
Friday, October 27, 2023

"101 Dalmatians" (1961)

My history with this movie predates me actually seeing this movie by about a decade.  When I was very small, my parents got me a whole slew of Disney read-along books with little vinyl records.  (I see these are getting kinda valuable, though mine isn't sealed up...)  I loved most of those records, and listened to them over and over and over -- my parents actually put an old record player in my bedroom that I knew how to operate by myself when I was as young as 3.  I could listen to the records while "reading" the storybooks whenever I wanted to, which was an absolute joy for this story-addicted girl.

BUT, I was so freaked out by Cruella deVille when I was little that I made my parents hide this record where I could not find it.  (I did the same with the Wizard of Oz record for the same reason -- too scary!)

However, when I was about twelve, I finally got to see the actual movie, and I fell in love with it.  In fact, to this day, it is only second to Robin Hood (1973) in my list of favorite animated films.

Everything about 101 Dalmatians pleases me, from the style of artwork to the voices of the characters to the story itself.  Pongo and Perdita are such a sweet couple, and so are Roger and Anita.  I love the courage of all involved in chasing down Cruella deVille to rescue the 15 kidnapped puppies.  And the warm-hearted readiness they all display to rescue and adopt 84 more puppies is even more admirable, I think.

But, as much as I love Pongo, Perdy, Roger, Anita, and the other puppies, I think my favorite character is Sergeant Tibbs, a barn cat who manages to decipher the Twilight Bark alert and puts that together with the fact that he heard barking at a nearby old mansion to figure out where the missing puppies are being held.  

It is Sergeant Tibbs who organizes the initial rescue, hides the 99 puppies, trips up the bad guys, and generally starts the saving of the day just about on his own.  All while ably convincing his "commanding officer" that it is he, not the sergeant, who is saving the day.

In case you haven't seen the movie, a basic rundown of the plot is this:  Pongo and Perdita are two Dalmatians who take a fancy to each other and finagle their owners Roger and Anita into meeting as well, with a wedding resulting.  And, eventually, fifteen little puppies resulting.  An old schoolmate of Anita's, Cruella deVille, wants to buy the puppies, but Anita and Roger won't sell them because she's clearly a horrible person.  Roger even writes a comic song about her.  Cruella has the puppies kidnapped, and Pongo and Perdita rush off to rescue their babies when the humans fail to find them. 

I have seen this movie dozens of times, and it never fails to make me happy!  Or to bring tears to my eyes during the rescue mission.  Such a delightful, heart-warming film.

This review is my contribution to the Friends Fur Life blogathon that I am co-hosting this weekend with Quiggy of The Midnite Drive-In.  Check out the main post for all the fun entries!


  1. Yes, what a charming movie this is! Cruella deVille is such an iconic villain. I saw it once as a kid in the movie theatre and then never again until I was an adult and it came on TV. But after first seeing the movie, I did read the book it was based on by British author Dodie Smith and loved that too. I have not yet seen the recent live-action remake of the movie but since I do have Disney+, I should really make it a priority to watch it now!

    1. Debra, oh, how lovely to have seen this in the theater! Wow.

      I read the book and liked it pretty well, but I didn't love it like I do the movie.

  2. I believe this is one of the very few movies I actually watched as a child! I have vague memories of Cruella's fur coat and of Anita's orange hair. I saw it again as a teen when I was babysitting the neighbor's kids--very fun. Especially the ICONIC song "Cruella de Vil."

    1. Katie, how cool! It's a good one to have seen. And yes, that song is awesomesauce.

  3. I saw it in the theater. Mustve been a rerelease, since I was probably not even on this side of the womb until December of the year it premiered. Thx for partnering with me.

    1. Quiggy, I know Disney used to rerelease their films from time to time, so that's totally possible.

      Thanks for asking me! It's been fun :-D Here's to our next cohosting adventure, whenever and whatever it may be!

  4. I think Cruella's plans for the puppies are kind of disturbing, so I'm glad I didn't watch it when I was little! Anyhow, it's a beautiful-looking movie, with wonderful characters and great twists and turns.

    1. Movie Maniac, oh, her plans for the puppies are every kind of disturbing! That wasn't what bothered me as a little kid, though -- she was just so scary looking in my read-along book! I think it was her weird cheekbones combined with her wild hair.

      And yes, it's definitely a beautiful movie!

  5. This movie is so cute, even if Cruella is disturbing. Thanks again for hosting this blogathon--it was a blast!

    1. Rebecca, she is reeeeeeally disturbing. In a lot of ways.

      Glad you had fun! :-D

  6. I adored reading your post, as you took us back to your childhood. I had a Disney record too, but an aversion to Watership Down and still do. Anyway I really must watch more Disney animated films in full, and that cat looks pretty cool so this may have to try this one. Thanks for such a sweet review Rachel.

    1. Aww, so glad you enjoyed this, Gill! I have never read Watership Down because I am quite sure I wouldn't enjoy it.

      Definitely give this a try sometime when you're in the mood for a blend of whimsical and heartwarming.

  7. I never really loved 101 Dalmatians growing up (didn't dislike it, either; just wasn't a favorite), but the original novel by Dodie Smith eventually became (and still remains) one of my favorite books, so I tried the animated classic again some years ago and now I quite like it. As you said, the animation style is delightful, and the characters in the story are so likable. I love Sergeant Tibbs, too! And the entire Twilight Barking network is so immensely satisfying to me.

    1. Olivia, I read the book once, as a teen, and was kind of meh about it, so maybe I will love it when I reread it! Which I am planning to do later this year, as part of the Disney Origins book club on IG.

      The Twilight Bark is so satisfying. All that organization and cooperation!


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