
Monday, December 04, 2023

Announcing the On the Job Blogathon

My friend Jim (aka Quiggy) of The Midnite Drive-In and I (aka Hamlette) are getting down to business again.  We've planned a new blogathon for you to enjoy in the new year, one that centers on work!  Jobs, work, business, vocations, callings, and all that sort of thing.

Join us January 27 and 28 as we celebrate movies that involve what people do for a living.  Office workers, teachers, reporters, factory workers, farmers, ranchers, peace officers, military -- and every other job you can think of -- are all fair game here!

For the purposes of this blogathon, we are accepting any movies that have a primary focus on doing some kind of work. (Obviously, most characters in most movies have some sort of job, but we want the focus to be on ones where the primary story line is focused on one or more characters in the daily grind of performing their job.)

As usual, our rules are very simple:
  1. Only one person per movie. There are plenty of movies to choose from, so there is no need to have multiple entries of the same movie. 

  2. No old posts. Please write a new post for your entry. 

  3. Post your entry on (or around) the dates of the blogathon and leave a link to it for me or Quiggy when it is posted.

Leave a comment below or on Quiggy's post to tell us what you want to write about!  I'll update the roster frequently.  And don't forget to share one of these buttons on your blog with a link back to either this post or Quiggy's so other people can join the fun!

The Roster

+ Gung Ho (1986) -- The Midnite Drive-In
+ Support Your Local Sheriff (1969) -- Hamlette's Soliloquy
+ Top Ten Movies About Writers -- Hamlette's Soliloquy
+ Return of the Man from U.N.C.L.E. (1983) -- Realweegiemidget Reviews
+ The Founder (2016) -- Taking Up Room
+ The Name of the Rose (1986) -- Critica Retro
+ Jungle Cruise (2021) -- Meanwhile, in Rivendell...
+ The Dentist (1932) -- Silver Screenings
+ You!


  1. Fun! I have a question, though: are we allowed to count movies that focus on the performance of a less traditional/more exciting job? As in, movies that aren't "workplace" movies in the traditional sense but do technically revolve around a job (just an adventurous one)?

    1. Olivia, well, I am reviewing Support Your Local Sheriff, so, I would say yes, on a whole. What movie were you thinking of?

    2. Look at me, replying to your comment exactly one month later. "I thought it was a delicate matter, requiring early attention." I believe I was thinking of doing something with Jungle Cruise, with the skipper working on the same stretch of the river most of the time, but I doubt that I'll get around to writing anything up in time for this blogathon anyway, so, don't worry about it if that's not what you have in mind. :)

      Looking forward to your SYLS post!

    3. Olivia, that IS his job, so I think it would count. I will put you down for Jungle Cruise, and if it works out, great! If not, nobody else has even hinted that they would like to review that one, so no harm, no foul.

  2. This is a fab topic, and once I think of something I will return...

  3. Thought of one... I Hired a Contract Killer (1990) is a romance but it also tells about a hitman in the course of his work... would that count??

    1. Gill, I looked it up, and that sounds like a good fit! I will add you to the roster...

    2. Thanks! It's such a fun but obscure movie.

  4. Hi, Rachel! This is such a great idea--I'd like to write about "The Founder," if that's OK.

    1. Rebecca, sounds good! Adding you now.

      (The idea was totally Quiggy's, I'm just along for the ride!)

  5. Hi Hamlette, just dropping by quickly to wish you and your family a happy Christmas!

    1. Thank you, VT! Merry Christmas to you and yours, and a glad new year, too!

  6. Hi! Could I write about early librarians in "The Name of the Rose" (1986), please? Little known fact: I have a degree in Library Science!
    Le from Critica Retro (

    1. Le, absolutely! Sorry I didn't see your comment before now -- Blogger stuck it in the spam file, oops. I'll add you to the roster right now!

      And also, that's so cool! My son thought about pursuing Library Science for a while, though now he has switched his aim to Engineering.

  7. Hi lovely, can I change my review to the TV Movie, Return of the Man from UNCLE, where Napoleon Solo and Ilya Kuryakin return to become an UNCLE agents again after 15 years.

    1. Gill, of course! Is that the one where Illya's been hiding out as a fashion designer? :-D

  8. Ha ha, that's the one! That was one crazy revelation!! Hope you are having a fab Christmas Day!

    1. How delightful! Looking forward to that review :-D

      Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  9. Hi there! I'd love to do the W.C. Fields short, The Dentist (1932).
    -Ruth from Silver Screenings

    1. Ruth, that sounds like a fun addition! Putting you on the list now.

  10. Sorry I've been a bad co-host... I only just now updated the listings on my page. But I will be more attentive to what is happening going forward... I hope.

    1. Quiggy, that's okay! Life happens sometimes :-) For instance, I only just now discovered several of your comments in my "moderated" folder for some reason. Why Blogger can't just TELL me when you comment on my posts the way it does for nearly everyone else is one of life's most annoying mysteries.

  11. Hi there, here's my post for Day 1 of the blogathon...

    from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

    1. Gill, well, you are way ahead of me! I'm just starting on my posts now... :-)


Agree or disagree? That is the question...

Comments on old posts are always welcome! Posts older than 7 days are on moderation to dissuade spambots, so if your comment doesn't show up right away, don't worry -- it will once I approve it.

(Rudeness and vulgar language will not be tolerated.)