
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Giveaways, Cowboys, and Authors, Oh My!

I need to tell you about TWO upcoming internet events and THREE related giveaways.

First, on July 30th, I'll be participating in the official Five Magic Spindles Chat Party on Facebook.  It kicks off a little before 2pm EST, and from 2 to 2:30, I will be chatting LIVE with anyone who shows up!  Of course, I'll chat about the book, but really, I'll be happy to discuss anything at all, from writing to westerns to whatever!  Three of the other authors will be participating too, in their own time slots -- click on the above link to access the page, sign up to attend (or just say you're interested), and see what the rest of the schedule is.

And involved in that event will be a giveaway!

You'll be able to enter to win a prize pack that includes a print copy of Five Magic Spindles, a pack of playing cards with facts about the real west on them, a bookmark, a necklace, and an art print.

But wait... there's more!

Here on my blog, and also on my book blog, I'm going to host a giveaway to celebrate Five Magic Spindles getting released this Friday, July 22.  Stay tuned for more info on that (cuz I'm making the prizes and they're not done yet).

And then...

Emma Jane of A Lantern in Her Hand and Olivia of Meanwhile, in Rivendell... are teaming up to host this year's Legends of Western Cinema Week next month!  I will be hosting a giveaway for that event TOO!  The prizes will be DVDs of four western TV shows -- details to come eventually :-)


  1. AHHH, I CAN'T WAIT TO READ FIVE MAGIC SPINDLES!! *breathe* I've already pre-ordered it - only four more days until release, only four more days. . .

    Oh, both of the give-aways sounds awesome! And the chat! Gonna try and make it for that! :D

    That picture of Quirt and Penny is adorable! But wait- wasn't the movie in black and white? I don't remember that scene in colour, but it does look oh-so-pretty! ^_^

    1. Thanks! I really hope you like it :-) I've read all 5 stories now, and I think they're perfectly splendid!

      Yes, Angel and the Badman was originally in black-and-white. Either that image is from a tinted lobby card (they often released color pictures to movie theaters as promotional material back then), or else from a colorized version from back in the late '80s and early '90s when some people thought modern audiences would be more interested in old films if they were in color and "colorized" old films. Either way, it's a cute picture, and so cool for a button, huh? Olivia had that button on her blog, so you could ask her where she found the pic...

  2. Yay! I'm excited to read your story (obviously!) and I'm thrilled you're participating in an author chat. That's awesome! If I'm home that Saturday, I'll be there. *hugs*

    The Legends of Western Cinema week sounds fun. I'll have to check it out!

    1. Carissa, that sounds great! I hope you can drop by :-) I've never really done an author event like this, and I'm hoping it's fun and successful and so on.

      I think this is the third year for Legends of Western Cinema Week. It's fun!

  3. Fun stuff....thanks for the advertising!

    1. You're welcome, Emma Jane! I'm hoping to contribute a "top ten" post of some sort that week too, if I can't manage a whole movie review. We'll see!

  4. Can't wait for Five Magic Spindles! I've already got my Kindle copy pre-ordered. And thanks for sharing about the Legends of Western Cinema week; I'd been wondering if it was happening again this year! Now to think of an entry...

    1. Elisabeth, I can't wait to hear what you think of it! And yes, I actually just asked Emma Jane the other day if they were doing this again, and she was like, "Funny you should ask..."

  5. Congrats! Looking forward to seeing what you have planned. :)

    1. Thanks, Rissi! Working on getting the details hammered out right now, photos taken, etc.

  6. Looking forward to all of this! :-)


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