
Friday, July 22, 2016

Five Magic Bookmarks -- A Giveaway!

Yippee!  Five Magic Spindles gets officially released today! This has been such an exciting journey, and I'm really glad so many of you have shared it with me here.  I'm so eager for you to read "The Man on the Buckskin Horse," of course, but also for you to read the other four stories!  They're all excellent, and each so fascinatingly different.

To celebrate, I've created five bookmarks, one for each of these Sleeping Beauty retellings. And I'm giving them away, one to each of five lucky winners.  Here they are, paired with the title page of the appropriate story that inspired them:

This giveaway runs through Friday, July 29. I will draw five winners on Saturday, July 30, and post the names of the winners that day, as well a notify them by email.

I can only send these to US addresses because of shipping being so expensive these days. Of course, if you have a friend who lives in the US that is willing to have it shipped to them for you, that's fine, but I can't send them internationally.

PLEASE make sure your information for the giveaway widget includes your current email address so that if you win a prize, you'll get the email informing you that you won! If you don't reply to my email within one week, I will choose another winner and award your prize to them instead.

The first way to enter, as you see, asks you to leave a comment telling me your top two prize choices. I do my best to match winners with their choice of prizes, but that doesn't always work out.  I will do my best.  You can leave that comment right in the widget this time.

You can enter via this widget:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I'm running this giveaway here, on The Edge of the Precipice, and on my Facebook author page.  You may enter at any one of those places.


  1. What a fun giveaway, Hamlette!! The FIVE MAGIC SPINDLES collection downloaded to my kindle just last night (the Amazon pre-order option is well worth it). :)
    I think my favourite of the bookmarks would be OUT OF THE TOMB, and my second favourite GUARDIAN OF OUR BEAUTY, but they all look gorgeous! :)

    1. Thanks, Olivia! Glad you like them.

      I know, pre-order for the win! My family received their pre-ordered paperback copies a day or two "early" too :-)

  2. I love those bookmarks! My favorites are Guardian of Our Beauty and Cut of The Moon. I'm definitely going to find the book on Amazon.

    1. *Sorry* I meant Cut of The Tomb! I may have written it Moon in the Widget app as well.

    2. No prob, Ivy -- the one for "Out of the Tomb" has a moon on it, so I'd have figured it out :-)

  3. Thanks for the giveaway, that had to be a lot work with finishing edits and such on your story. Congrats by the way. Can't wait to read this edition.

    I personally like the Spindle Cursed because of the dragon and Guardian of Our Beauty because of the horse.


    1. Rachel, thanks! And actually, all my editing work on my contribution to the book was finished weeks ago -- it's been the publisher's toy for a while now. So I had to do something to keep busy :-)

  4. HURRAY!! You won't believe how happy I was to open my Kindle this morning and see that gorgeous gold cover right up top! :D I've finally got some free time, gonna go read it now :)

    Got to say, your bookmarks are simply lovely!

    Congratulations again!! :-)

    1. Thanks! I hope you're enjoying it :-) It's been a pretty splendid day all around!

  5. Eeeee YAY!! :D

    And oh my.... These are just So Utterly Gorgeous! And favorites? Hmmm. So many different parts of myself to analyze here... my love of all things western and fairy tale-ish-ness. Sigh. Well my first choice is #1 (man with pistols) and my second is #3 (the castle-y one). After that, the dragon and the horse. ;)

    1. Heidi, you are one of the sweetest and nicest people I have ever met. Favorites duly noted :-)

  6. (Btw, I LOVE your dahlia header! I remember thinking it would make a beautiful one when you first showed me the pic, so then I was grinning the first time I clicked through to your blog and found you did it! ;))

    1. (And thanks! It didn't even occur to me until I was like, "Um, May is long over, so I should take down the May Birthday Boys header. What to replace it with?" and trolled thru my pics.)

  7. How lovely!

    Also, last year I hosted a "blog chain" where bloggers signed up to post about a certain topic each month. I want to start it up again in August and am brainstorming to make it amazing. I have a survey here: and I would love if you would fill it out with your ideas :P

  8. Those are cool! And beautifully photographed. I'd actually enter for one but it's not fair 'cause I'm family.

    1. Awww, thanks Noumenon :-) You know... I have extra charms left over from some of these. If you reeeeally would like one for oh, say, a birthday present or something, we do happen to be family.

  9. Congrats on the release!!! Best feeling in the world!

    The bookmarks are gorgeous!!! Also, I am keeping my thoughts in a word doc until I've read all of them, but your story! Oh my gracious! So beautiful. I absolutely loved Man on the Buckskin Horse and the super clever ways you integrated all the elements of Sleeping Beauty into a Western. Thank you for writing such an awesome and unique story!

    1. Thanks, Jenelle! Definitely is :-)

      And thank you -- I'm so glad you've enjoyed it. A lot of reviewers have had some trouble seeing the Sleeping Beauty-ness of the story, so it's great to hear from someone who did find the elements inside the cowboy disguise.

  10. *gasp* Hamlette, these are lovely!!!!! I almost can't believe how pretty you were able to make them--I would NEVER have been able to come up with something like this, that's for sure!

    I can't wait to read your story and the others in the collection--it's going to be so much fun! :-)

    1. Awww, thanks, Jessica! I had a lot of fun choosing just the right charms for these.

      Can't wait to hear what you think of them! :-D

  11. This is so beautiful! I tried to write my 1st and 2nd preferences in the widget but hit enter by mistake after writing the first one. I hope that's not a problem...? If it is then this is what I meant to write as choices:
    1) Ghost of Briardale
    2) Spindle Cursed

    1. Oh gosh, I realized I didn't enter my email either. Here it is: []. You don't have to delete it, I'm not touchy.

      Sorry to be such a bother. If this makes the giveaway to hard, just don't include me :)

    2. Not a problem, Rosie -- the widget will tell me your email address or let me send you a Facebook message, depending on how you signed in to it. But good to know, just in case!

  12. I love fairy-tale retellings, and those book marks are beautiful! Added to my Goodreads :)

    1. Marissa, I love them too! I'd contemplated trying to write one for years, but never got up the oomph to do it until this contest. Now I'm kind of an addict, and writing a western version of Little Red Riding Hood :-o Thanks for the kind words and for adding our book!

  13. I'm reading your contribution at the moment. Have been so busy, I haven't managed to finish it yet (one or two chapters a night) but I'm enjoying it very much. It's so... YOU. YOU drip from every line. What you love. How your mind works. Where your interests lie. It's a wonderful thing to see. :)

    1. Charity, you're making me grin and bounce. Yes, this story is extremely me. Me everywhere, just about. (I'm actually not very interested by sheep, though. Spinning yarn, though, I could get into if I had the time and money.)

    2. I'm never gonna be able to think about Sleeping Beauty the same way again. I'll e-mail you my full thoughts when I'm done. I should be able to finish reading it this afternoon. :P)

    3. Charity -- that's too funny! I admit that this is not a favorite fairy tale of mine (so many bad decisions and avoidable problems!) so I did kind of try to "improve" it a little, lol. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

  14. So lovely, Rachel. Nicely done - and I love how well you matched every created with these stories. :)

    1. Thank you, Rissi! I had sooooo much fun finding just the perfect charms for them :-)


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