
Monday, January 23, 2023

Announcing the Shades of Shane blogathon

One of my favorite movies, Shane (1953), was released 70 years ago this April!  You are cordially invited to join me April 21 through 23 to celebrate this marvelous movie and the people who made it with the Shades of Shane blogathon!

There are many, many wonderful actors in Shane, and the idea here is to celebrate them by reviewing some other movie they made.

Any movie that also features someone who acted in Shane will be welcome.  Or you could contribute an overview of an actor or actress's career, a top ten list of your favorite roles or movies of theirs, or something else you can dream up!  As long as it involves an actor or actress who was in Shane, it's good to go.

To give you some ideas, here's a list of some of the actors and actresses who are in Shane:

Alan Ladd
Van Heflin
Jean Arthur
Brandon De Wilde
Jack Palance
Ben Johnson
Edgar Buchanan
Elisha Cook Jr.
Ellen Corby

You can find a complete list here on  Bit part players are just as welcome as the big stars.

Again, the idea is to review a different movie that features someone who is in Shane, not Shane itself.  Because there are so many cool performers in this movie, and so many of them made a host of films, I'm asking that there be NO duplicates.

Only NEW reviews will be eligible.  Please don't try to contribute a review you wrote previously.  Also, this is a celebration, so bitter diatribes or unkind posts are not welcome.

Ready to join up?  Comment on this post with your idea for a contribution + the name of the actor or actress from Shane you're featuring (if that isn't obvious), and I will add you to the roster.  If you're not sure if your idea qualifies, just ask :-)

Don't forget to snag one of these buttons to add to your blog's sidebar and spread the word!


Hamlette's Soliloquy -- Drum Beat (1954, Alan Ladd)
Andrea -- career retrospective for Jean Arthur
Taking Up Room -- Presenting Lily Mars (1943, Van Heflin)
Realweegiemidget Reviews -- The Evening Star (1996, Ben Johnson)
Classic Film and TV Corner -- The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946, Van Heflin)
Whimsically Classic -- The Glass Key (1942, Alan Ladd)
Silver Scenes -- A Foreign Affair (1948, Jean Arthur) and Edge of Eternity (1959, Edgar Buchanan)
+ YOU!


  1. Very good idea, since there are zillions of blog contributions and other kinds of essays floating in cyberspace about the movie "Shane" itself (although of course the movie is so wonderful and multi layered that after watching it 50 times or so one still finds new, exciting aspects). I am especially interested in the career of Jean Arthur (who came out of semi-retirement just for "Shane") and in the career of Shane director George Stevens, whose films, like Frank Capra's, changed after his experience of WWII. Perhaps we could discuss via e-mail how I could deliver a "guest post"...

    1. Andrea, yeah, I thought it would be a good twist on the idea, and give lots of scope for people to discuss different stuff :-)

      I'll email you!

  2. ... anything wrong with my computer? Can it be that so far I only read YOUR name as a participant?? I thought people would queue up...

    1. Andrea, well, I just posted this a day and a half ago. Takes people a while to get around to reading blog posts sometimes. I myself tend to mostly read them on the weekends.

  3. I have never heard of this movie!

    1. Ivy Miranda, oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. It is a beautiful, deep, introspective movie. And the book by Jack Schaefer that it's based on is all that, too.

      As you can see, tho, if you want to join the blogathon, you don't have to have seen Shane! You can review anything else by any of the people involved. Perhaps you've heard of some of them!

    2. I found the movie on Amazon Prime! I'll try and get it watched before the party.

    3. Oh my goodness, I hope you LOVE it, Ivy Miranda! It has such a deceptively simple story on the surface, and then so much deep stuff going on underneath. But it's enjoyable either way, deep or surface.

  4. If I can hopefully stop the string of accidents that I experienced in the new year (I'm accident prone) I shall give the career (and quite special personality) of Jean Arthur, Shane's Marian, a closer look.

    1. Andrea, I'm accident-prone myself, so I understand. I'll add you to the roster!

  5. This is a great idea! I'd like to review "Presenting Lily Mars," please, if that's OK.

    1. Rebecca, that sounds good! I'll add you to the roster :-)

  6. Can you add me with Ben Johnson in The Evening Star from 1996. It's the sequel to Terms of Endearment and I have still to check it out, this will give me an excuse.

    1. Gill, absolutely!!! I love Ben Johnson so much, but haven't seen that one either!

    2. I read it's his last film, and sadly he passed away before it's release, so they tributed it to him.

    3. Gill, that sounds about right, because in the mid-'90s, I was writing fan letters to all my favorite old stars who were still alive, and I remember writing one to him, and then he died like a month after I mailed it.

    4. That's so sad that he just missed getting your letter. I wrote to a few faves as a teen and got a return to sender from Hollywood from Robert Vaughan... but then I'd spelt his name like this instead of what it should have been, Robert Vaughn!

    5. Gill, actually, Ben Johnson's MOM got my letter and replied to it! She sent me the sweetest little note about how lovely it was to know that young people still knew who her son was and appreciated his movies, and so on :-)

      That's funny that you misspelled Robert Vaughn's name! Oops! I actually wrote to a couple dozen actors and actresses in my teens and did a 4-H project based on how many I heard back from. It was such fun!

  7. That paper sounds pretty cool, you should add it here.. Just saw Ben Johnson in Hustle yesterday and I loved it..can I change to this as my choice unless you don't think it's appropriate..

    1. Gill, well, if you think you could review Hustle tastefully, I'm cool with it. As you know, a lot of my readers are pretty conservative in their tastes, so you might end up not getting as many people following the link to read your post as you would for Evening Star...

  8. It would probably be hard to thinking about the sexual content being such a main part of the plot, will stick with The Evening Star.

  9. I have ideas, but I'm also currently being floored by an upcoming deadline for some of my writing. I don't know if I will recover in time!

    1. VT, there is plenty of time to make up your mind closer to the blogathon! Blessings on your working to make that deadline!

  10. Hi Rachel. What a fab idea. Please put me down for The Strange Love Of Martha Ivers, which is my favourite Van Heflin film and a somewhat underrated Noir film. Maddy at Classic Film And TV Corner.

    1. Maddy, that is a great choice! I will add you to the roster right away :-)

  11. Can I write about "The Glass Key" with Alan Ladd?

    1. Kayla, YESSS! Absolutely! I really like that one :-)

    2. BTW, Kayla, do you still blog at Nobody's Perfect, or do you have another blog? Drop me a link if you're blogging elsewhere now and I will update the roster with that.

    3. Kayla, never mind! I just realized you're Whimsically Classic, right?

    4. Yes. I'm Whimsically Classic. I don't know who Nobody's Perfect is.

    5. Got it! Your Blogger profile lists Nobody's Perfect as your blog, so I was confused ;-)

  12. Hi Rachel. Here's my piece on The Strange Love Of Martha Ivers. Looking forward to reading all the entries at the weekend. Maddy


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