
Monday, June 10, 2024

Announcing Legends of Western Cinema Week 2023

Hey howdy hey!  For the sixth straight summer, I'm teaming up with Heidi of Along the Brandywine and Olivia of Meanwhile, in Rivendell... to bring you Legends of Western Cinema Week -- a no-holds-barred celebration of western movies and shows!

This year's shindig will be held July 22-26, and we invite you to join us for five days of western film fun.  As usual, the three of us are working on a blog tag for everyone to fill out.  We're also planning some blog games and a giveaway or two.  

The rest of the party's events are up to you!  This event is always BYOBP -- Bring Your Own Blog Post.  Start thinking now about what kinds of posts you want to contribute.  Movie reviews, TV show/episode reviews, top ten posts, random assortments of thoughts about western movies/shows, games, tributes -- as long as it's about westerns onscreen, it's welcome!  

We never set a limit for how many posts you can contribute, or how many people can share posts about a particular subject. The only rules are that posts: 
  •  must be about westerns,
  •  must be appreciative and not derogatory,  and 
  •  must to be new posts (not just linking to old ones)
If you can't think of anything to post, but you want to celebrate westerns with us, you are always welcome to just fill out the blog tag on your own blog!

Olivia has made her best batch of buttons yet, don't you think?  Please help yourself to one (or more) and post it on your blog to spread the word about this event!

There's no official sign-up roster or anything like that.  If you want to tell us how excited you are for the return of LOWCW, or if you have questions, leave a comment!

If you haven't attended one of our LOWCW hootenannies yet, and you're not quite sure you understand how a blog party works (as opposed to a blogathon), here's a link to my wrap-up post for the 2024 event.


  1. Hooray!! *scattering confetti far and wide* I'm seriously getting so excited this year. xD

    1. Heidi, me too! A little oasis of fun in the middle of a very busy summer :-)

  2. Hi Rachel, count me in as a possible for the tag this year. Hope all good and congrats on your new books too. So proud of you xx

    1. Gill, that sounds good! You can always play the games and so on, too :-D

      It's a busy summer here, but a good one so far! And going to be a little less busy once my youngest's ballet recital is done this weekend, and she has the summer off from lessons :-) More time to work on books for me!!!

    2. I MIGHT (big might) have time to review Red Sun with Alain Delon and Charles Bronson... can I???

    3. Gill, I think Red Sun would be fine to review, especially if you mention that some viewers may want to try to watch it with a filter since it does have some nudity.

    4. Thanks - tbh I hadnt noticed that - I guess I was too distracted by Alain Delon's gold tooth!

    5. Gill, the only thing I have ever seen Alain Delon in is a western, actually -- Texas Across the River, which is a hilarious western comedy. I'm trying to imagine him with a gold tooth and cracking up.

    6. Will look into a few more suitable options instead of Red Sun, so will just do the tag just now... This film included it does sound intriguing. Thanks for mentioning it!

  3. Have a lovely summer and looking forward to reading more about your books (and possible casts - so glad you do this too...)

    1. Thanks, Gill! You can find all my casting ideas for my books (both those published and those that are coming soon) in individual boards in my Pinterest profile :-)

    2. Cool, thanks for the link - will add you now!

  4. In the past I've never been a big Westerns fan, but lately I've been finding ones that I enjoy--specifically "Shane," "Forty Guns," and "Rio Bravo." I am going to try and participate in this week-long celebration, I appreciate that I don't have to commit to watching/writing about a specific amount of films.

    Whimsically Classic (Kayla)

    1. Kayla, the great thing about westerns is that they have such variety, almost every viewer can find a specific vibe they dig within the genre. That's awesome that you enjoy Shane and Rio Bravo -- they're both in my top ten for favorite westerns! I have only seen Forty Guns once, and should watch it again sometime, as I love Barbara Stanwyck, especially in westerns.

      You are definitely welcome to participate in whatever big or small way you want! And if you ever want recommendations of westerns with similar elements or atmospheres or character types to those movies, let me know!

  5. Hi Rachel, would a review of Rick Dalton the actor protagonist in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood's career in Westerns be ok?

    1. Gill, I haven't seen that one, but if it has to do with westerns, sure!

  6. Replies
    1. Gill, absolutely! I've been wanting to see Westworld for years now, but still haven't.

    2. Thanks and thanks for putting up with my dithering.. so many good ones.

    3. You're welcome, Gill! I have yet to decide what I am contributing, so I fully understand :-D

    4. Thanks, hope you have time to join my Aaron Spelling blogathon and he has done a Western TV Movie... Be lovely to have you

  7. Hi Rachel. I would love to participate this year. Could I write about the Westerns of Barbara Stanwyck? My blog: In The Good Old Days Of Classic Hollywood. Thanks in advance.

    1. Crystal, that sounds like an awesome idea! I love Stanwyck in westerns :-D Looking forward to your post!

  8. Hello Hamlette! May I join the blogathon by reviewing the 1966 film, 'El Dorado', starring John Wayne?


Agree or disagree? That is the question...

Comments on old posts are always welcome! Posts older than 7 days are on moderation to dissuade spambots, so if your comment doesn't show up right away, don't worry -- it will once I approve it.

(Rudeness and vulgar language will not be tolerated.)