
Monday, September 11, 2017

I Need Advance Readers for "Cloaked"

First off, thank you all for being so supportive and encouraging!  So many of you have cheered me on while I've struggled through the process of independently publishing my first book.  We are almost there, folks.  Thanks to a heroic rescue by Cowboy yesterday (when I say my husband knows everything about everything, I'm not exaggerating), I have finished formatting Cloaked.  Which means I'm pretty confident I will be releasing this book the last week of September. 

So now I'm looking for some brave, kind volunteers who would like to be Advance Readers!  There are some requirements for qualifying as an ARC reader.  You must be able to:
  • read a PDF file
  • finish reading the book (just under 200 pages) by September 30
  • leave a review on
  • also leave a review at at least ONE of the following:
  1. Your own blog
  2. GoodReads

If you meet those qualifications, then send me an email at rachelkovaciny at gmail dot com :-)  I can't give away unlimited copies, but I do need a decent number of reviews....

(This has nothing to do with the book, I just love this shot from The Lone Ranger.)


  1. Ahhhh!

    I'd love to do this, but I'm not sure if I can make the deadline. :-/ But I CANNOT WAIT TO GET MY HANDS ON THIS AAAAHHH.

    1. Olivia, I do understand about deadlines :-) I have a few spots open yet, so if your life frees up suddenly and you think you can get it finished by the 30th, email me! (Jessica Prescott finished reading it already, so you know it's not long and heavy and dense reading...)

    2. Thanks, I definitely will! Yes, I'll have to take a look-see at the schedule and see; I saw that, that Jessica had already finished reading it! So I'll let you know. :)

  2. Congratulations! It's no mean feat to complete a book and self-publish. Well done, you! I'm afraid I'm super busy for the next few weeks, but I hope all goes well with the launch.

    1. Thanks, Rosie! It has been a TON of work, for sure. But I'm almost done. Whew!

  3. Ahhh I wish I could do this, but I'm afraid to commit because the deadline is so close. I'll just have to wait and get it once it's released. :D

    1. Natalie, that's okay! I do need buyers too, hee. And actually, I've gotten as many ARC readers as I was hoping for, so... I would've had to put you on a waiting list :-o

    2. Perfect! I'll definitely be a buyer then! :D


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