
Thursday, July 28, 2016

"Her Hair was a Hot Sunset"

It's even redder than last time.  And I like it even better!

Yes, that's our grape arbor behind me.  Yes, I had to tilt my camera to try to get as much of my hair in the picture as I could.  When I say my hair is really long, I mean it.

Don't forget that tomorrow is the last day to enter my giveaway for five different Five Magic Spindles bookmarks!!!

"Her hair was a hot sunset." -- The Little Sister by Raymond Chandler


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, it is. It's past my butt, actually. I've never had it cut, only trimmed a bit regularly.

  2. Whoooaaaa; looks beautiful!

    And the length, oh my goodness! Gorgeous!! :D

    1. Thanks, BC! And yeah... it's very long. I used to keep it trimmed to about waist length, but I decided last year to just let it keep on growing, and only trim straggly ends. It feels much more luxurious now!

  3. Looks nice, Hamlette! You know, I've always wanted to be a redhead :-)

    (And my goodness, your hair really is long!! I thought *my* hair was long--it's below my waist--but still not as long as yours :-) )

    1. Thanks, Jessica! Clearly, I always have too, considering this is the 4th time I've dyed my hair red.

      And yeah, it's super long. If I ever wanted to donate it to Locks of Love, I could give twice as much as they require and still have hair down to my shoulders.

  4. Replies
    1. Quiggy, lol! Yeah, it is v~i~b~r~a~n~t right now.

  5. Your hair is so long and pretty! And wow, what an amazing color-it reminds me of strawberries. :) (That's a good thing, haha)

    1. Thanks, Natalie! It looks a lot darker indoors, but when I'm outside in the sun like that, it does really pop.

      Mmmmmmmm, strawberries :-9


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