
Thursday, August 17, 2023

Announcing the Friends Fur Life Blogathon

Do you love animals?  Or love movies and shows with animals in them?  If so, have my friend Jim at The Midnite Drive-In and I got a blogathon for you!  Join us October 27-29 for the Friends Fur Life blogathon, a celebration of onscreen animal friends.

The rules for this blogathon are pretty simple:
  • The animals in the movie or TV show must be pets or companions (Jaws is out; Flipper is in).
  • Only one duplicate of a title allowed.
  • Only new posts, please -- don't link to something you wrote last year or last decade, etc.

There is no limit to how many reviews, appreciation posts, top ten lists, and so on any blogger can enter.  If you want to review five separate episodes of Lassie, go ahead!

Entries are not limited to movie/TV show reviews.  If you want to do a list of your ten favorite episodes of Sabrina, the Teenage Witch that feature her talking cat, have at it!  If you want to compare the 1965 and 1997 versions of That Darn Cat, you totally may.

Drop a comment either here or on this post at The Midnite Drive-In to tell us what you want to contribute to this event, and make sure we have a link to your blog too.  We'll add you to the roster so people know what titles have been taken already.  And please use a blogathon badge on your blog to spread the word about this fun event, and use one in your posts too!

The Roster

Hamlette's Soliloquy -- 101 Dalmations (1961)
The Midnite Drive-In -- career overview for Orangey the cat
Realweegiemidget Reviews -- A Fish Called Wanda (1988)
She Who Seeks -- Alligator Loki, Loki (2021); Rocket Raccoon's interactions with the Winter Soldier in the MCU
The Stop Button -- Buddy (1997)
Taking Up Room -- Dog (2022)
Critica Retro -- That Darn Cat (1965)
Elisabeth Grace Foley -- Greyfriars Bobby (1961)
Diary of a Movie Maniac -- Man's Best Friend (1993)


  1. Hi there, can you add me with A Fish Called Wanda (1988), thanks Gill from Realweegiemidget Reviews

  2. I'll do a post on Alligator Loki from the 2021 Disney+ series "Loki."

  3. Oh no, I simply MUST sign up to do ANOTHER post too -- Rocket Raccoon and the Winter Soldier from the MCU's various "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "Captain America" movies!

    1. Debra, I've added you for Rocket, but I'm confused about the Winter Soldier... he's not a pet or an animal. Are you going to talk about Rocket's interactions with Bucky?

    2. Yes, thanks for figuring out what I meant -- Rocket Raccoon (interacting with the Winter Soldier). Sorry I wasn't more clear!

    3. Debra, aha! Okay, I will clarify that in the roster :-)

  4. Fun! So, can we count shows with only animal (no human) characters (i.e. Redwall), or nah?

    1. Olivia, well, the focus is really on animals that interact with humans in some way -- I haven't read Redwall (::hides::), but I think that's mainly just about talking animals, right? Probably not quite a fit here.

  5. Is it ok if I send you my entry a wee bit early got plans for that weekend?

  6. Hi, Rachel! I found a new movie on Prime called "Puppy Love" which would definitely work for this. It looks completely unnrealistic but it might be fun.

    1. Rebecca, which movie called Puppy Love are you going to review? There seem to be a lot of them -- do you have a release year for it?

  7. Sounds like a fun to me .
    I will checking it hopefully

    1. Hello, Baili! Every blogathon needs readers, so I hope you stop back and read the posts :-)

  8. Hi! Could I write about That Darn Cat (1965)?
    Le from Critica Retro

  9. Hi! Could I write about That Darn Cat (1965)? I'm not sure if it qualifies for the blogathon...
    Le from Crítica Retro

    1. Le, I am SO sorry I never replied to this! Your comments got shunted into my spam folder somehow. I apologize!

      Yes, That Darn Cat would be perfect for this blogathon! And I love that movie, so I'm excited you chose it :-)

  10. I'm a bit late here, but I'd like to contribute with Greyfriars Bobby (1961).

  11. Hi, Rachel, I was wondering if I could change my movie to Dog (2022)? It's about a former Army Ranger who has to drive a former Army Ranger dog to his friend's funeral and they learn to get along. I've tried watching "Puppy Love" and it's embarassingly dumb.

    1. Rebecca, absolutely! I will switch your topic on the roster now. Is that the movie with Channing Tatum in it? I saw the trailer for his movie about a military service dog a whole bunch of times in the theater, but never managed to go see the movie itself. It does look reeeeeeally good, though. If it's the same movie I'm thinking of!

    2. Thanks, Rachel--yeah, that's the same one. We're watching it right now and it's pretty crazy. I think this is going to be a fun review. :-)

    3. Rebecca, glad it's working out for you! Looking forward to that review :-)

  12. Hi there lovely, here's my post for Day 1 of the blogathon, looking forward to this!
    Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews


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