
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Announcing the We Love Pirates Week Blog Party

Ahoy there!  I am going to host a pirate-themed blog party in February!  From Feb. 22-26, we will be celebrating all things piratical here, and you are hereby invited to join the crew!

This will be much like the Western Cinema Week party I co-hosted last year -- you can contribute anything you want to, from a movie or book review, to a top ten list of favorite pirates, to your favorite pirate music.  Whatever you can come up with sounds good!  (With the caveat that we DO want to remain family friendly, since participants can be of all ages, so do try to keep that in mind.)

I will also provide a tag that you can fill out, with all sorts of piratey questions on it.  And there will be games of some sort!  

Obviously, we will be focusing on fictional pirates, but if you want to do a post about real pirates, past or present, you are certainly welcome to contribute that as well!

There is no formal sign-up process, but I would love it if you commented here letting me know you intend to participate.  You can use any of these blog buttons/banners in your own posts, and add them to your blog sidebars to let other people know about the upcoming fun!

And, yes, I will be hosting a giveaway for this event :-D  Ye've been warned.


  1. Aargh! Sounds like a blast! Count me in. I love being a pirate for Hallowe'en when I was a kid.

    1. Ahoy, Caftan Woman! Happy to have you aboard :-D I loved playing pirate as a kid too!

  2. Arrrrrrrr, today is a good day! I'm going to tentatively say that I'll to do a review of The Pirates! Band of Misfits (2012) (aka Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!), and it's tentative because I learned that there is a book and I might talk about that as well. And, I might want to do something else, too, because PIRATES!!! Yay!!!

    1. Arrrrr, MC, it be a good day indeed. Sounds like a great plan!

    2. Scratch that part about reviewing the book. I might give a few scathing remarks, but I didn't actually finish it so I'll just talk about why I like the movie. :-) Looking forward to this!

  3. I'm stoked for this!!! I'd like to contribute a post about one of my favorite historical fiction novels, The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee.

  4. Looks like fun! I've been wanting to review Muppets Treasure Island for ages! It's a family classic and would be a good contribution.

    1. Ivy Miranda, wonderful! I really love that movie too :-D

  5. Ahoy there mateys and shiver my timbers, I've been waiting for this and SO excited! You know for sure I'm hoping to review Double Crossbones with Donald O'Connor and we'll see what else comes up between now and then. I'll try and grab a button next time I'm on the computer. Yay!

    1. Heidi, I STILL haven't seen Double Crossbones, so I am eagerly anticipating your review! Glad to have you on the crew :-)

  6. This sounds like such fun! I'd like to do a post about The Pirates of Penzance!

    1. Thanks, Grace! Ooooooh, that will be a super fun post. Thanks!

  7. How did I miss seeing this?!!! This looks so fun!

    1. Livia, well, I only just posted this a couple days ago, so if you missed it, you didn't miss it for long! I think it will be a jolly time :-)

  8. I most definitely want to review Donald O'Connor's awesome pirate comedy movie Double Crossbones!! Excited for this!

    1. Eva, marvelous! I have been wanting to see that for years, but still haven't.

  9. Ooh, I'm hoping to participate, for sure! I'm not sure if I'll do a post or just the tag, but I am a big fan of pirates (the literary ones, not the real ones). :)

    1. Samantha, either way is fine! Tags are good, book or movie reviews are good, random collections of pretty pirate pictures... whatever!

  10. I've been thinking it over and would like to write something on Blackbeard's Ghost. Maybe something else as well.

    It is terrific to read all the love for Double Crossbones in the comments. I hadn't seen it until the past year, and after that first viewing it keeps showing up on local television. Such fun.

    1. Caftan Woman, I'm sorry this comment didn't get posted right away! For some reason, Blogger doesn't send me email notifications of comments from a few particular people, so it sat in my moderation folder for weeks.

      I have not seen Blackbeard's Ghost, but I read a novelization of it when I was a kid and it was so funny! Looking forward to your review :-)

  11. Just spotted this when at lovely Paddy's site, count me off to find a pirate movie...

  12. Hi Rachel,
    Can I join with.. The Pirate Movie (1982)? BTW I have a couple of blogathons in Jan and March if you'd like to join... details on my blog.
    from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

    1. Gill, you bet! I think that will be a fun addition. And thanks for the invite! I will pop over and see what you've got cooking.

  13. Yes, please! I'd like to review "Beverly Hills Family Robinson" (1997), if that's OK. (This is Rebecca from Taking Up Room, by the way)

    1. Rebecca, that sounds like an intriguing movie! I've never heard of it, so I look forward to your review :-) Thanks for joining!

  14. Can I write about Errol Flynn's pirate films?

    Kayla (Whimsically Classic)

    1. Kayla, absolutely! His pirate films are such fun! The ones I've seen, anyway :-)

  15. I will participate, but haven't decided what to write about yet.

    1. Charity, that's awesome! Totally fine to just figure it out when we get there :-)

  16. Sounds marvelous and I'll be participating!

  17. Oooh...sounds good. I'm not sure what I'm going to write about though...will let you know asap.

    1. Glad to have you aboard, ThoughtsAllSorts! No need to let me know ahead of time what you're going to post -- only if you want to! It's kind of a free-for-all party :-)

  18. Hi ! I would love to participate if that is alright :) Awfully sorry for being late :(

    If I can join, can I do a review about Elizabeth Swann of Pirates of the Caribbean ? About her character, the actress and what I think ? :)

    1. Hi, Rachel! That sounds like an excellent post -- she has a very cool character arc. Welcome to the crew!

  19. Hello Hamlette! Glad to see there will be another themed blogathon week! I'll sign up by reviewing the Clark Gable film, 'China Seas'!

    1. Sally, that sounds jolly! I haven't seen it, but Gable as a pirate? Where do I sign ship's articles?

  20. I realize I'm frightfully late on "signing up," as it were, but I figure better late than never. If all goes well, I plan to contribute a post ranking all of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

    Possiblyyyyy also a post analyzing the Dread Pirate Roberts/Westley. If I keep the inspiration/have the time. :-P

    1. OLIVIA!!! Definitely excited to see your ranking of the POTC movies :-D And anything about dear Westley/Roberts if you have time <3

  21. *Sigh* Still no blog, not even a website of my own – without it, I can't participate, right? Although I LOVE swashbuckling movies... Especially the Errol Flynn ones ("The Sea Hawk") or another one of my favorites, tongue-in-cheek "late" swashbuckler "The Crimson Pirate" with a very athletic Burt Lancaster...

    1. Andrea, well, I have two possible solutions for you. Either you could start a blog (not hard, and I'd be willing to coach you through it), or we could work out something where you could guest post here on mine. I've done that several times in the past for events like this.

  22. Rachel, that's awfully nice, thanks!!! I would like to start a blog, but how could you coach me through it? I'm slightly clumsy digital-wise, you know... But I wanted to start a blog anyway, since I used to publish book and film reviews in our local newspapers, only they changed all that and fill their pages now with "lifestyle" nonsense instead... If you could coach me, that would be wonderful...

    1. Andrea, it's not hard to start a blog using Blogger, if you have an account with Google already anyway. I've coached a couple people through the process before. I might even still have my notes from that.

    2. Rachel, I guess I have a Google account – with it, I start the Kahoot games I play with my Spanish classes when I teach them via Zoom. (I had to learn a few things when face to face teaching was no longer possible). But you're a mighty busy lady – how would you find the time to coach a digital greenhorn like myself?!

    3. Andrea, I've taught three people how to make blogs, including my mom and another lady who were both in their 60s at the time. Pretty sure we can make this work -- in fact, you should have 4 emails in your inbox now, at the address you shared with me, to get you started!

  23. Hi! I want to write about The Black Pirate (1926) and The Island (1980).

    1. Brilliant, Movie Maniac! Glad to have you with us.

  24. Hi here is my post for the blogathon...
    from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

  25. Here is my blogathon post,
    from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

  26. Hi Rachel!
    I’m late, I know. But I recently posted a snippet of a pirate story I’ve been working on for a couple of years now on my blog and it happens to be very firing for your party so I thought why not share?
    It’s a work in progress. Thanks for hosting! I’ve been looking through everyone’s submissions they’re great!

    1. Miranda, what a cool thing to share! Can you add the link to the widget on the kick-off post so people can find it easier?


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