
Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Upcoming Blogathons

You already know that DKoren and I are co-hosting a small blogathon to honor Vic Morrow this coming weekend.  If you don't, where have you been?  I talk more about it over here, and there's still time to join if you want.

I've finally decided what else I'm going to contribute besides a post about "Why Vic Morrow's Character Sgt. Saunders on Combat! is My Favorite Fictional Character (And Why You Should, Like, Care)."  I think.  I just have so many things he's in to choose one that I'm having a terrible time making up my mind!  But I think I've settled on "The Key to the Killer," the 1960 episode of The Barbara Stanwyck Show he starred in.  I think.  Unless I change my mind and do It's a Dog's Life (1955).  Or both.

What you might not know is that Quiggy just announced a new blogathon devoted to movies set in and actors/actresses who hail from Australia & New Zealand!  He's calling it the Blizzard of Oz Blogathon, and you can find out all about it right here.  I had a lot of fun making buttons for it, can you tell?  I'll be writing about one of my absolute favorite TV shows, Five Mile Creek (1983-85), which not only was set in Australia and filmed in Australia, but also featured many Australian actors and actresses, particularly a very young Nicole Kidman.  It's the first thing I ever saw her in, and I've been a fan of hers ever since.

And if you haven't noticed, I now have a page here called Upcoming Blog Events that you can handily consult if you're curious about what I'll be up to in the near future.


  1. Oh my goodness! My sister and I just started a new blog and we were going to tell you about it by entering in this blogathon. Guess what were were going to review? Only one our favorite Bonanza episodes, 'The Avenger'! Haha, what a coincidence! Do you mind if we write about the same episode? It's one of the only other things we've seen with Vic Morrow in it besides Combat. I or my sister Anna will be commenting soon about entering the blogathon with our official blog name.

    1. Grays, YES! Write about it! I only decided to do it this afternoon because no one else was doing it. I have totally got other options, so I will change mine. I really couldn't decide between that and Portrait of a Mobster and A Dog's Life, so I just went with it because... I could.

  2. Okay, thanks! It's definitely such a good episode to review. Anna and I have to watch it soon so we can take screenshots and notes and all that good stuff. Thanks again! :D

    1. What's the address of your new blog? I'll add you to the roster.

  3. Alrighty. Here it is:
    We have posted anything much yet, be we'll soon remedy that :D

    1. Apparently you can't click on the link, at least not on my side of the internet, but it'll show up if you write it in the search bar. At least, I hope it will.

    2. Grays -- it's okay, I can click the version in my email notification of your comment :-)

      Question: is there a reason you've set some of your posts so people can't comment on them? I want to comment on your list of favorite actors, but it says comments aren't allowed. Was that deliberate or accidental?


Agree or disagree? That is the question...

Comments on old posts are always welcome! Posts older than 7 days are on moderation to dissuade spambots, so if your comment doesn't show up right away, don't worry -- it will once I approve it.

(Rudeness and vulgar language will not be tolerated.)