
Saturday, October 14, 2017

Announcing the Inspirational Heroes Blogathon

You know those movies that make you want to stand up and cheer?  Maybe even inspire you to actually do so, whether you're in the theater or the comfort of your own living room?  I love those movies.  If you do too, then you're in for a treat.

Quiggy at The Midnite Drive-In has invited me to co-host another cool blogathon!  We invite you to join us as we celebrate films about inspirational heroes, those men and women who inspire us with their beyond-ordinary achievements.  Maybe they're average, ordinary people standing up for what they believe in.  Maybe they're aliens or mutants or the product of science experiments that gave them superpowers.  Maybe they're champions of old, saving a damsel or righting a wrong. Whatever the case, we are here to celebrate those heroes and heroines with this event!

If you'd like to join us, but aren't sure what movie to blog about, a good place to find ideas would be the American Film Institute's list of the 100 most-inspiring movies of all time.

Since there are a massive number of movies with inspiring heroes in them, we are asking that there please be no duplicates.  Of course, if one person chooses to write about Rocky, but someone else wants to write about the character arcs presented in the whole series, that would be okay.  But no multiple reviews of the same movie, got it?  If you're not sure if your idea would qualify, just ask!

This blogathon will run from December 29 to January 1 -- let's ring in the new year with a round of cheers for heroes, both fictional ones and those drawn from history! Since the holidays are very busy, we will allow early entries, and we'll probably be fairly forgiving of late ones too.  But we'd appreciate it if you'd aim to post during the four days of the event.

If you're interested in joining us, you can sign up either on this post, or over on Quiggy's announcement post.  And share the news so others can join!  Feel free to use any of these banner/button/images on your own blog, invite friends, and so on.

The Roster:

The Midnite Drive-In -- Rocky (1976) and Hoosiers (1986)
Hamlette's Soliloquy -- Apollo 13 (1995)
Angelman's Place -- It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
Caftan Woman -- Torchy Blane
Cinematic Scribblings -- The Ascent (1977)
The Story and You -- Good Will Hunting (1997)
Maddy Loves Her Classic Films -- To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
Jessica Prescott guest post -- Stand By Me (1986)
Movies Meet Their Match -- Miracle on 34th Street (1947)
Silver Screenings -- The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
Meanwhile, in Rivendell... -- Secretariat (2010)
Love Letters to Old Hollywood -- His Girl Friday (1940)
The Wonderful World of Cinema -- Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936)
Coffee, Classics, and Craziness -- Meet the Robinsons (2007)
Once Upon a Screen... -- 12 Angry Men (1957)
The Story Enthusiast -- Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
Sat in Your Lap -- Sergeant York (1941)
Silver Screen Classics -- Meet John Doe (1941)
Critica Retro -- Boys Town (1938)
Movie Movie Blog Blog -- Rocky Balboa (2006)
Charlene's (Mostly) Classic Movie Reviews -- Stella Dallas (1937)
Movie Rob -- Rogue One (2016) and Hacksaw Ridge (2016) and United 93 (2006)
Motion Picture Gems -- On Golden Pond (1981)
Along the Brandywine -- The Hunt for Red October (1990)


  1. This is going to be such fun!

    (I wonder if I should watch Apollo 13? Do you think I'd enjoy it?)

    1. (If you don't enjoy it, I disown you.)

      (Seriously, it's such an uplifting movie. I think you might like it.)

      (Also, if you want to do a guest post, I would be willing to post it here. We could discuss via email or FB messages if you're interested.)

    2. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I guess I'd better enjoy it, then! :-P

      I know it's about a real historical event, and I tend to enjoy stories like that--specially 20th century history. And uplifting is always good! :-)

      Oh goody!! I messaged you on FB :-)

    3. Jessica, I messaged you back :-)

      And yeah, those are the reasons I think you might dig A13.

  2. Could I write about The Ascent (1977)? My blog is Cinematic Scribblings: Thanks!

  3. "If you're not sure if your idea would qualify, just ask!" Just on a personal note, I don't plan on stifling anyone's "inspiration". I consider inspiration to be subjective. I am not inspired by Michael Corleone, but if someone says they are, I don't feel I could argue the point.

    Thanks for co-hosting with me, BTW.

    1. Quiggy, I mostly meant that like, if someone wasn't sure if their idea was different enough from one someone else already chose (like would "heroes played by Jimmy Stewart" be different enough from a post on "It's a Wonderful Life," for instance), they could ask for guidance :-) I'm definitely not going to be all, "You think *that character* is inspiring????" :-)

      Thanks for coming up with the idea and asking me to co-host!

  4. Hey. Could I please write about Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird? Maddy

  5. I am all lol over this. Now I'll just need to decide who to write about.

    (I would love to write about John Anderton, but I haven't seen Minority Report in so long.)

    1. Stupid spell check. I meant to say "I am alllllll over this".

    2. Eva, ohhhhhhh, I hate spell check too. Just yesterday it turned "Tyrone Power" into "Throne Power." Grr.

      I'm eager to see what sort of inspiring hero you choose! (Psssssst -- it could be from a TV show too.)

  6. I posted our blogathon to Classic Movie Hub's blogathon page. More visibility.

  7. Oh! This looks fun! Since it is in the twelve days of Christmas, I'll do Miracle on 34th Street (1947). Great idea for a blogathon!

    On that list #100 is Chariots of Fire, and I just watched that yesterday! :) But, I'll leave it for someone else. :)

    1. Movie Critic, good choice! You're on the list.

      I LOVE Chariots of Fire!

  8. May I reserve a spot for both Secretariat and Megan Leavey? I'm not POSITIVE that I'll be able to get to them (and if I don't, I will try to excuse myself in time so that others can do the movies if they wish), but I'd like to participate in some way and those are two that come to mind, since we can include heroines, too. :)

    1. Olivia, sure thing! If you get pinched for time, just let us know and we'll pull one or the other of your entries.

      The more heroines, the better!

    2. Hello again -- at this point, I think I'm going to focus on getting a review of "Secretariat" written. Don't think I'll get to "Megan Leavey." :-P

    3. Olivia, not a problem! I'll pull ML off the list, but of course, if you manage to get it written too, you're more than welcome to contribute it anyway :-)

  9. Picking a topic for this was so tough, but I think I'm going to go with His Girl Friday, thanks to fabulous Rosalind Russell. Should be a lot of fun!

    1. Michaela, that sounds great! Man, I haven't seen that in a lot of years -- might have to revisit it this fall yet!

  10. So, yes, please put me up for Mr. Roberts. Not sure if I'm going to write about Roberts or Pulver yet - or both! - but this choice seems perfect on so many levels. <3

    1. Eva, I will add you right now! You could totally write about both of them in the same post, you know :-)

    2. I think I will. :) They both inspire me in different ways.

    3. Just a heads up. as of 6:11pm (my time) the link up there to C,C &C is defective. My guess is it's missing a "c" somewhere. I get a message that "lassicsandcraziness" does not exist. :-D

    4. Quiggy -- just saw this now. Thanks for the heads-up! I've fixed the link.

  11. Hi, can I write about Randle P McMurphy in One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, he's one of my fave heroes from film. From Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews,

    1. Sure, Gill! I'll add you to the list.

    2. Sorry to be a pain, just remembered done this movie can I argue the point for Rutger Hauer as Roy Batty in Blade Runner (1982)?

    3. Gill, not a problem! I will switch that right now.

    4. Hi, sorry to be annoying, but can I change that back to Randle McMurphy in One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest, cant find my Blade Runner DVD?

    5. Sure, Gill :-) Bummer on misplacing your Blade Runner DVD, though :-o

    6. I know - was so looking forward to chiling out with a young Harrison Ford

  12. If it's okay, can I change my entry to Meet the Robinsons?

    I'd do both films, but I don't think I'd have time.

  13. Hi! Just discovered this blogathon and would love to participate. May I choose 'Meet John Doe' (1941) please?

    1. Sure thing, Silver Screen! You're on the roster :-) Thanks for joining!

  14. Hi! Can I please write about Stella Dallas (1937)? Thanks! My blog is Charlene's (Mostly) Classic Movie Reviews and the url is

    I had to post as anonymous because my computer is not letting me link my wordpress or gmail account to your blog for some reason :/ Thanks for understanding!


    1. Hi, Charlene! I will add you to the list :-) Glad to have you!

  15. Had an inspired thought last night can I write my post about a TV character that inspires me, love to change my post to writing about Bruce in Welcome to Sweden, if thats not ok will stick with Randle. But as an expat in Finland hes the perfect choice.

    1. Gill, I would be okay with that, if Quiggy is too. I mean, we said "movies" and "films" in our descriptions of the blogathon, but the name is "Inspirational Heroes" not "Inspirational Movie Heroes." So I'll consult with him and let you know, okay?

  16. Replies
    1. Gill, it's fine with Quiggy too, so I've switched you to writing about "Welcome to Sweden" :-)

  17. sorry but i can't enter this blogathon as my computer keyboard is playing up now x sorry for any inconvenience x gill

    1. Oh, that's too bad, Gill. Another time! Hope you can get your computer keyboard fixed post-haste :-)

  18. Hi, I hope it's not too late to sign up for the blogathon; I would love to participate!

    1. Tom, definitely not too late! What would you like to contribute, and on which blog?

    2. Well, I'm torn between a couple of films that I haven't decided which one to submit yet, either Twelve O'Clock High with Gregory Peck or On Golden Pond, and I would post on my blog Motion Picture Gems. Thanks so much.

    3. Tom, I'll put you down for both of them for right now, and when you decide on one, let me know, okay?

    4. Hi, Hamlette. I've decided to write about On Golden Pond and will aim to have my post up by Sunday. Thanks.

    5. Hi Hamlette, my post is now up; Happy New Year!

    6. Thanks, Tom! Happy New Year to you too! I'll get you added to the official roster right away.

  19. My post for the blogathon is now live at:

  20. Hi Hamlette - Just posted mine too; here is the link:

  21. Ooh ooh ooh!!! I just found out about this and it segues perfectly into a review I'm itching to write for a new top favorite. (We're actually right in the middle of a rewatch -- just have to see if I can pull together a review on short notice. ;P) Can I review "The Hunt for Red October" (1990)?

  22. Hi Rachel. Hope you and the family had a lovely Christmas. Here is my post about To Kill A Mockingbird. Maddy

    1. Great, Maddy! My official post goes live as soon as I've added you link.

  23. Hi! What a wonderful blogathon! Can't wait to read people's work! Here is my entry - I hope I just made it. Best regards and a happy new year!

    1. Thanks, Silver Screen Classics -- you totally made it with time to spare, as it runs all through today still. I'll get your post added to the blogathon roster right away. Happy New Year!


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