
Monday, July 06, 2020

Announcing Legends of Western Cinema Week 2020

Howdy!  Didn't mean to sneak up and ambush you or anything, but Heidi (of Along the Brandywine) and I are all set to co-host Legends of Western Cinema Week again this year!  It'll be August 17-21, and you can consider this post your official invite!

In case you're new to these parts, I'll tell you a little about what Legends of Western Cinema Week is like.  It's kind of like a blogathon and kind of like a blog party, in that there will be lots and lots of ways for you to participate.  Basically, it's just an excuse for people all across the blogosphere to celebrate western films and TV shows for five days straight.

What can you contribute?  Anything whatsoever that has to do with western cinema, be it on the big or small screen.  Movie or TV show reviews, top ten lists, a tribute to your favorite cowboy or cowgirl movie star, musings on western film scores, whatever you can dream up!

Want to do more than one post?  Totally allowed!  Want to post about the same movie or other subject as someone else?  Totally allowed!  This is a party, not a blogathon, and we welcome as many posts by as many people as possible.

If you can't figure out anything to write about, but still want to participate, fear not!  Heidi and I are coming up with a blog tag you can fill out, plus we'll both be posting some blog games for you to play.

You can sign up for this event in the comments on my post here or on Heidi's post.  There's no official "roster" to get added to until the event actually starts.  We're being real laid-back about this, can you tell?

Many thanks to Olivia (of Meanwhile, in Rivendell...) for creating these spiffy blog party buttons.  Share them with your friends and neighbors on your own blog/site to spread the word!


  1. Yay!!! *throwing hat in the air* It's official! ;)

  2. HUZZAH! *throws confetti around to celebrate*
    I mean, YEE-HA! *fires off a round of pistol shots in the air*

    1. Megan, glad you're excited! Hope you can join us :-)

  3. Niiice. Will think about topics and get back to you.

    1. I want to write something up on 3:10 to Yuma (both versions? a comparison? IDK yet), and maybe Maverick, too (the old series, not the newer film).

    2. AWESOMESAUCE! Charity, you know I'm up for anything 3:10-related. And something on Maverick would be super fun!

  4. I had such fun last year. I'm thinking of contributing two or three pieces focusing on Barbara Stanwyck and television westerns.

    1. Caftan Woman, I am SO here for those posts. Thanks for joining, and I'm glad you had fun last year! Me too :-)

  5. Oh! I meant to do this last year, but was too busy. This year I am definitely in! Can't wait!

    1. MC, hooray! So excited to have you on board :-)

  6. Hi, I've just published a review on The Warrant (2020), can I add that.. only published it at the end of last week and it's never been added to a blogathon, any chance that I can add this?

    1. Hi, Gill! Hmmm. If that's is the only thing you can think of to contribute, I guess it will be okay, but you'd need to add one of the blog party badges to it and a link to the party once it starts. And we'd appreciate it if you did the tag too, then, at the time of the party.

      Usually contributions are posted during an event to help people find the event, and then the event helps people find other blogs, you know? Kind of a mutual connecting of people. A day or so early isn't a big deal, but more than a month early is... not really participating in a party, you know?

      Another idea might be pulling together a list of all the westerns you've reviewed and linking to all of them? I did something like that last year, if you want to see what I mean.

  7. Thanks, I understand what you are saying. Would love to do your tag, I really enjoyed the Superhero one!

    1. Gill, okay! We're working on coming up with tag questions now, and I know they'll be fun ones :-) And if you want to do the tag and then link to that post too, it's okay by me.

  8. Looking forward to it. Been ages since I have done a tag.

  9. Hi! I've been having trouble leaving a comment (hopefully this one will make it!) I'd like to maybe play? Maybe take part in the tag-thing, and I also have a book review of True Grit already planned for release next month that I could link up, because I also mention the movies... I know, it's a bit tenuous... Anyway it seems like a fun party and I look forward to reading people's contributions!

    1. VT, oh dear, I'm sorry you've been having commenting issues! I had to put all my comments on moderation because of some awful spammer leaving disgusting things. Maybe that's just messed the comments up altogether, sigh.

      Anyway, this one came through! You can totally join in! A review of True Grit with discussion of the movies here and there sounds great! And I look forward to seeing your tag answers :-) We always have a blast with this party! I'm sure you will too.

    2. I figured out the comment problem was on my end with some software I'd installed. Seems to be fixed now, yay! Sorry that you have a disgusting awful spammer.

      I enjoyed reading your Ball of Fire review today! I've never noticed Dana Andrews had a penchant for perching, but now I will definitely watch for that the next time I see him in a movie...

    3. VT, ahhh. Glad it's working better now!

      Oh my word, Dana Andrews and the perching. If there is anything in a scene that he can perch on, he will. Here's a shot of him perching on the arm of a chair in Laura, and I'm pretty confident he sits on desks and tables in that too.

  10. Dear Hamlette,

    This sounds like fun! I would love to participate however I can. I don't think I've ever participated in a tag, so that will be a fun new experience for me.

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

    1. Tiffany, yay! I'm so happy to have you on board! Heidi and I are working on the tag right now, and I can tell you for sure that it will have 10 questions to answer -- and I'm really excited to see people's answers to them!

      If you want to contribute something else, you're certainly welcome to! Basically any sort of post that involves western movies/TV shows would be welcome :-)

  11. Awesome! I was just thinking I needed to write about some westerns... Consider Anna and me signed up! :D

    1. Irene (and Anna), glad to have you! What good timing for you, then, huh?

  12. Is it too late to sign up for this blogathon? If not, I'd like to contribute by reviewing the movie, Forsaken, and some episodes of Walker, Texas Ranger!

    1. 18 Cinema Lane, it's definitely not too late! Those sound like cool contributions, and I look forward to your posts :-) I used to watch Walker, Texas Ranger when I was in college now and then -- had a roommate who was a Chuck Norris fan.

  13. I know I'm last minute, but if its not too late, I would like to sign up to write about "The Sea Of Grass" ( 1947 ), a criminally underrated western. I'm also contemplating doing a second post on "The Proud Rebel" ( 1958 ), if that's okay?

    My blog: In The Good Old Days Of Classic Hollywood.

    1. It's 100% not too late! Those both sound great :-) I look forward to reading one or both!

  14. Just realized I never posted a reminder on this post like I usually do. Legends of Western Cinema Week is in full swing, and you can access the main post right here :-)


Agree or disagree? That is the question...

Comments on old posts are always welcome! Posts older than 7 days are on moderation to dissuade spambots, so if your comment doesn't show up right away, don't worry -- it will once I approve it.

(Rudeness and vulgar language will not be tolerated.)