
Friday, September 25, 2020

2020 Tolkien Blog Party Tag

Ahhhh, September!  I spend all month (and much of August) looking forward to (and preparing for) my annual Tolkien Blog Party, which I have hosted on my book blog, The Edge of the Precipice, for eight years running.  You can find the main post here, which has links to all the posts people are contributing on their own blogs, plus the tag!  As is my wont, I shall fill out the tag on this blog, to spread the Tolkieny cheer :-)

(All bookish photos taken by me for my Instagram account.)

1. What Tolkien character do you think you're the most like? 

Samwise Gamgee, though I also feel a great kinship to the movie version of Bard the Bowman.

2. What Tolkien character do you wish you were more like? 

Hmm.  Maybe Gandalf.  I'd like to always arrive in the nick of time and have so much wisdom and experience.

3. What would your dream home in Middle-earth be like? 

A nice house somewhere in Rohan with lots of green fields around for all our horses to gambol and roam.  (Note: I do not own any horses in real life.  But if I lived in Rohan, I would!)

4. You get to make a movie of the story of Beren and Luthien! Who do you cast as the leads? 

I'm going to go with Henry Cavill and Elizabeth Debicki.   Both are athletic and could pull off the Great Warrior vibe.  They had great chemistry in their few scenes together in The Man from U.N.C.L.E.  We already know Cavill looks great in fantasy armor, and I'm quite sure Debicki would as well.  Now I really want this to be made so I can see her riding in to rescue him.  Please?

5. Have you ever marathoned the LOTR or Hobbit movies? 

Yup, my hubby & I marathoned the extended editions of all 3 LOTR movies in a single night back before we had kids.  It was quite great.  (Note: we worked third shift at the time and were quite used to staying up all night and sleeping all day.)

6. Do you have a favorite song or track from the movie soundtracks by Howard Shore? 

"The Last Goodbye" sung by Billy Boyd at the end of The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies album is currently my favorite.

7. Which of Tolkien's characters would you like to be best friends with? 

I think maybe Faramir and Eowyn as a couple?  They would be such cool people to be friends with.

8. Who of the people in your real life would you want in your company if you had to take the ring to Mordor? 

My husband, my dad, DKoren, and several of our friends who are in the Marines and Army.

9. Have you read any of Tolkien's non-Middle-earth works? 

Yup!  I've read Roverandom, Mr. Bliss, Letters from Father Christmas, and "Smith of Wooten Major" and "Farmer Giles of Ham."  Totally recommend all of them! (Note: those titles are linked to my reviews of them if you're curious to know more about any of them.)

10. Is there a book by Tolkien you haven't read yet, but want to?

I want to read his translation of Beowulf sometime.  And several other things that I know are on my shelves, but can't remember the names of right now.  And the Lost Tales.  And the History of Middle Earth books.

My Tolkien Blog Party is drawing to an end, alas.  Today is the last day you can enter my giveaway and play the two games (one and two), but you can still continue to contribute posts today and tomorrow!  So if you haven't had a chance to join in, there's still time.  (And, honestly, I'm not going to turn you away if you want to add a post to it a day or two "late."  There are no hard and fast rules here for sharing posts -- this is a party, after all!)


  1. Hey, I forgot about Gandalf! He's a very good answer for #2. Thanks for hosting!

    1. Thank you, MC! Gandalf is quite a guy :-) Glad you've been enjoying it!

  2. Ooh, I do like all your answers.

    Sam and Gandalf are good picks.

    Excellent point on Rohan/horse pasturage. You know we're in a similar boat and have similar feelings on that. ;)

    I like your answer to #7. There's a real ongoing story there, isn't there? Like we could really become friends as we all roll up our sleeves and work together to rebuild the mess. Not that it isn't there with other characters (i.e. the Hobbits/Shire etc), but maybe it's just that I feel I know them all better by the end of the book whereas the other is a somewhat entirely new thing.

    1. Heidi, I love imagining Faramir and Eowyn working together to rebuild various bits of Gondor, and visiting back and forth with Eomer and Lotheriel, the two royal couples giving each other advice and so on. Beregond & Bergil always on hand to do whatever needs doing, and Bergil teaching Faramir & Eowyn's sons how to wrestle... good times to be had, along with all that excellent work!

  3. Oooh, I think there's a box set of some of those non-ME books you mentioned... my Christmas list might just have got longer. :O

    I really loved movie Bard as well!

    1. Marian, there is! I got it earlier this year, and it is ADORABLE. I posted a pic of it here on Instagram back in March.

      Movie Bard is wonderful. I have rhapsodized about him often <3

  4. I've been looking forward to these answers! :D

    I see much of Samwise and movie-Bard in you. *nods sagely* Much, indeed.

    Ooh, I hadn't thought of Elizabeth Debicki for Luthien, but you're right, it'd definitely be fun to see her and Cavill in a different dynamic. They would rock it.

    "The Last Goodbye" is one of my faves, too. SO gorgeous and emotional and All The Things.

    1. Olivia, well, I hope they didn't disappoint! ;-)

      Samwise is an ISFJ like me, so it's pretty easy to relate to him. Don't know what movie Bard is, but I feel a great kinship to him.

      I feel like Luthien needs to be otherworldly and elegant and tough, and that is a hard combo to find sometimes. But a 6'2" ballet dancer? Has all of that in spades.

      The first time I saw TBOTFA, I was in the theater with my mom, and that song started, and I was crying by the end of the first line. Tears streaming down my face through the whole thing. Multiple Kleenexes required. And she was like, "It's really not that sad, Rachel. It's a nice song. You can go see the movie again. The guys you liked lived! Happy ending!" and I was like, "BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT..." Mmm, that song hits me hard even now.


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