
Monday, November 15, 2021

Movie Music: Hans Zimmer's "The Lone Ranger" (2013)

I love this soundtrack. And this movie. I bought the soundtrack shortly after I saw The Lone Ranger (2013) in the theater for the second time.  For the next two years, I never put the CD on my shelves -- it lived in the kitchen, next to the little CD player I use while I'm cooking. I listen to it at least once a month still, usually on those hard-to-get-moving mornings when I need a blend of oomph and comfort to set me on my feet. It shot quickly to the top tier of my list of favorite soundtracks, and I doubt it will ever drop out of the top ten. 

By now, this music courses through my veins. It's become an integral part of my consciousness. So right now, you're going to hear the music that flows through my brain at some point just about every single day. This is what it sounds like to be inside my head, some of the time anyway. 

I'll start you off with "Silver," a gentle, haunting song. It begins wistfully, then builds to a theme of yearning and desire. 

"Ride" starts off sounding like something from one of Ennio Morricone's spaghetti western soundtracks. That first 45 seconds of it makes me want to jump on a horse and, well, ride. Ride toward something important, some necessary action. Then it twists, becoming quieter, more thoughtful. Later, it opens up into a sweeping theme that makes me think of wide-open spaces, with no boundaries or limitations. 

And as for the "Finale," well, this is my musical happy place. I can't hear it and not smile, not get cheered up, not start to bounce. You know the familiar "William Tell" theme by Rossini, which the old TV show and radio show used for their theme song -- "Finale" takes that theme and runs wild with it. My absolute favorite part kicks in at 7 minutes when the theme returns off-cadence and minor, and then 30 seconds later these trumpets come in with what I think of as a love song to the Old West. That part makes me ache with joy. 

Happy trails!

(The bulk of this review originally appeared here at J and J Productions on August 31, 2015.)


  1. I've been a huge fan of this soundtrack ever since you sent me that mix-tape (CD?) of 'quiet and thoughtful Western movie soundtracks'. 'Ride' sometimes makes me tear up, just because of how beautiful it is. Particularly the part you described as "a sweeping theme that makes me think of wide-open spaces, with no boundaries or limitations." I know EXACTLY what part you're talking about!

    I will say that I don't believe I've listened to all of 'Finale'--I would always hear it start playing and think "oh, it's just going to be the William Tell Overture". But apparently I've been missing out!

    1. Eva, it is just such a delicious soundtrack. Especially "Finale," so you need to listen to the whole thing, because it is magnificent!

  2. I haven't listened to the entire soundtrack, but I do love that finale!! To take the original theme and expand it so well is just amazing! And YES! I love that part near the end too!!! You have great taste in music!

    1. Grace, exactly. I love how it takes a famous theme and creates something new with it, while keeping it recognizable.

      Thanks! :-D


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