
Tuesday, April 05, 2016

March Period Drama Challenge Tag

Miss Laurie's March recap for the Period Drama Challenge is up here on her blog, Old-Fashioned Charm.  You'll find links to this month's reviews from the various participants there.

Here are my answers to this month's tag :-)

1. What period dramas did you view in March?

I watched The Blue Dahlia (1946), One Night with the King (2006), Branded (1950), and Little Women (1994).  I watched and reviewed This Gun for Hire (1942) and Whispering Smith (1948).

2. What is your favorite period drama soundtrack? 

ACK!  That's a hard question to answer.  I LOVE movie soundtracks.  Actually, I review them from time to time on James the Movie Reviewer's blog -- I have a list of the ones I've reviewed here, with links.

My favorite, though, is probably Hans Zimmer's score for The Lone Ranger (2013), judging solely by how often I listen to it.  In fact, I was just listening to it tonight while writing.  You can read more of my thoughts about it here.

3. If you could attend a ball in a Jane Austen story what would be the color of your ballgown and who would you dance with? 

Well, I tend to prefer darker, richer colors than what I usually see in Jane Austen movies.  I'd love a dark green gown, and I think Henry Tilney would be hilariously fun to dance with, though I might laugh too much to dance very well.  Then again, I don't dance very well as it is, so the laughing would give me a way to excuse that deficiency, wouldn't it?

4. Do you prefer watching period dramas by yourself or with friends/family? Why? 

Depends on my mood, and the member of my family.  If I've never seen a movie before, I prefer to watch it by myself or with Cowboy, but not with my kids or my own parents -- they're all far too chatty, and I get frustrated by missing dialog all the time.  But once I've seen them a time or two, I love sharing movies with other people.

5. What period dramas are you looking forward to viewing in April 2016?

I'm very much hoping to watch The Big Land (1957) for the first time.  And I'm hoping to see The Huntsman (2016) in the theater, though that's really more fantasy than period drama, I suppose.


  1. Hopefully a period musical counts because I watched Jesus Christ Superstar last month.

    Also watched The Ten Commandments starring Charlton Heston & many many other greats.

    1. George, I count period musicals :-) I've never seen Jesus Christ, Superstar, but I've seen The Ten Commandments many times!

  2. How was Branded? Really good? Did you like it better than Whispering Smith? I'm hoping to get it soon...

    1. Annie, it was AWESOME. A really original story, and such good character development. I do think I liked it better than Whispering Smith, though I need to watch it a second time to be sure.

  3. Do you think "Huntsman" is going to be good? I'm curious, because "Snow White and the Huntsman" got poor reviews, but maybe this one will be improved.

    I think my favorite dress out of any Jane Austen movie is Emma's yellow silk wedding dress in the '09 film. I LOVE YELLOW.

    1. Jessica, no, I think Huntsman is going to be quite terrible, just like the first one. But that doesn't mean I won't go see it. Snow White and the Huntsman is one of those movies that I watched once, then waited for ages for it to pop up in the $5 bin, and promptly bought a copy so I can watch "the good-parts version" and just fast-forward through anything that didn't involve Chris Hemsworth. I totally expect this sequel will be more of the same.

      I like certain shades of yellow. The pale, natural ones.

    2. Gotcha :-) Oh, is Chris Hemsworth going to be in this one too? I guess he must, since it's called "The Huntsman" after all. Don't know why I didn't figure that out before.

      I like almost all shades of yellow . . . it would be easier to name the ones I DON'T like than the ones I do like. I can't really wear lemon-yellow (it looks weird on me), but I still love it just as a color.

    3. Jessica, yes, he is. Been a lovely big stand-up promo thing featuring him at my theater for over a month now, that I say "see you soon" to whenever I leave.

  4. Really fun post! As for The Huntsman, I am SO seeing that one. ;) I'm one of the few people who actually liked its prequel (or sequel, however you look at it), but I get why its not wildly popular. Hoping I'll enjoy this one equally so.

    Also, Henry Tilney as a dance partner!? Yes please! Although I totally would be an epic failure at the dancing bit. ;)

    1. Rissi, that's cool that you like the first one! I do enjoy it -- kind of a guilty pleasure, I guess, as I find it rather ridiculous. But fun.

    2. Nothing wrong with that! I really liked The Huntsman though thought it maybe tried a touch overmuch to distance itself from SWATH. :)

    3. I'm hoping that maaaaaaaaybe I'll get to see it this weekend :-D

  5. Great list! Ooh, what did you think of One Night with the King?

    1. Thanks, Olivia! Um, I didn't love One Night with the King. I liked it okay. It did a great job portraying the story, but I decided I didn't want to keep my copy, so I gave it to my mom because she really likes Omar Sharif.

      I wrote a more comprehensive reaction/review for Femnista, which you can read here.


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