
Monday, January 15, 2024

Announcing We Love Sibling Stories Week

This announcement is about a week later than I had planned to make it, so I hope you haven't been worried that I wasn't going to host some kind of blog party in February!  Fear not -- I have such a fun event planned: We Love Sibling Stories Week!

So many of my favorite movies, books, and shows involve siblings.  The endless variety of sibling dynamics fascinates me, and it always provides such rich fodder for storytelling!  February 19 through 23, please join me in celebrating some of those wonderful stories that revolve around siblings.

Like my previous parties, this is a BYOBP (Bring Your Own Blog Post) event -- you get to contribute your own blog posts that relate to the theme!  Those can be just about anything -- movie or book or TV show reviews, lists of favorites, an in-depth character analysis, or even some kind of fun game or contest.  I will provide a blog tag, a giveaway, and at least one game.  So, those will be ways that you can participate as well, if you can't think of something else to post.

Below is the list of participants!  Duplicates are totally acceptable -- this is a party, not a blogathon.  Leave a comment on this post letting me know what you want to contribute, and I will add you to the roster.  If you don't know what you want to post about, that's fine; I can put you down with TBD for To Be Determined.  The only real rule is that all posts should be family friendly.

Don't forget to share a button or two on your blog with links back here so others can find the fun!

The Roster

+ Hamlette's Soliloquy -- tag, giveaway, and game
+ The Edge of the Precipice -- review of Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
+ Small Home Comforts -- the Melendy books by Elizabeth Enright
+ Realweegiemidget Reviews -- review of Addams Family Values (1993)
+ Meanwhile, in Rivendell... -- the Pevensie siblings of Narnia
+ The Bend in the Road -- sibling relationships in Patricia St. John's stories
+ Fanda Classiclit -- reviews of The Penderwicks on Gardam Street and Cigarette Girl
+ Revealed in Time -- Bernardo and Maria Vasquez from West Side Story 
+ The Midnite Drive-In -- review of Shane (1953)
+ Sixty-Something Trees -- list of favorite literary siblings
+ Starlight & Saucepans -- Henry and Mary Crawford in Mansfield Park by  Jane Austen
+ Movies Meet Their Match -- siblings in the Lemony Snicket stories
+ 18 Cinema Lane -- review of Deep End of the Ocean (1999)
+ The Maidens of Green Gables -- list of favorite onscreen siblings
+ Musings of an Introvert -- the Hardy Boys
+ YOU!


  1. How fun! I'd like to join! I'll write my blog post about Elizabeth Enright's Melendy family.
    Beth at

    1. Beth, that sounds awesome! I love the Melendys :-)

  2. Fabulous topic, hope you are having a fab 2024 so far. I had thought of reviewing Addams Family Values (1993), would that be ok??

    1. Thanks, Gill! So far, 2024 has been good :-D I think Addams Family Values would be a great addition!

    2. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to revisit it. Was one I love but I forgot about until I was researching the topic. So this idea won't be changed...

    3. You're welcome, Gill! 8 actually almost made a button with the original Addams Family in it, but opted for the Cartwright boys instead. Blame Pernell Roberts for being too handsome ;-)

  3. Oh, I very much want to do this!! Not quite sure yet what I'll post about--there are so many good choices--but I definitely plan on joining the fun :D

    1. Katie, cool! I will put you down as TBD, then :-D

  4. Ah, how fun! I'd really like to participate in this. Hopefully with something about the Pevensie siblings in Narnia, but there are so many good options! Glad we can do duplicates. :D

    1. Olivia, cool! I'll just put you down for something involving the Pevensies.

  5. Oh, what a neat theme!! I think I'll write a post about the sibling relationships in Patricia St. John's stories.

  6. It's strange but I've never thought about sibling even when reading or watching a show or movies but I've always liked supportive siblings especially older siblings supporting younger ones. I can't think of a single thing to post about siblings right now but I'll think about it. I've always enjoyed all your blogging events. Thanks for hosting them.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Lissa, I will put you down as TBD for now -- if you think of a topic later, just let me know! You can always just participate with the tag and games, etc, too.

      I'm glad you enjoy my parties :-)

  7. It sounds fun! I think this will be my excuse to finally read and review the 2nd of The Penderwicks: The Penderwicks on Gardam Street. So, yeah, count me in! ;)

    1. Fanda, that sounds like a great addition! Adding you to the roster now...

    2. Thanks, Rachel! I might even add Cigarette Girl (an Indonesian historical fiction) if I still have time ;)

    3. Fanda, is Cigarette Girl a book? I will add it for you, and if you run out of time for it, that's okay :-)

  8. Great idea! I want to do Bernardo and Anita Vasquez from West Side Story

    1. Ivy, I allllllmost did a button of Bernardo and Anita for this. I just couldn't find a screenshot of them together that I liked, and I was crunched for time. I love that you will highlight them!

    2. We got our characters mixed up! It's Bernardo and Maria who are siblings! Anita was Bernardo's girlfriend

    3. Ivy Miranda, OOPS! So we did :-o I will fix that now...

  9. Here's a thought. I have a sibling. A sister. I thought I would dedicate a post to her and do one of her favorite movies. Would that work? Don't know what her favorite movie(s) are, but I texted her and will let you know later if you agree to the idea.

    1. Quiggy, could she pick a movie that has siblings in it? Then I say it would be a lovely idea!!!

    2. Shane is her choice. Does the brother factor in that one qualify? I don't want to do her second one... The Secret Garden, which I'm not sure has siblings anyway.

    3. Did you know Strange Brew, the movie based on the McKenzie Brothers skit from SCTV was based (loosely, very loosely...) on Hamlet?

    4. Quiggy, there are siblings in Secret Garden, as Dickon's sister is who brings him to meet Mary in the first place. But I don't know that it's really a *you* story ;-)

      There are brothers in Shane, the bad guys. It isn't exactly a sibling-centric story, but it is so very good I can't turn you down.

      And no, I didn't know that about Strange Brew! Huh.

    5. My sister and I are polar opposites when it comes to just about anything. She likes the shmaltz whereas I like grittier stuff. She liked Little House on the Prairie which I would take as my cue to go to my room and read when it came on. But Shane was OK. I have it the post already written as I was going to post it independently if you rejected it. Thanks

    6. My brother and I can be very opposite on things too. For instance, I write cheerful little western novels, and he's a lawyer ;-)

      Looking forward to your post!

  10. What fun! I'd like to do something--I'm thinking some sort of list of favorite literary siblings...

    1. Sarah, sounds great! I will put you down for a list.

  11. I know this is a bit of a different take, but could I write about Henry and Mary Crawford from Mansfield Park?

    Thanks for hosting this!

    ~ Lizzie Hexam (

    1. Lizzie, that is a great idea! I will add you to the roster :-) Thanks for joining!

  12. Looking at my calendar, this falls when there aren't any exams for me. Hurrah! In that case, can you tentatively put me down for talking about siblings in Lemony Snicket's stories? The Baudelaires, Quagmires, etc.

    1. Chloe, that's such a fun idea! I will add you to the list :-)

  13. Hello Hamlette! Would the 1999 movie, 'The Deep End of the Ocean' be eligible for this blogathon? If so, I'd like to review it for the event!

    1. Sally, I don't think I've seen that one, but if it has siblings in it, sure!

  14. Hey Hamlette, could you put us down for a post about Our Favorite On Screen Siblings please? We're so looking forward to your party!

    1. Grace, that sounds like a fun list! Adding you to the roster now :-)

  15. This sounds like a lot of fun! I will participate too, possibly with a bookish post. I haven't decided yet.


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