
Friday, October 16, 2020

Why Do I Love Cassian Andor?

I said in my post yesterday about Han Solo that the main reason I love Han is that he needs to be loved.  This is also true for why I love Cassian Andor (Diego Luna).  In fact, I think he needs to be loved even MORE than Han Solo does.  I mean, Han has Chewie for a best friend, so he's not alone in the world.  But Cassian?  He's got nobody.  Well, except saucy droid K-2SO.  And yes, droids can be good friends in the Star Wars world, but... Cassian is still very much alone.

Oh, he's got co-workers.  He's part of the Rebel Alliance.  He has fellow spies, and he's got a cause he's working for, but emotionally, he's alone.

Very alone.

And I think he's miserable.  He has dedicated his life to fighting the Galactic Empire, sacrificing everything to the effort: his own self-respect, his own moral compass, his own needs and desires and comfort and happiness.  Cassian Andor has laid everything about himself down at the feet of the cause.  He's dedicated, he's determined, he's an incredibly effective spy and warrior... and he's miserable.

When we first meet him, Cassian has to kill an informant to keep him from getting captured and spilling information to Imperial troops.  Then he rescues Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) just so he can use her to get to her father, and then carry out his orders to kill her father.  Cassian is ruthless, that's for sure.  And he doesn't appear to like himself better for what he's had to become.  But he considers the Rebel Alliance to be worth more than himself.  He's been fighting for the cause since he was six years old.  It's all he knows.  It's all he has in his life to care about.  

Well, aside from his snarky robot, K-2SO.  But you can only care about a robot in a limited way.  And they can't really care about you, not like a person can.  Don't get me wrong -- I love K-2 and think he's one of the best robot sidekicks ever.  But it's not the same.

And then... Jyn.  She befriends him, sorta.  He befriends her, sorta.  She's as friendless and ruthless and lonely as he is.  And, by the end of their story, they've both found someone who will care about them, and that they can care about.  They've made a connection with someone human, someone to fight for.  Not just a faceless cause, not just a monetary reward or their own survival, but a friend.

Sooooooooooooo... this was another rambly post.  But yeah, I love Cassian because he's broken and miserable and wonderful.  Mmmmmmmm, so much salty goodness there to love!

This has been my second post for the Everything Star Wars Blogathon hosted by I'm Charles Baker Harris (And I Can Read) and Coffee, Classics, and Craziness.  Come back tomorrow for one more post, this time about why I love Din Djarin!


  1. Another very, very intriguing post. :D

    Why do I love Cassian Andor? I'M ACTUALLY NOT SURE, but I'm pretty sure it's not because he's a loner who needs love. I don't thiiiiink so, anyway. It never really occurred to me to see him in those terms.

    I think I fell in love with Cassian so hard so quickly because he belongs to the "characters who make me feel safe" category (weird choice, since he kills ppl???) But he's calm, self-assured, protective, and respectful towards Jyn. All things I very much dig.

    1. Katie, I was just thinking, "I bet Katie likes Cassian because he makes her feel safe." He's so darn capable and GOOD at what he does. Spying? Assassinating? Changing his mind and disobeying orders because he has to? So good at all of it.

      And yes, totally respectful toward Jyn. Never a hint that he thinks she's less capable than he is. He takes her very seriously. <3

    2. Yesssssssssssssssssssss, and you were right!!! That makes me feel very "known," that you figured that out about me. ;)

      He absolutely is capable and confident and pragmatic, and I'm a big fan of all those traits. And yes, indeed, he takes Jyn's abilities and opinions very seriously. Never brushes her aside because she's a girl. I love that. <3

    3. Katie, I think that I gravitate toward characters that would make me feel safe too. It's just that what makes me feel safe often presents as really scary to others, lol. But I generally have this sense of "if we were friends, then they would have my back."

      I like protectors, because I am one myself and if I'm busy protecting others, I need someone there to protect me too.

      Anyway. Cassian not only doesn't get dismissive of Jyn because she's a girl, he doesn't brush her off because she's not military or because she's a criminal or because she's young. Good man.

  2. Ahhh, yes, I love Cassian, too. I really do have a thing for lonely characters, I guess (I just feel so bad for them). It's been a long time since I've seen this movie. I really need to see it again.
    And, yes, K-2 is hilarious, and I would've watched that movie just for him.
    Great post. I don't mind rambly posts at all. I tend to do them a lot myself actually.

    1. McKayla, I think my sympathy for lonely characters is also a big part of what draws me to them.

      K-2 is magnificent, and I quote him a lot. "*I* think so, and so does Cassian."

      A good, rambly post can be a joy sometimes, don't you think?

  3. My sisters are Big Fans of this guy. ;) I do like Cassian, but I'm not quite as attached to him as say, Han. (However, I do appreciate the way he treated Jyn and their relationship towards the end was SO sweet. <3)

    1. Gabby, I think your sisters have Good Taste :-) I'm not quite as attached to him as I am to Han either, but mmm, I do love him dearly. And yes, he was so good to Jyn. And good for her. I'm glad they had each other at the end and neither had to die alone, which I think they both had always expected would be their fates.

  4. This is really interesting because before I saw Rogue One I heard nothing but Jyn and Cassian, Jyn and Cassian, Jyn and Cassian. Then I started watching...and I didn't like him at all. In fact, from the first moment I highly disliked him. But, by the end he won me over and I feel like when I watch it for a second time I'll deeper understand his character. Your reasons for liking him make total sense!

    1. MC, yeah, Cassian took a little while to grow on me my first viewing. I was firmly in Jyn's camp, and it wasn't until he didn't shoot her dad that I was like, "Ohhhhh, I think I could fall for that guy." By the end of the movie, I was totally won over, and yeah... so much sadness. I hope you like him even better the second time around!

  5. He's a great character, I wasn't a huge fan of Rogue one but I liked him

    1. Skye, well, I'm glad you liked Cassian, at least!

  6. Okay yeah I LOVE CASSIAN. Love love love him. (And the whole of Rogue One as well, but that's just a given.) He's simply the best, easily my favorite male Star Wars character (after Obi-Wan that is).

    1. Eva, awwww, yes, Cassian is just easy to love, once you get to know him. I mean, I pretty much went, "Oh, let's love that guy, he's complicated" as soon as he showed up, but I know many people who needed more convincing, but whatever.


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