed to create my own blog and b) very bashful – English is not my first language, bit rusty, I'm afraid...

    1. Andrea, yeah, it just helps me match prizes to winners without wondering if I'm sending them a book or movie they already own, you know?

      You could still play the Detective Adventure Game if you want :-)


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