
Saturday, August 22, 2020

Winners of the LOWCW2020 Giveaway + Wrap Up

Legends of Western Cinema Week has ended.  Again.  I am SO glad that Heidi and I were able to co-host this event once more, and I hope you've all had fun!  I know I have, and will continue to have fun as I finish reading people's entries over the next few days!

Meanwhile, my giveaway has ended, so it's time to let the widget choose five happy winners.  Anybody want to give me a drumroll?  Or a little ching-a-ring on the saloon's piano?

+ Prize #1 (The Magnificent Seven CD) -- Caftan Woman

+ Prize #2 (John Wayne hot chocolate) -- Sally Silverscreen

+ Prize #3 (4 James Stewart movies) -- Charity B.

+ Prize #4 (4 MacMurray/Andrews/Murphy/Hudson movies) -- VT Dorchester

+ Prize #5 (4 Scott/Ladd/Murphy/O'Hara movies) -- MovieCritic

Congratulations to all five of you!  I will be emailing you this morning at the address you provided to the widget to ask for your mailing info, so be sure to check for that.

And to everyone who's participated in Legends of Western Cinema Week, whether by contributing posts or playing games or leaving comments, THANK YOU!  This would be no fun without you. 

I'll leave you with the master list of everyone's entries if you, like me, still have some to read!  That way you don't have to scroll all the way down to the other post.

Happy trails to you, 'til we meet again!


  1. Thank you very much!

  2. I see I still have some more reading to do.

    Thank you again, ladies, for this wonderful event.

    1. Thank you for contributing to it, Caftan Woman! I'm still working my way through the posts too -- so many to enjoy!

  3. Hello Hamlette! Did you receive my email about the prize?


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