
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Do You Love Olivia de Havilland?

I'm so excited to be joining the Olivia de Havilland Centenary Blogathon!  You may not know this, but Olivia de H. is still alive and will be turning 100 on July 1st!  Isn't that astounding?  You already know how much I love her movie The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938), so for this event, I'll be reviewing her film The Proud Rebel (1958), which also stars Alan Ladd and his son, David Ladd.  Eva recommended it to me a little while ago, and I finally started watching it last night.  Even though I'm only 45 minutes into it, I already like it so very much :-)  If you want to join the event, please visit Phyllis Loves Classic Movies to sign up.


  1. Ooh, thanks for sharing! I signed up already and since you didn't pick Robin Hood, I did. Yay! ❤

    1. Carissa, hooray! I figured Robin Hood might get a lot of love, so I went for something more obscure (and that lets me talk more about Alan Ladd, heh heh). Looking forward to your post!

  2. Thanks for this! I don't know how I've never come across your blog before! I'm going to check it our right now :)

    Also, you have the life I want haha. I want to get married and homeschool my kids while writing children's books (in addition to teaching them to love old movies ;)

    Anne of Windy Poplars is my favorite Anne book and the first one I ever read (for some reason I was given books 4,5,&6 as a gift but not the first three :/

    1. Phyl, I'm also kind of astounded I haven't run across yours -- I think we run on the outskirts of some of the same blogging circles. Tomorrow when I have more time, I'll definitely be perusing a bunch of your previous posts. Have fun poking around here too -- I'm always happy to get comments on old posts too!

      And wow, that's one of the coolest things anyone has ever said to me -- I have the life you want. That makes me a wee bit misty! Believe me, this is a good life -- I hope you get it someday!

      Anne of Windy Poplars is also MY favorite Anne book!!! Over on my book blog, I'm reading thru all the Anne books this year, and wow, I'm loving this one soooooooooo much again. That's pretty funny about getting the middle of the series, though!

  3. Ohh, I love Olivia de Havilland! Especially because of Gone with the Wind - she just IS Melanie. :-)

    1. Naomi, she really IS, isn't she? Going to be such a cool blogathon!

  4. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on this movie! :)

    1. Eva, welllll, I did FB message you my initial reaction this morning, having finished it at midnight last night. (Thank the Lord for coffee!)

  5. I second Eva: I'm looking forward to hearing what you thought of The Proud Rebel!

    1. Annie, I finished it last night, and it made me sad and quietly happy at the same time. That's the short version of my reaction :-)

  6. This looks cool! Wow, I didn't know she was still alive--and going to be turning 100! That's awesome :)

    1. Olivia, I know, isn't that amazing? I read an interview with her in Entertainment Weekly about a year ago, and she lives in France now, exchanges emails with her family, and is still sharp as can be. So cool!


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