
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Create Your Own L M Montgomery-esque Story

Here's my first game for We Love L. M. Montgomery Week!  Just fill in the blanks here to put together your very own little LMM-esque story, starring you!  You'll need a die to roll for most of these, so grab one before you get started.

Your Name

__A__ of ___B___  ___C___

A. Your first name (or your screen name)

B. The color of the shirt you're wearing today.

C. Roll a die to figure out where you live:
1 = Cottage
2 = Hill
3 = Island
4 = Lake
5 = Shores
6 = Valley
You put those all together like this:

Rachel of Olive Shores

Your Story

Roll your die again and discover you are...

1 = an orphaned child
2 = a misunderstood teen
3 = a wandering artist
4 = a lonely farm girl/boy
5 = a young widow/er
6 = a new teacher 

Roll again to determine how your story begins!

1 = taken in by kindly spinster sisters
2 = inherited a house on Prince Edward Island
3 = landed a job at a one-room schoolhouse
4 = reunited with a long-lost parent
5 = won a vacation in Muskoka in a church raffle
6 = found a lion in your barn

But then... roll your die to see what happens next...

1 = Your sweetheart elopes with your cousin!
2 = Your attic is infested with squirrels!
3 = A neighbor accuses you of stealing their prize pumpkin!
4 = You lose someone else's valuable necklace!
5 = You win a writing contest you don't remember entering!
6 = The person you want to marry reveals their secret identity!

But it all ends happily because you...

1 = make friends with an old sea captain who teaches you that worrying is pointless.
2 = find a treasure chest washed up after a storm and are suddenly rich.
3 = adopt two cats with funny names who fill your life with joy.
4 = fall in love with your worst enemy and discover they're really nice after all.
5 = recite an epic poem at a concert and receive an offer to tour with an acting troupe.
6 = rescue the new minister's little boy from drowning and are declared a local hero.

Put that all together in a comment and share your LMM-esque story with us all!  (Please note that comments are still on moderation because of yesterday's game, so your comment won't show up right away.  I will approve your comments as quickly as I can, whenever they show up!)

My story:

I'm Rachel of Olive Shores, and I am a wandering artist who found a lion in my barn!  Oh my!  I didn't even know I owned a barn, since I tend to just wander around doing art!  But just when I was getting to know my new feline friend, I discovered that my sweetheart had eloped with my cousin.  I was glad I had my new leonine friend to comfort me while I cried over my lost love.  Then, one day, I recited an epic poem with my lion pal at a concert that a famous theatre manager just happened to be attending.  He liked my recitation so much, he offered me a job with a touring acting troupe, so now my lion and I wander about doing art, reciting epic poetry, and acting in plays with our new friends.

YOUR TURN!  Put the results of your dice rolls together in a comment so we can enjoy your LMM-esque story too :-)


  1. This is fun! My story:
    I’m Fanda of Blue Shores, a poor misunderstood teen who has just inherited a house on Prince Edward Island. A clumsy girl as I am, borrowing my cousin’s valuable necklace at the first party I have thrown at my new house, I lost it! You won’t believe how mad my cousin was; she even insulted me. There’s nothing else I can do, but to sell the house to pay back my cousin. Dejected after being homeless, I walked aimlessly along the shores. Then I noticed a strange thing, something like a chest lying there, no doubt washed up after yesterday’s storm. Curious, I opened it, and - I almost couldn’t believe my eyes - it’s a treasure chest full of gold coins and jewels! I am rich! I don’t have to borrow anything from anyone ever again, I have all the necklaces I’d want to wear for the rest of my life. Huh, I’d like to know what my cousin would say about it now!

  2. I'm DKoren of Black Shores. I'm a misunderstood teen, struggling along, when I'm reunited with a long-lost parent, my dad, who got shanghaied but ended up liking life at sea and stayed on the ship. He's come back to get me. His timing couldn't be better, because one of those prim and proper old biddies in town accuses me of stealing her prize pumpkin. Dad gets me away before things turn nasty, and I make friends with the old sea captain whose ship he sails on, and who teaches me that worrying is pointless. Cuz it really is. But that's so hard to remember in day to day life.

  3. This was fun!

    I'm Ivy of Gray Shores and I'm a lonely farm girl who was taken in by two spinster sisters. The farm was located on the outskirts of town and our nearest neighbor lived almost three miles away. Needless to say, I didn't have much for companionship. However I loved reading and the sisters were always kind in allowing me to indulge in my love for books. Eventually I read every book in the house and was desperate for something new, but we only went into town once a week and I still had three days until our weekly trip. I figured there had to be some new reading material somewhere in this building. The farmhouse was old especially the attic which I was warned never to enter into because the floors were unstable and naturally they didn't want me to fall through. During the fall time I kept hearing the strangest rustling sounds and it started to concern me. Against my better judgement I went up into the attic and up on top of the rafters I was appalled to find that the attic was infested with squirrels! At least six or seven fat, bushy squirrels with their pouched mouth bulging with nuts and grains. They stared down at me as if I had intruded on their domain and not the other way around. I was half tempted to turn around and run when I noticed that they were sitting on top of a bookshelf completely loaded with books. Nothing (nothing) was going to stand in the way if me and my desire of obtaining these new reads. I picked up an old toy and threw it right at them. They all scrambled to and fro in a terrific frenzy and slid right down onto the unsteady part floor part of the attic which was right over my room. All seven squirrels fell from the attic floor and onto my bed. They ran out of my bedroom window and as far as I know have never entered our farmhouse since. What did I care though? I had new books. We eventually got the ceiling part of my room fixed and the attic cleaned up and protected against any my squirrel intruders. And to help me with my loneliness we adopted two cats with funny names and filled our lives with joy.

  4. My name is Olivia of Pink Cottage. I'm a young widow ("It's all a bit tragic, really, isn't it?") who reunites with a long-lost parent -- who, I presume, owns said pink cottage. But then my sweetheart elopes with my cousin, which is really pretty inconsiderate of him considering that I JUST lost my husband. Luckily, though, I'm not too crestfallen because I can't have known this sweetheart all that long, and I soon find a treasure chest which makes me fabulously wealthy, anyway. So now my parent and I can live happily ever after in our little pink abode, taking many delightful trips abroad with the money from my treasure chest. :)

  5. I'm Katie of White Valley! I'm a wandering artist who won a vacation in Muskoka in a church raffle (not totally sure why I needed that excuse to take a vacation, being a wandering artist and all). But then!!! Before I can take off for Muskoka, a neighbor accuses me of stealing her prize pumpkin!! But all's well that ends well, because I make friends with an old sea captain who teaches me that worrying is pointless, so we shake the neighbors' metaphorical dust from our feet and head off to Muskoka together for a blissfully worry-free vacation full of art and sailing lessons.

  6. I'm Rachel of Blush Island is a new teacher who landed a job at a one-room schoolhouse. My neighbor accuses me of stealing his prize pumpkin! I did not of course, but after I go to search for the real thief (his other neighbor), I find two cats with who I name Pebbles and Pudding who fill my life with joy.

  7. Charity of Lavender Hill. I am a lonely farm girl inherited a house on Prince Edward Island but my sweetheart elopes with my cousin! But it all ends happily because I rescue the new minister's little boy from drowning and are declared a local hero.

  8. Oh my, this is quite hilarious! I embellished a bit and that was fun!

    Carissa of Auburn Hill

    I am a wandering artist taken in by kindly spinster sisters. I am waiflike and sorrowful because the person I want to marry reveals his secret identity. He is a crown prince of a European country who cannot be with me because I am from a poor background with a reprobate for a father. With my broken heart, I wallow in grief in the back tower of the kindly spinster sisters’ home where they bring me enough cherry cordial to sink a battleship. Slowly my spirits revive as does my burning passion for literarture and poetry. One of the spinsters is being courted by a professor at the local college and when he reads my work, he is moved because it is so profound. So, at his invitation, I recite an epic poem at a concert and receive an offer to tour with an acting troupe where all my dreams come true. Except for that crown prince. What is romance to literary aspirations and world travel!?


  9. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Juliette of Navy Shores, a young widow. Just lately I discovered a lion in my barn. I was rather surprised as I honestly had no idea that lions lived in Navy Shores, but perhaps it had escaped from a travelling circus. Things like that do tend to happen, every so often. At first, I was simply certain it was put there by my worst enemy, the man who lives next door, especially since he had just accused me of stealing his prize pumpkin. Well, of course I didn't take the pumpkin. I never would dream of doing such a thing! Even if he has beat me at the state fair three years in a row. But I quickly changed my mind when he showed up to eradicate aforementioned lion from my barn and was quite pleasant about it, actually. He even apologized for accusing me of the pumpkin theft… he now suspects the local urchins. But all that is behind us now. Long story short, I discovered that he really is nice after all and I fell in love with him. Lions and pumpkins aside, I really am truly happy now.

  10. I always like your create your own fun adventure or story. I decided to use my nickname.

    'My name is Faith of Grey Valley. I'm a wandering artist taken in by my kindly spinster sisters. Just yesterday, I had lost Mrs. Lynde's valuable necklace which I had borrowed for an outing and I must find it before she comes home from her visit to her great aunt's.

    As I was searching for the necklace along the road that I had walked on my way home from the outing, I came across two cats - one white and the other a grayish-yellow. As I stooped to pat them, something bright caught my eye. It was Mrs. Lynde's necklace laying on top of a fallen branch. I picked up the necklace and bid the cats farewell but they followed me all the way home.

    As it was the cats who had helped me fine Mrs. Lynde's necklace and as they each went and settled in a spot in the house even as I try to shoot them away, I decided to adopt them. I had to reassure my sisters that I will be the one responsible for them about a dozen times before they agreed. I named the cats Lefty and Righty as one likes to wind its way around my left leg while the other prefers my right leg.'

    I like your story especially the bit about not knowing you owned a barn.

    Have a lovely day

  11. Behold, it is I, Sam of Black Valley! I am a lonely farm boy who's somehow landed a job at a one-room schoolhouse, though I don't know what I would be teaching there.
    But then, my grumpy old lady next-door neighbor accuses me of stealing her prize pumpkin! (I really don't quite know why she would, since I put it in someone else's yard.)
    But then, the person I want to marry reveals her secret identity! Which is presumably not Batman, since Batman's not a girl and didn't exist in Montgomery's day, but oh well. (Maybe she's the one I tried to frame for stealing the pumpkin? Didn't think that one through, did I.)
    But then, I rescue the minister's little boy from drowning and am declared a local hero! Because of course, if someone is drowning, one does not simply not rescue them. Also I presumably put the pumpkin back.
    (Note: Yes, I know I rolled twice on the "roll your die to see what happens next" table. It was accidental, but I liked having TWO plot twists so much that I kept it.)

  12. Oh, my goodness - this actually makes sense! :o

    I’m Jillian of Black Cottage. I’m a young widow who reunited with a long-lost parent. Then, the person I want to marry reveals their secret identity! But it all ends happily because I fall in love with my worst enemy and discover they’re really nice after all.

    Sounds like the bones of a surprisingly good story, huh? Quite dramatic, too! :)

  13. Somehow, I thought I'd replied to all of these super funny stories you all made up... and I just discovered I never did. I'm sorry about that!

    Fanda, DKoren, Ivy Miranda, Olivia, Katie, Livia Rachelle, Charity, Carissa, Juliette, Lissa, Sam, and Jillian -- I'm so glad you had fun with this! I have greatly enjoyed all your adventures :-)


Agree or disagree? That is the question...

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(Rudeness and vulgar language will not be tolerated.)