
Monday, October 16, 2017

For All Those Who Live In (or Near) Virginia

As you may know, I live in Virginia. Several of my blogging friends do too, and we're going to meet up at the American Shakespeare Center in Staunton this fall. If you'd be interested in joining us, please email me at rachelkovaciny at gmail dot com and I'll fill you in on details.

To avoid creepy stalker types of people, I'm not posting the names of other people who are meeting up with me, or which date and time we'll be there. Not that I know I have any creepy stalkers in my life or anything like that, but better safe than sorry, you know?


  1. I'm so excited about this!! :D

    1. YOU TWO ARE MEETING EACH OTHER??? *hugs* Ahhhh I wish I could come!!! HAVE FUN, LOVELIES. :D (I expect pictures. 'Hem. :))

    2. Natalie, we'll see about pictures! And yes, it is so, so, so exciting :-)

    3. DARN DARN DARN DOUBLE DARN. I won't be able to make it *weeps* (I'm not so far away from Virginia, but the pressure of school is such that I won't be able to travel).

      Have a lovely, lovely time, though!!!! *sends loads of hugs for both of you*

    4. Jessica, you never know -- we might have so much fun, we make it happen again. Like during the summer or something!

      Thanks for hugs <3

    5. Yes!!! That would be perfect <3

    6. I'm eagerly awaiting any photos, if possible, then! Thanks! And a repeat summer meet up sounds terribly exciting. :)

      HAVE FUN, FRIENDS!!! <3

    7. Natalie, definitely will try to get a photo or two to share somehow!

  2. I live waaaay far from Virginia, but-- *squeals* --I'm so, so excited for you guys! I hope y'all have an absolutely fantabulous time! :D ❤

  3. Have you seen this?
    Peter Lorre is genius casting!!!

    1. Phyl, yes, I saw that years ago, though I'd forgotten all about it until you shared it. Good stuff! Love Orson Welles as Saruman too.

      I had to go back and check, but yup, I'd cast Peter Lorre as Gollum myself for the last Imaginary Film Blogathon. He's just as perfect as can be!

  4. Wish I could come! You all will have a fabulous time, I know. :-)

    1. Emma Jane, wish you could too!

      And thanks, I'm sure we will :-)

  5. Oh, have a marvellous time, everyone who's going! I fancy Virginia is a little too far for me to travel. ;)


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