
Monday, April 04, 2022

My Ten Favorite Elmer Bernstein Scores

Elmer Bernstein would have been 100 years old today!  To celebrate the centenary of my favorite movie composer, I have put together a list of my ten favorite movie scores that he wrote.  Yes, most of them are westerns.  And, yes, almost half of them are for movies that starred John Wayne.  Any wonder that Bernstein is my favorite?

All titles are linked to my review of the movie, if I've reviewed it.  I've also provided a link to the main theme from each score on YouTube so you can sample them! 

1. The Sons of Katie Elder (1965)  This soundtrack has such depth to it.  Yes, there are a lot of similarities to some of Bernstein's other scores, but I think this score has a much fuller, richer sound than most western scores of the '60s.  Listen to the main theme here.  It never fails to make me smile!

2.  The Magnificent Seven (1960)  Sweeping, driving, boisterous music.  I know the main theme is probably the most famous western movie theme of all time, but I'm linking to it anyway -- listen to it here!

3.  The Great Escape (1963)  Jaunty and energetic, then poignant and bittersweet -- there's a lot of range of emotions conveyed by this soundtrack, which is apt since the movie is so epic.  Listen to the main theme here.  Random fun thing?  If I have an "earworm" stuck in my head, whistling or humming this song usually cures me.

4.  The Tin Star (1957)  Understated and hopeful music that so perfectly matched the general mood of my book One Bad Apple that I listened to almost nothing else while writing and revising it!  Listen to the main theme here.  It always makes me think of people moving to a new place where they hope to build a new life.

5.  The Commancheros (1961)  Bouncy and upbeat and exciting music!  I often pull this one out when I need to write an action scene because it gives me lots of energy.  Listen to the main title theme here.

6. The Man with the Golden Arm (1955)  WAY different sound than all the others I've listed here!  This is bold and sassy jazz, brassy and fierce.  My goodness, I love the main theme so much!  Listen to it here.  Over and over and over, if you're like me ;-)

7.  Big Jake (1971)  This is not one of my favorite John Wayne movies, but I like the soundtrack a lot.  It has a winsomeness and a sort of yearning that really draws me.  You can hear a lot of that in the main theme -- listen to it here.  Lots of forward drive too, which I always like.

8.  The Ten Commandments (1956)  Sweeping Biblical epics require grand and glorious music, and Bernstein delivered in style!  You can hear the main theme here.

9.  True Grit (1969)  Lots of good action and drive here too.  I love Bernstein's way with music that makes me want to get on a horse and ride off on an adventure!  Listen to the main theme here.

10.  Oscar (1991)  This is quirky and funny score, which totally suits the quirky and funny movie it was written for!  You can listen to one of my favorite tracks, "Grifting," right here.  Also quite a different sound from the others listed here!


  1. Awww, what an excellent tribute!

    Just rewatched The Tin Star a few days ago for the first time in years. So good--I'll probably review it sometime soon. I'd forgotten Bernstein did the music for that, but it was good as always. <3

    I remember watching The Sons of Katie Elder for the first time and thinking "wow, this music is such a lame rip-off of Mag7". XD But now I love that soundtrack!

    1. Thank you, Eva! So glad I saw your post and was reminded I needed to finish this one :-)

      Tin Star is one of those movies I liked only okay the first time I saw it, and every rewatch just bumps it higher in my estimation. Really cool stuff going on in it.

      And yeah, on the surface, Katie Elder and Mag7 sound a good bit alike. But they go a lot of different places :-)

  2. Awww! Happy Birthday, Elmer Bernstein! One of the best. The Man with the Golden Arm theme always makes me think of you and Bobby Darin. Not one I can personally listen to, cuz you know me and jazz are not friends, LOL, but whenever I hear it, I think immediately of you!!

    I have a shelf of his music and listen to his stuff all the time. My five most listened to scores are "Big Jake," "Bridge at Remagen", "Cast a Giant Shadow," "The Scalphunters," and "Genocide." But my most played single cue by him over the years might be the main title to "Hud," though I don't own any albums with it. Had to record it off the movie back in the day so I could listen to it whenever I wanted. Love the guitar and the slightly melancholy feel to it.

    Of course, I love all the famous ones on your list, particularly Katie Elder, Comancheros, and Great Escape... just don't listen to them much these days cuz I wore them out.

    1. DKoren, awwwwww! I love that the Man with the Golden Arm theme reminds you of me and Bobby. That's just fun :-D Yeah, I'm sure it drives you bonkers, but man, I just eat up all that brass.

      I have heard the Hud theme, but don't remember it at all, so I will have to find it again an give it a listen :-) I will be needing more melancholy and wistful music for the next book.


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