
Monday, July 24, 2023

It's Legends of Western Cinema Week!

Yee!  And also, haw!  It is Legends of Western Cinema Week, friends!  Time to celebrate all our favorite onscreen cowboys and cowgirls, wranglers and rustlers, peace officers and bandits.

I can't wait to see what all of you have come up with for this year's event.  To make sure no one misses any of the great posts you're doing, remember to place links to all of your contributions in this widget:

That includes posts with your tag answers!  As well as anything else you're doing, be it movie reviews or character sketches or lists of favorites, and so on.  Olivia and Heidi have that same widget on their blogs, and any entry to submit on any blog will show up on all three!  I'll have a couple of games for you this week, along with a brand-new Ten Favorites list.  And my giveaway started this morning already!

Now, here's the tag!  You'll note we say "a favorite" for all of these because we know how very hard it can be to choose one absolute favorite for most of these.  So you can just highlight one example that you really love, not fret over whether or not it is your favorite of all time.

The LOWCW 2023 Tag

  • Stetson -- a favorite hero moment (i.e. highlighting their character and/or making a pivotal decision, etc) 
  • Petticoat -- a favorite heroine moment (ditto)
  • Canteen -- a favorite scene with a leader/mentor 
  • Gloves -- a favorite sidekick/friend scene 
  • Canyon -- a favorite western landscape 
  • Pistol -- a favorite fight scene 
  • Saddle -- a favorite horse / animal in a western 
  • Sky -- a favorite ambitious / crazy plan in a western 
  • Rifle -- a favorite scene with an antagonist 
  • Chuckwagon -- a favorite meal scene 
  • Badge -- a favorite scene with peace officers / sheriff 
  • Lariat -- a favorite cattle drive /roundup

Saddle up!


  1. Hurrah!! Let the festivities begin!!!

  2. *tips hat to all and sundry*

  3. I posted it to the other blog entry but I must've messed up since it doesn't show. Here is my entry in the blogathon

    1. I'll fix it for you, Quiggy -- sometimes the widget can be a bit... crotchety...

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, Nutmeg! I'm having fun answering it myself :-)

  5. I *might* manage the tag later this week, don't know yet, but I do have one fun post up! Always have to get in at least one contribution to this week.

    1. Elisabeth, it would be such fun to read your tag answers, so I hope you can get to them :-) Thanks for adding a movie review to the fun!

  6. Right up to now I've been hoping I might find time to play this year, but I'm going to have to admit I'm just too busy. Ah well. There is always next year!

    1. VT, oh, that's too bad! You can still enter the giveaway, if you want, even if you don't have time to post anything! And play the games if you have time :-)

  7. Hi, Rachel! My link is on the list twice but I can't remove it. Derp. Oh well.

    1. Rebecca, don't worry! I can go behind the scenery and fix it :-)

  8. I just left the link to our post in the widget. Methinks I'll take part in that tag as well....sounds like fun!

    1. Thanks, Metzingers! Off to see what you posted...


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