
Friday, February 18, 2022

Would You Rather: Lovely Edition

Cordy is hosting her Lovely Blog Party all month long at Any Merry Little Thought!  Although I am late to the party, I guess it's better to be late than not to join at all, right?  So here are my answers to her "Would You Rather: Lovely Edition" blog tag for the party :-)

Would you rather wear a ball gown for a formal first date, or would you prefer an active first date?

Well, my actual first date with the man I eventually married was our college's Spring Formal dance!  So I wore... not a ball gown, exactly, but a formal gown.  But, on a whole, I would rather have a laid-back but maybe more active sort of date like going to a movie or taking a walk or going horseback riding, that sort of thing.  If I had to go on a first date again, which, Lord willing, I never will.

Would you rather have to matchmake for someone, or have someone matchmake for you? 

NEITHER.  I do not like matchmaking.  I find it meddlesome.  I actually went on a blind date that a friend set up once, and we did go on a second date, but that was as far as that ever went.  On a whole, I think matchmaking tends to not work very well at all.

Would you rather be serenaded or be the one that has to do the serenading? 

I'd rather be serenaded.  I would probably be much too nervous to actually serenade someone.

Would you rather receive flowers and chocolates or chocolates and a teddy bear as tokens of affection? 

Flowers and chocolates!  Which is what I got this year for Valentine's Day, actually, though my Cowboy got me the flowers a week ahead of time when they're cheaper, and I chose my box of chocolates myself and gave them to him to give to me.  Hee!

Would you rather wear a veil or a flower crown on your wedding day? 

I wore a flower crown (of fake flowers) with an elbow-length veil coming out of it at the back for my wedding.  I did not have a veil in front of my face.  I am really clumsy and was afraid the limited visibility of a veil would make me trip while walking down the aisle.

(Us on our wedding day, getting ready to walk to church.)

Would you rather receive a romantic poem or have to write and gift a romantic poem? 

I've written and given quite a few romantic poems, but I'm not sure I've ever gotten one because my husband is not a poet.  Sometimes he writes down lyrics for a favorite love song and gives me that, though!

Would you rather cook a meal for your date, or have your date cook for you? 

My husband is a WAY better cook than I am, so I would love to have him cook for me!  I mean, he actually does cook every weekend, but a special meal just for us would be a lot of fun :-)

(Actual food made by my actual husband...)

Would you rather watch a chick-flick or an action film as your date-night movie? 

I prefer action films to most chick flicks, so I will definitely go the bang-bang-shoot-em-up route!

Would you rather dance in the rain, or stargaze together?

Hmm.  This is the hardest question here, for me!  I like to do both.  I've done both.  I might pick stargazing, as doing that would mean we had gone out to the countryside far from the city.  Much too much night pollution here to do any real stargazing.


  1. That picture of you and Cowboy on your wedding day is so CUTE!

  2. I still adore that pic of you and cowboy. Love your answers, particularly the matchmaking one, cuz... yeah.

    1. DKoren, yeah, matchmaking is just... why do people think it is a good idea?

  3. That picture of you and your husband is the most darling thing ever!!

  4. That wedding photo is so cute, definitely has 70's style vibes that I feel like are coming back with the long straight hair and flower crown. Kind of fits with that Western theme you seem to love.

    Yeah, matchmaking, it sounds good in theory (if people WANT it), it's just that older people (the ones who make comments) seem to think the only prerequisites are you are both single and the same age. Um, yeah, no.

    1. Thanks, Livia! It's amusing me that the '70s look is coming back, because it was very cool when I was a teen in the '90s. I had my hair done and loose for my wedding because I wanted to look like myself, not a stranger, and we braided tiny beads here and there to make me look a little more fancy ;-)

      I do know a couple whose friends thought they should meet because they would like each other, and it worked out and they're married now, but that was more of a group of friends who just drew someone else into their group, not quite matchmaking.

    2. I mean it can work, I just remembered, my grandparents met on blind date (I think it may have been a double date?)through their friends who were a couple. My grandparents were the couple that lasted, their friends did not.

    3. Yeah, it can work, but most of the time, it's just soooo awkward :-b

  5. I will join everyone else and say that that wedding photo is adorable. <3 Had fun reading your answers!


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