
Monday, February 12, 2018

We Love Superheroes Week -- Secret Identity Quiz

Time for our first game!  So many superheroes have secret identities.  I know a few don't -- Thor's superhero name is also his real name, after all.  But most of them try to keep their private lives and their superheroic lives separate.  We fans know both their names, of course.  Most of the time.  Our first game for the week tests how well you know your superheroes and their alter egos!  Here are the names of twelve super people, and you need to give me their superhero names.

Put your answers in a comment on this post, and I'll share the answers and everyone's scores at the end of the week.  I've put comments on moderation so there can be no cheating :-) 

1.  Sam Wilson

2.  Sue Storm-Richards

3.  Bruce Wayne

4.  Helen Parr

5.  T'Challa

6.  Diana Prince

7.  Steve Rogers

8.  Ororo Monroe

9.  Peter Parker

10.  Natasha Romanoff

11.  Charles Xavier

12.  Jubilation Lee

Have fun!  And don't forget to check the master post for links to other stuff people are sharing for the party.  You can also find the official tag here and enter the giveaway here.


  1. Alright, I'm going to try my best on this. :) Been watching The Avengers movies, so I'm catching up on all I've missed regarding superheroes.

    1. Falcon
    2. ?
    3. Batman
    4. Elastigirl
    5. Black Panther
    6. Wonder Woman
    7. Captain America
    8. ?
    9. Spiderman
    10. Black Widow
    11. ?
    12. ?

  2. #1 - not a clue
    #2 - that would one of the fantastic four - does she have superhero name? invisible woman? don't recall
    #3 - batman
    #4 - Elastic Girl
    #5 - no clue
    #6 - Wonder Woman
    #7 - Captain America
    #8 - nope, don't know
    #9 - Spider-man
    10 - widow something, frankly, I didn't like her enough to remember her name
    #11 - Professor X
    #12 - one of the x-men? don't know

    have a lovely day.

  3. Fun, but nope, not going to do well at this. LOL!

    1. Sam Wilson - Falcon
    2. Sue Storm-Richards - don't know but think she is from Fantastic Four
    3. Bruce Wayne - Batman
    4. Helen Parr - never heard of her
    5. T'Challa - Black Panther
    6. Diana Prince - Wonder Woman
    7. Steve Rogers - Captain America
    8. Ororo Monroe - Never heard of him
    9. Peter Parker - Spiderman
    10. Natasha Romanoff - Black Widow
    11. Charles Xavier - Professor X
    12. Jubilation Lee - never heard of her

  4. 1) Falcon
    2) I know but I can't remember :(
    3) Batman!
    4) Elastagirl
    5) Black Panther
    6) Wonder Woman
    7) Captain America
    8) ?
    9) Spiderman
    10) Back Widow
    11) The X men guy.... lol that's all I know!
    12) Is that the guy from Unbreakable?

  5. 1. Falcon
    2. Hmmm...I feel like I should know this but I don't. :P
    3. Batman
    4. Not sure on that one....
    5. Black Panther
    6. Wonder Woman!
    7. Captain America
    8. Hmmmm...I don't think I've heard that one before....
    9. Spiderman!
    10. Black Widow
    11. Professor X
    12. Ahh, that's someone's name? Oh dear.

  6. 1. Sam Wilson - Falcon

    2. Sue Storm-Richards - don't know

    3. Bruce Wayne - Batman

    4. Helen Parr - Elastigirl

    5. T'Challa - Black Panther

    6. Diana Prince - Wonder Woman

    7. Steve Rogers - Captain America

    8. Ororo Monroe - don't know

    9. Peter Parker - Spiderman

    10. Natasha Romanoff - Black Widow

    11. Charles Xavier - don't know

    12. Jubilation Lee - don't know

  7. 1. Falcon
    2. no idea
    3. Batman
    4. Elastigirl (is that how you spell it?)
    5. Black Panther
    6. Wonder Woman
    7. Captain America
    8. no idea
    9. Spiderman
    10. Black Widow
    11. Professor . . . something
    12. no idea

  8. Went heavy on the Marvel Comics characters, did we? Had to look up Helen Parr (the only one I didn't know.) Never saw the movie.

    1. Quiggy, the truth is, I'm WAY more familiar with Marvel than DC because I have read only a handful of DC comics, but I've read loads of Marvel stuff over the years :-o

  9. Yikes, I am so bad at this.
    3. Batman
    6. Wonder Woman!
    9. Superman?
    Wait, 4. Catwoman?

    Thanks for the game!

  10. 1. Sam Wilson - Falcon

    2. Sue Storm-Richards - Storm

    3. Bruce Wayne - Batman

    4. Helen Parr - Purple Witch

    5. T'Challa - Black Panther

    6. Diana Prince - Wonder Woman

    7. Steve Rogers - Captain America

    8. Ororo Monroe - no idea!

    9. Peter Parker - Spiderman

    10. Natasha Romanoff - Black Widow

    11. Charles Xavier- Professor X

    12. Jubilation Lee - no idea!

    From Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

  11. Oh, and I'm pretty sure 7. is Captain America.

  12. Well, I might know some of these!
    1) Is it Falcon?
    2) I don't know...
    3) Batman, I believe.
    4) Elasta-girl Mrs. Incredible!
    5) I really don't know this one, but I'm going to take a wild guess at Black Panther?
    6) *sings* Wonder Woman!
    7) Captain America!! *Nation Anthem starts playing*
    8) IDK..
    9) Ooh Ooh!! *raises hand* Spider Man!!
    10) Black Widow <3
    11) *shrugs*
    12) IDK

    Thanks for this great game!!

  13. i think i know almost all of them (except for 8 and 12) but i don't want to ruin it for anyone else.

    1. Michelle, you wouldn't be ruining it, I promise! All comments are moderated right now, so no one but me will see your guesses until the game is over. Which is basically tomorrow, so if you want to get your guesses in, go for it!

  14. I'm guessing that i am not allowed to search online :)
    1 The Falcoln
    2 Invisible Woman
    3 Batman
    4 Mrs. Incredible
    5 Black Panther
    6 Wonder Woman
    7 Captain America
    9 Spider Man
    10 Black Widow
    11 Professor X
    The # 8 and 12 I am thinking are western-type heroes or clever methods to prevent online cheating because they are not real.
    I had a lot of fun with this quiz. Thanks for hosting it!

    1. IsaacBenjamin, haha! Nope, 8 and 12 are both X-men. One is famous, one is kinda obscure -- I put her in there to reward people who read the comics, if any of them participated :-) Answers are up now, so you can go see who they are!

  15. 1. Hawkeye? That's probably so wrong.
    2. Invisible Woman
    3. Batman
    4. Elastigirl
    5. Elastigirl
    6. Wonder Woman
    7. Captain America
    8. ?
    9. Spiderman
    10. Black Widow
    11. ?
    12. ?

  16. 1. Falcon
    2. Mrs. Fantastic
    3. Batman
    4. Elasta-girl
    5. Black Panther
    6. Wonder Woman
    7. Captain America
    8. Storm
    9. Spiderman
    10. Black Widow
    11. Professor x
    12 ????


Agree or disagree? That is the question...

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