
Saturday, February 27, 2021

Answers to Which Pirate is Which?

Here be the answers to the game I posted earlier this week, and everyone's scores at the bottom.  

In the comments on the game, I agreed to award an extra half point for every actor's name you got correct, even if you didn't know the character's name or the movie, so now you understand the half points some people are getting here.  So the scoring was 1 point for every correct character name, 1 point for every correct movie title, and 1/2 point for every correct actor name.

1. Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp)
from Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)

2. Jamie Waring (Tyrone Power)
from The Black Swan (1942)

3. Peter Blood (Errol Flynn)
from Captain Blood (1935)

4. Roberts (Cary Elwes)
from The Princess Bride (1987)

5. Blackbeard (Peter Ustinov)
from Blackbeard's Ghost (1968)

6. Henry Morgan (Laird Cregar)
from The Black Swan (1942)

7. Macoco (Gene Kelly)
from The Pirate (1948)

8. Long John Silver (Robert Newton)
from Treasure Island (1950

9. Vallo (Burt Lancaster)
from The Crimson Pirate (1952)

10. Davey Crandall (Donald O'Connor)
from Double Crossbones (1951)

11. Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush)
from Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)

12. Hook (Dustin Hoffman)
from Hook (1991)


Andrea -- 29
Caftan Woman -- 23
MovieCritic -- 18
Cordy -- 10
Heidi -- 7.5
Skye -- 5


  1. Man, I was over thinking the Pirates of the Caribbean pictures, haha! Fun game for a fun week!

    1. MC, haha, yeah, you put more effort into it than I did ;-) You still did well, though!

  2. Well I tried XD
    (really need to watch more pirate movies)

    1. Skye, to be terribly honest, I probably would've missed several of these myself, if I hadn't been the one creating the game :-o (Don't we all need to watch more pirate movies?)


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