
Thursday, September 14, 2017

Tea Cups and Texas -- Upcoming Events, In Other Words

Just popping up to notify you of two perfectly delightful events that you might not be aware of yet, but which I'm confident will be of interest to many of you!

First, I heard about the Tea Cup & Mug Exchange hosted by The Enchanting Rose blog this past spring, but too late to participate.  Well, I am not too late this time around, and I don't want you to be, either!  Details are here, if you're interested.

And second, Quiggy is hosting a wonderful blogathon in October at The Midnite Drive-In.  A blogathon devoted to movies set in (or filmed in) the great state of Texas.

You may not know this, but until I was about ten years old, whenever an adult asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said I was going to be a cowboy on a ranch in Texas.  I have this deep and abiding love for that state, more than for any other state I haven't lived in.  Really, it's right up there with Iowa (my birthplace) and North Carolina (my adopted home state) in my heart.  So yeah... I am loving the idea of this blogathon.

And you know, there are plenty of non-westerns set there.  Check out this handy list on Wikipedia of all the movies set in Texas!  Doesn't have to be about dusty cowboys, honest.

Okay, that's all for today.  Go back to your lives, citizens.


  1. Awesome, thanks for the heads-up! Haha, how kind of you to include a list of Texas-set films!

    And the last two paragraphs amused me. You have a way with words, m'dear. ;D

    1. Olivia, I thought that list might be helpful :-)

      And thanks! I actually stole "Go back to your lives, citizens" from Toy Story, though.

  2. I've known about the Tea Cup exchange for awhile, but I never really could participate. I may try to this year. I think there is a week left to sign up.

    1. Very cool, Livia! You never know, we could end up exchanging with each other :-) Though I signed up for mugs, not tea cups.

  3. Oh, the idea of a Texan-movie-themed blogathon makes me miss Texas!!! I grew up there and was very sad to move away from it. (But, living in Virginia is a nice consolation - more trees! And now I'm away from VA for college, so I've grown to miss it, too...)

    I will have to watch more movies set in Texas, it seems! I am rather fond of Midnight Special (although it's not a film that feels "exclusive" to Texas), and I like The Lone Ranger a lot. Hell or High Water is really high up on my list of to-watch movies, so maybe I'll bump it up when I need a good Texas movie. Or a good Chris Pine movie. They're both good motivations. ;-)

    1. Claire, how cool you once lived in Texas!

      I love The Lone Ranger :-) Haven't seen the other two you mentioned, though :-o Yet!

  4. Hello Hamlette...

    Lovely to visit with you again this morning! {{smiles}} I hope all is well on your side of the world...
    I have a quick question for you - have you ever seen the miniseries Poldark and if so...what are your thoughts on it? I saw the trailer and it looks pretty intense...but intriguing...I just wanted to ask around and see if it is at all recommended....

    So glad you are joining in the lovely teacup exchange this time around! {{big smiles}}


    1. Good morning, Kelly-Anne! All is well here, and I hope you're having a lovely Saturday!

      I have not seen Poldark. But Natalie of "Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens" recently did a post about the things she did and did not like about it, so maybe that would be helpful? You can read it right here.

      Hugs to you!

    2. Oh, thank you SO very much, Hamlette... What a good thing I read Natalie's post...I doubt Poldark is a series we will be watching... {{sniffs}}
      Hope your week is off to a wonderful start!

    3. You're welcome, Kelly-Anne! That was my decision as well.

      Taking my kids on a field trip today, so that's a pretty cool thing for a Monday, I think :-) Hope your week goes well!


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