
Monday, July 13, 2020

Introducing Once Upon a Western MUGS!!!

Wait, did I say mugs???

I did!  It's true!  The inestimably talented Vanessa Rasanen has collaborated with me to bring lines from my books Cloaked, Dancing and Doughnuts, and One Bad Apple to you on these gorgeous camp mugs.  You can buy them today from Crabapple Books and More! (WARNING: her shop is full of amazing bookish mugs, shirts, notebooks, and more. You might become addicted to her products the way I am.)

Want a closer look?  I am happy to oblige!  (Thank you for permission to share these, Vanessa!)

From One Bad Apple:

From Dancing and Doughnuts:

From Cloaked:

I think they're simple, elegant, and completely wonderful.  I hope you do too!

I had a really great time finding just the right lines from my books for these, and I can hardly believe how gorgeous they turned out.  Thank you so much, Vanessa!


  1. I want the "Dancing and Doughnuts" one! That's my favorite!

    Ahahaha, I love how you warned us it might be addictive :-P

    1. Katie, I think the lettering on that one is especially pretty!

      And yeah, um, I have like 6 of her mugs already... and a couple shirts... and my kids have shirts... and I have a bunch of her journals...

    2. I feel as if I, too, will wind up with a bunch of mugs ... and maybe a few shirts ...

  2. Oh my goodness..... ***....DANGER....*** ;D They're lovely though and perfect quotes!

    1. Heidi, lol! Yeah, her shop is pretty amazing! Thanks! I had a lot of fun finding just the right quotes for them :-)

  3. Ahaha, that's really fun and a great idea!

    1. Thanks, Charity! I hope lots of people like them :-)


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